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President George W Bush


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Just wondering what some of you Bushophobes think of this article.

I like it. If anything, flying into to have Thanksgiving dinner with the troops Baghdad earned him my respect.


Why the President drives the Bush-haters crazy
Critics can‘t stand a leader who acts on his convictions

Kelly McParland
National Post

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Once when I worked in Washington, I had dinner with a Clinton-hater who had some inside intelligence to share.

It seems Hillary Clinton was not only a lesbian who had trysts inside the White House but knowledge of her affairs was being used to blackmail her husband‘s administration into adopting her extremist views. So why wasn‘t I putting any of this in the newspaper?

It was loony, of course, but there was a lot of it around, and it persists among those who fear the former first lady is plotting a comeback via her seat in the Senate. And it seems to have jumped SARS-like from its original carriers to new hosts, who view George W. Bush in no less paranoid terms.

A Toronto newspaper columnist this week compared Mr. Bush to Hitler and living in Canada as akin to dwelling next door to Nazi Germany. Mr. Bush launched a war that cost several thousand lives and overthrew a tyrant who had killed somewhere between one to two million Iraqis. Offer Iraqis a straight choice: Mr. Bush‘s war or the return of Saddam, and it‘s pretty clear which they‘d choose. Yet this is equated with a man who burned millions of people in ovens? Wow.

But hating Mr. Bush is not about having a firm grip on reality, just as hating Bill or Hillary Clinton wasn‘t. Mr. Clinton was a terminally dishonest philanderer who treated the truth as a convenience and had an attitude toward women that sometimes bordered on contempt. Mr. Bush, to his detractors, is a jumped-up little rich kid with squinty eyes who knows little and cares less and doesn‘t appreciate how privileged he‘s been.

At heart, Bush-haters believe he isn‘t worthy of the White House, probably because he‘s not enough like them. In this, they consider themselves superior to most Americans, just as they‘re smarter than the poor deluded Iraqis, most of whom are dumb enough to be glad to see the back of Saddam.

Mr. Clinton, if he‘d been allowed to run again, probably would have won the 2000 election, just as Mr. Bush looks to be in good shape for re-election in November. A CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll yesterday found two-thirds of Americans think he has "the right personal qualities for the presidency," and attributed his high job approval rating -- 59% -- as a sign of respect.

"It looks as if Bush‘s strength is who he is, more than what he stands for," CNN pollster Keating Holland said.

But what does the public know? Far more useful to Bush-haters was the publication this week of The Price of Loyalty, a book for which former treasury secretary Paul O‘Neill was the main source.

Mr. O‘Neill was a bust as Treasury boss, developing a reputation for running off at the mouth, but evidently feels the administration failed to appreciate his full worth. He paints the President as a bit thick and his closest advisors as ideologues.

At their very first meeting, when Mr. O‘Neill expected a detailed discussion about the job he was taking on, Mr. Bush instead spent his time obsessing about some absent cheeseburgers. He‘d ordered the cheeseburgers but they hadn‘t come. The new President called in Andrew Card, his chief of staff.

"You‘re the chief of staff. You think you‘re up to getting us some cheeseburgers?" he demanded, according to the book.

"Card nodded. No one laughed. He all but raced out of the room."

This is amusing enough. But there are also charges that Mr. Bush was set on invading Iraq well before Sept. 11 gave him an excuse. At the first Bush National Security Council meeting on Jan. 30, 2001, the book says, the President ordered Donald Rumsfeld to "examine our military options" with regard to Iraq.

Mr. O‘Neill is already having second thoughts about some of this. A "red meat frenzy" in the media has distorted his views, he claims. He says he didn‘t really mean Mr. Bush was plotting war in the early days of the administration, when White House policy was just a continuation of Clinton-era hopes for "regime change." He‘s amazed that anyone would think he‘d said otherwise, though his words seem to speak for themselves.

But his criticisms go to the very heart of Bush-hating. Bush-haters think the President flat-out lied about Iraq: about when he made up his mind to invade, and about the likelihood Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction.

Mr. Clinton, of course, lied all the time.

"I want to say one thing to the American people," he said on one memorable day. "I want you to listen to me. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.

He added: "I never told anyone to lie, not a single time, never. These allegations are false and I need to go back to work for the American people."

It was different for Mr. Clinton, though. He didn‘t seem to care whether the words he spoke were true, as long as they had the desired effect. He was a rogue.

Mr. Bush isn‘t a rogue. He gives every impression he believes what he says and tries to act according to his beliefs.

There‘s something about that that drives Bush-haters over the edge. It‘s as though they can‘t accept the notion of a president who follows his convictions and assume he must either be stupid -- a man more interested in cheeseburgers than economic policy -- or dishonest.

And he‘s getting away with it. That‘s what really makes it too much to bear.


© National Post 2004
I think as soon as someone compares anyone to Hitler you can disregard what follows as mindless gibberish. Bush may be alot of things but Hitler he is not.

A stable middle east is good for everyone involved, however don‘t p*ss down my neck and tell me it‘s raining. If you want to invade Iraq because you don‘t like their leader, or you think he might be some kook who may pose a threat to you then tell me that is why you are invading.

It may not be legal or ethical but at least troops know what they are fighting, killing and dying for. WMD? nope. Directly supporting those who did 9/11? nope. Bad man who needs to be sorted out? OK.

I think (hope?) that this is a relatively short term effect to be expected. Their first few terms at self government won‘t be any better than the status quo till they get the hang of it.

