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President George W Bush


Why is it that as soon as someone disagrees with what Bush is doing you cry out "Anti-America".
Can‘t someone just say aloud that "I think he is wrong, or the way he did it is wrong" or ""He‘s just plain batty" without the knee-jerk reaction from south of 49?

Anti-American rhetoric is indeed getting old, at least to my ears. I don‘t really like how he sold it to us, but at least his idealogy is right.
I don‘t buy into the whole world domination bit but he is one of the few western leaders actually doing something that he is claiming to be for the better of us all.

Putting your Republican biases aside, who do you think would be more fit to run the USA...

George Bush or John Kerry???
I‘ve disputed some statements, but never really stated what I think. Honestly, I think Bush and Blair acted in good faith, based on the intelligence that they were presented. Now, it seems that intelligence was flawed. Whether it was flawed on purpose or not, I don‘t know.

After reading that last post of yours it made me wonder how easy it is to manipulate foreign policy through the Prez by his Snr staff. Kinda like the tail wagging the dog? Just put the puppet behind the podium, insert hand up *** and be a good ventriloquist.

Come to think of it I‘ve never seen Condoleeza Rice drink water while George is talking, eh!
Check out some of the video‘s here.

Brain Terminal

It seems the far-right doesn‘t have a complete monopoly in lala-land. Isn‘t it odd that if your a political radical, picking on the Jews is a primary concern.

Unfortunaltly, these sheep are often seen as "progressive" by society. To bad none of them have the cajones to really stand up for what they believe in....

Ever wonder what protesters REALLY feel?

I always felt that if you weren‘t part of the solution, you were part of the problem.

Protester Interviews
S Baker. Take heart in knowing almost all Canadians are actually like myself and support the U.S. almost 100%. But like in most debates the happy, normal people dont say a whole lot so it seems lopsided. Just remember for the most part I would‘nt waste my limited typing skills on some of the nutbar types and maybe thats wrong but you can‘t argue politics and stuff with people who remain hidden behind fake names. {exeption for those who must] :cool: CHEERS
Infanteer‘s Left-Wing Idiot Quote of The Week

(Taken From one of the video‘s above)

"Geez, things were pretty good under Clinton...what happened in the last three years?!?"

I think that poster who said I‘m tired of getting bullied was talking about himself personally at his school.

Can someone explain to me what "Dozens of WMD related program activities" means?
Well, it gets exasparating - someone asking how many wrist curls they have to do to pass a PT test, or discussing the latest "cool" way to lace up combat boots in one thread - suddenly has a political science degree in another thread. And how that same person, not even living in a country- can sum up all the complexities of that country‘s politics in a few bold, broad statements. Meanwhile, pundits/experts/analysts who have spent their lives studying this stuff make whole careers of trying to figure it out. Amazing.

Not saying people can‘t form opinions - what I question is how they form those opinions, and how they can be so sure of themselves. There are some people here who have made perfectly reasonable anti-Bush, or anti-US statements, and you can tell they have put some thought into it, or have some real world insights into what they are talking about. With those people, I have no quarrel.

I don‘t like haughty armchair generals - be it politics, football, military life, or whatever. It sounds ridiculous.
Alright, lemme jump in. I went out with a new buddy of mine last night and after a few cold ones we, of course talked Bush (Pres, that is). I found out he was completely Anti-Bush and a left -wing liberal opposed to our actions in Iraq. His main reason was that by Bush putting the UN on notice that it had better act after 12 years of failed negotiations and sanctions was that we burned our international bridges with certain countries, ie France, Germany, Canada, etc. The fact that we now look bad or act as a "bully" to others in the international community. The fact that we acted pre-emptively, the fact that we said we are coming in to take care of business on our own for our own defense of national interests instead of forming the big international coalition is what made him anti-bush. His thinking is fine. That‘s his viewpoint but my comeback and the Bush Administration‘s was that the UN is impotent and corrupt. And my President said it best in his recent speech. "We don‘t need a Permission Slip to act in defense of our security." I take pride that my president acted like a cowboy. I am completely fine with that because cowboys who stand up and take a stand, that back their words with actions, in my book is a role model and a true leader. My Commander-in-Chief has my survival interests at heart as opposed to the selfish, anti-military buffoon that preceeded him. I liked Clinton at first but after his actions or lack of actions and selective memory after Oct. 3-4, 1993 in Somalia, I lost all respect for him as a leader. Then when he soiled the Office of the Presidency and almost got himself impeached while launching a half-hearted attempt at Al Queda via cruise missiles to take the press off of him that‘s when I wanted to see his downfall. Because, in both cases he acted selfishly. One, by balking at his own political fallout of Ranger body bags and Two, lying to the American people while under oath. Now, I am liberal on social issues but very conservative when it comes to defense and the military. I am also very scared of the far right religious coalition in the Republican Party but it‘s something I have to live with if I want my taxes lowered. So, I guess that‘s my opinion.

Oh, and by the way, OIL is a national interest. OIL is the blood that runs through our industrial veins. Deal with it. It drives the global economy. If one dictator can control the taps and thus manipulate the economic power of the world then it is a national interest. In fact, the Carter Doctrine (Jimmy - Democrat) stated that was the reason for escorting oil tankers in the Persian Gulf back in the late 70‘s during the oil crunch. But no, a Republican uses the same thesis and is considered a "Bully". Oh well.
Remember Bush Family and Bin Laden Family get to split the Iraq oil bonanza. also one needs to remember those weapons of mass distruction etc. if they are so evil why did the USA issue them to their man in, Iraq Sadam Hussein in the first place? They murdered or aided in the murder/removal of his predecessors so that he could use those weapons against US enemies in the middle east, like Iran Syria, and anybody else that has oil. No other reason people, some of you claim to be able to read, then do so! The truth is out there and it is not in comic books, rambo, the terminator or disney. Also you might like to research a bit about the history of the Caspian Basin and it‘s oil reserves, then maybe the larger picture of rampant greed will show itself. Pior to Russia invading Aphganistan, Aphganies under the direction of the CIA were making guerilla war against civilians oil companies in the Caspian blowing up pipelines killing exploration/drilling crews etc, trying to drive them out so that the yanks could take over. Read some kids, you need it! badly!
Hehehe, this made my day. :p :blotto: He does live in Surry remember. :D
I think Bill Clinton was one of the best presidents the US has had recently, he was an educated scholar, a very rational man with enormous insight in politics and the economy, you people don‘t appreciate how prosperous the US was under Clintons reign. Don‘t you remember the huge economic boom that lasted from 1992 till 2000. I lived in Europe during his presidency and remember that the US was loved and admired in all countries. And most importantly - Clinton was respected abroad, unlike his succesor who is made fun of everywhere. The situation has dramatically changed since the fake president form Texas took over. Nothing good ever came out of Texas, well maybe Texas Instruments - I buy their electronic equipment. And I don‘t understand why Clintons critics keep recalling the incident with Monica Lewinsky? So the guy liked women... I think that is less sinister than destabilizaing the Middle East. Oh, and by the way - I am NOT anti-American. I love the US, its the greatest nation in the world. I am against the current administration as I believe it is a threat to the american people. You could probably say that all the states besides Texas are currently anti-american. After 9/11 you would think that the administration would do something to ease anti-american sentiments in the muslim world, like.... maybe solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It really isn‘t that hard. You would just have to get rid of those Zionist Lobby groups that prevent peace in the Middle East. But no. Wolfowitz ordered Bush to invade Iraq. Now every child in the muslim world is dreaming of becoming a freedom fighter and killing as many americans before themselves being killed as martyrs. Now the US has 2 options: #1 - Get rid of the Jewish Neoconservative group that is currently in power and cut the bullshit about "fighting terrorists", #2 or massacre all of the muslim population age 7 and up, to finally defeat the "terrorist" threat.
And I don‘t want to hear another post saying that I am an anti-semitic ****hole from Surrey B.C. full of conspiracy bull****. It is unfortunately true, all intellectuals believe so.
More on your hero, FUBAR

Bill Clinton registers for the draft on September 08,1964, accepting all contractual conditions of
registering for the draft.Given Selective Service Number 3 26 46 228.