We Canadians (and you ‘Mericans too) have been practicing democracy for quite some time yet and we still drop the ball once in a while. It may not even work much to Bush‘s chagrin. Democracy isn‘t for everyone.
Id just like to remind everyone of what happened to armyapp, in regards to the Bush/martin Flaming..etc. I dont want that to happen to this site (even though army.ca isnt bound by the same legalities as armyapps is). Continue the convo with some discretion

Not that anyone is guilty of anything, but just a heads-up
"he was a worm a liar and a cheat...sounds like all career politicians doesn‘t it? "

Thanks S_Baker I think goes for Bush too. Only I would add self rightous, vandictive to that list for Bush. Of course don‘t forget to add Jean to you list, as career politicans who get this friends contacts and waste money... he surely belongs on that list too.
I‘ve also noticed that CF forum is closed. Not sure why its shut down though. They are very strict at that site, so I don‘t think it had anything to do with disagreeing with Liberal defense policy or the lack of it.
The article is biased, but what isn‘t these days. There are no absolutes in the media, politics or life. So don‘t believe everything you read as if it were gospel and enjoy a moment of free thought.

I know it is biased, I was presenting it as an opposing view to what you see in alot of Canadian newspapers. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with his administration...its the ad hominem attacks that I find silly.
There is nothing out there that scares people more than a man with conviction who is willing to act on it.
Originally posted by Slim:
[qb] There is nothing out there that scares people more than a man with conviction who is willing to act on it. [/qb]
What scare‘s people more is a man who is willing to act from the PULPIT!

Just as OBL is doing!!

What get‘s me about Dubya was and is his fixation on Iraq.

Texas Family Honour?

Iraq was contained before the Invasion.
Iraq was no threat because of all the sanction‘s as been proven after the fact.

Some have mentioned his Unconventional Weapon‘s research,don‘t you think by now after capturing nearly evry one in the deck of card‘s they would have found them by now from Intel from the interogation‘s that have been conducted or the Bugger‘s who are doing the daily attack‘s would have used them by now just because thier hatred is so great!

It has cost over $100 Billion never mind the $87 Bil. + now.

Why has has not Dubya expended the same energy to find OBL as he has agianst Iraq?
OBL is and will be the bigger threat to the world than Saddam ever was.
Remember Bush Family and Bin Laden Family get to split the Iraq oil bonanza. also one needs to remember those weapons of mass distruction etc. if they are so evil why did the USA issue them to their man in, Iraq Sadam Hussein in the first place? They murdered or aided in the murder/removal of his predecessors so that he could use those weapons against US enemies in the middle east, like Iran Syria, and anybody else that has oil. No other reason people, some of you claim to be able to read, then do so! The truth is out there and it is not in comic books, rambo, the terminator or disney. Also you might like to research a bit about the history of the Caspian Basin and it‘s oil reserves, then maybe the larger picture of rampant greed will show itself. Pior to Russia invading Aphganistan, Aphganies under the direction of the CIA were making guerilla war against civilians oil companies in the Caspian blowing up pipelines killing exploration/drilling crews etc, trying to drive them out so that the yanks could take over. Read some kids, you need it! badly!
There are no men in black or JTF 2....Wait a second...wrong conspiracy :D

We all know the reasons of why dubbyah went in...control of oil. Everyone knows this to be true, he just used the veil of freeing the Iraqi people( a just cause, to a certain extent) as the target reason. The icing on the cake was WMD. Lucky for him they "found" some.

As for the CIA in Afganistan, we all know about the guerilla war going on in the ‘80s with the Mujahadeen and Russians. AS for the conspiracies you speak of tmbluesbflat...please provide a reference for us. Don‘t just spout off without evidence to back up such a claim. You just made some pretty broad topics open to speculation on this forum...please back them up!

Ex-Dragoon, your comment,......BWWWaaahahahaa :D

Oh - and tell me what Prime Minister Blair gets out of all of this?

War for oil is sooooo tired.
It‘s a matter of causality.

Ask yourself, if September 11th would not have occured, do you believe George W Bush would have unilaterally invaded Iraq?
Originally posted by tmbluesbflat:
[qb] Remember Bush Family and Bin Laden Family get to split the Iraq oil bonanza. also one needs to remember those weapons of mass distruction etc. if they are so evil why did the USA issue them to their man in, Iraq Sadam Hussein in the first place? They murdered or aided in the murder/removal of his predecessors so that he could use those weapons against US enemies in the middle east, like Iran Syria, and anybody else that has oil. No other reason people, some of you claim to be able to read, then do so! The truth is out there and it is not in comic books, rambo, the terminator or disney. Also you might like to research a bit about the history of the Caspian Basin and it‘s oil reserves, then maybe the larger picture of rampant greed will show itself. Pior to Russia invading Aphganistan, Aphganies under the direction of the CIA were making guerilla war against civilians oil companies in the Caspian blowing up pipelines killing exploration/drilling crews etc, trying to drive them out so that the yanks could take over. Read some kids, you need it! badly! [/qb]
I just saw a black helicopter fly over the area... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by tmbluesbflat:
[qb]some of you claim to be able to read, then do so! The truth is out there and it is not in comic books, rambo, the terminator or disney. [/qb]
Nor is it in Dude, Where‘s My Country? Stupid White Men, etc

Originally posted by tmbluesbflat:
[qb]Aphganistan, Aphganies [/qb]
why are people like you allowed to exist?
You want conspiracy?

Supposedly, Saddam was captured months ago..

He had a cactus in his hole, or whatever you want to call it, and it was in bloom..

problem with that is that botanists say that these cactii only bloom in July...

Another thing.. notice that Bush‘s rating falls, and then he finds Saddam??

oh wait.. lemmie guess... come election time, he‘s going to find Osama!

Oh, and the superbowl is also rigged :D

The next thing you‘ll be telling me is that pro wrestling is fake.

:) Heh-heh.

Everyone knows going to war for oil is sooooo much more cost effective than just buying it.