Bill Clinton classified 2-S on November 17, 1964.

Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on March 20, 1968.

Bill Clinton ordered to report for induction on July 28, 1969.

Bill Clinton dishonors order to report and is not
inducted into the military..

Bill Clinton reclassified 1-D after enlisting in the United States Army Reserves on August 07,1969 under authority of Col.E.Holmes.

Clinton signs enlistment papers and takes oath of

Bill Clinton fails to report to his duty station at the University of Arkansas ROTC, September 1969.

Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on October 30, 1969, as enlistment with Army Reserves is revoked by Colonel E. Holmes and Clinton now AWOL and subject to arrest under Public Law 90-40 (2)(a) "registrant who has failed to report....remain liable for induction".

Bill Clinton‘s birth date lottery number is 311, drawn December 1,1969, but anyone who has already been ordered to report for induction is INELIGIBLE!

Bill Clinton runs for Congress (1974), while a
fugitive from justice under Public Law 90-40.

Bill Clinton runs for Arkansas Attorney General
(1976), while a fugitive from justice. Bill Clinton receives pardon on January 21, 1977, from

Bill Clinton (FIRST PARDONED FEDERAL FELON) ever to serve as President.

All these facts come from Freedom of Information
requests, public laws, and various books that have
been published, and have not been refuted by Clinton..

After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which
killed six and injured 1,000; President Clinton
promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished. "geez - I thought the mideast was fine, when Clinton had the reigns?"

After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S. military personnel; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 and injured 200 U.S. military personnel; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa,which killed 224 and injured 5,000; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured 39 U.S. sailors; Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

Maybe if Clinton had kept those promises, an estimated 3,000 people in New York and Washington, D.C. that are now dead would be alive today.

AN INTERESTING QUESTION: This question was raised on a Philly radio call-in show. Without casting stones, it is a legitimate question. There are two men, both extremely wealthy. One develops relatively cheap software and gives billions of dollars to charity. The other sponsors terrorism. That being the case, why was it that the Clinton Administration spent more money chasing down Bill Gates over the eight years in office, than Osama bin Laden?

I think I‘m going to recruit every American I can find, that‘s ever heard of Canada, to join this site and pontificate about Canadian politics, idealogies, and policies... and watch how you guys react lol "Who the heck are you to say that?? You‘ve never lived here!" "You arrogant &^%$^&&&&*s !"
Muskrat89 can you sum up George W. Bush‘s biography before his illegal presidency in the same way that you did to Clinton above. Maybe we can compare them later. OK?
all intellectuals believe so.
Fubar are you implying that all intellectuals feel Bill Clinton was a great president?

Well I‘ve got a news flash for ya there bud. I‘m an intellectual and I feel ole slick willy was a walking disaster.

In addition to the points muskrat posted lets look at a few others.

You ever hear tell of something called Whitewater?
If not might I suggest a quick google search. I think you might find it enlightening. Hint nothing to do with extreme sports.

As to the whole Monica thing. As you so eloquently pointed out he liked woman so what. I couldn‘t agree more. I‘ll even give him one for cheating on his wife. Hey if I was married to Hilary I probably would have thought about it too.

The fact is he lied about it. I don‘t care if it was lying about playing hide the Cohiba, or lying about shady real estate deals and creative book keeping, or even how many Big Macs he scarfed for breaky.

The fact is the man lied, and really didn‘t see anything wrong with it. To me that speaks of lack of morale fibre and that‘s really something I would prefer not to see in world leaders especially those with their finger on the button.

The man should have grown a set of cojones and come straight out and said from day one. "Yes I had sex with Monica (and others), look at my wife, you would have too if you were married to that. Oh yeah and by the way I inhaled too."

That I could have respected.

We won‘t even get into missing codes, and White House sleepovers.