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President George W Bush

Muskrat89 can you sum up George W. Bush‘s biography before his illegal presidency in the same way that you did to Clinton above. Maybe we can compare them later. OK?
That‘s funny. Not sure he ever lied about his shenanigans. Under oath. Who are you to proclaim to know more about another country‘s laws, more than their Supreme Court? Of course, maybe those justices were not "intellectual" enough.
I quote directly...

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman..."

Yeah, alot of moral fiber there. FUBAR, your out to lunch.
Danjanou, how could an intellectual be supportive of President Bush? That is almost as rare as a gay black Republican.
I can tell you‘ve got no strong arguments against Bill because you‘re once again pointing out the Lewnisky story and his troubled student years. Come, name at least 1 thing that pres. Bush did that will actually benefit the US in future years.
FUBAR, **** you are FUBAR. And definitely beyond repair.

Here‘s why I like cowboys:

1. They were never looking for trouble.

2. But when trouble came, they faced it with courage.

3. They were always on the side of right.

4. They defended good people against bad people.

5. They had high morals.

6. They had good manners.

7. They were honest.

8. They spoke their minds and they spoke the truth,regardless of what people thought or "political correctness,"which no one had ever heard of back then.

9. They were a beacon of integrity in the wild, wild West.

10. They were respected. When they walked into a saloon (where they usually drank only sarsaparilla), the place became quiet, and the bad guys kept their distance.

11. If in a gunfight, they could outdraw anyone. If in a fist fight, they could beat up anyone.

12. They always won. They always got their man - Saddam the Rat. In victory, they rode off into the sunset.
Fubar, where in my post did I say I was supportive of Bush?

I said I was against Clinton. Where does that automatically become support for George W? The two are not mutually supportive. My opinions on Bush pro or con were not asked implied otherwise so I didn‘t offer them. Don‘t put words in my mouth.

Re slick willy, yes I did bring up the Monica bit Again, but as I pointed out his actions re the denial are what I have issues with, not who or what he is shagging. Personally as long as it was an adult and consenting I really don‘t give a flying...

As for his youthful "indiscretions" well we all have to live those and the consequences of them.
Get a criminal record as a teenager for something stupid here in Toronto and it may affect the rest of your life re jobs, educational opportunity, travel etc. Why should that be any different for the former so called leader of the free world.

Sorry you have yet to convince me that the man was anything more than what I feel he was both as a man and as "leader." It will be interesting to see how history judges him, 30-40 years from now.

When I was a kid, JFK was almost a god. Now we know he had feet of clay, almost got us into a fun game of swap the ICBMs, and in the covet thy neighbours wife role made the Big Mac spokesman from Little Rock look like a rank amateur.,

Nixon who at the time was villified over Watergate, may in turn go down as a great statesman for his attempts at detante with the Soviets and Communist Chinese. (then again maybe not.)
FUBAR, you do sound a bit anti-semitic in your writings. Muskrat - nice, nice response on Clinton. I too would have looked elsewhere if married to Hillary (my great Senator) - sex is not the point. The fact that THE PRESIDENT (who enforces the law of the land) LIED under oath. My beef about losing respect for him after Somalia was the message he sent to the rest of the world. Kill a few Americans and our resolve buckles - hence the stepped up attacks against my country. Terrorists could then count on little to no repsonse under Clinton, the educated, rational man. And geez, wasn‘t it 1998 that Al Queada actually declared war against my country. Yes they did. They don‘t like us because we support Israel. And why should we support those bad Zionists - hmmm. maybe because the UNITED NATIONS turned Israel into its own nation in 1948 and under the UN all countries are obligated to support them as a sovereign nation, right FUBAR? The Arabs didn‘t think so, so they attacked again and again and year after year. And the great Israel Army and Air Force fought them back each and every time. But now America is evil and my President is evil because we support a nation that has been slaughtered and persecuted all throughout history?! There is black and white in this world. There is right and wrong and targeting innocent civilians to promote your religious beliefs in downright wrong. But to let it go unchecked as Clinton did was even worse.

Although I am a military author and a publication designer I am also a volunteer firefighter in New York State and you make me sick FUBAR with your idiotic statements that my legitimate President is a threat to my fellow citizens. Tell that to my fellow firefighters who died on 9-11 trying to save innocents from an attack that could have been thwarted years earlier if your Clinton had the balls to act!

One thing W has done to benefit the U.S. in the future is made the bad guys think twice about screwing with us! Ooh, does Gaddafi in Libya ring a bell. Ding! Ding!

Name another thing - hmm, maybe the biggest increase in educational funding for our citizens, how about $15 billion in funding for AIDS research and assistance in Africa, or armed air marshals so ****heads like Mohammed Atta can think about paradise a little sooner before carrying out his mission.

I think I better stop now.
Karpovage a few questions for you:
#1. Why does Al Queada want to destroy the US, what is the cause of Anti-americanism in Muslim countries, and not for example anti-German, or anti-british sentiment.
I will give you a hint - It has something to do with Israel, and powerful individuals of semitic origin within you‘re country.
Nobody has responded to the last section of my introductary post, let‘s leave Clinton alone. Don‘t you agree that in order to counter the terrorist threat the US would have to exterminate most of the muslim population?
Check out the latest video commentary on the Presidents State Of The Union:

No because most of the muslim population are just average joes/janes who want the same thing as everyone. [peace,security,etc.] Its just that these people don‘t sell headlines. Solving the mid-east crisis really would‘nt be that hard? Well smart guy I‘m sure I speak for all most everybody when I say lets hear it.{its like the car wreck thing} Judging by your posts you think jews should disappear and Bush would have to wipe out most of the muslim population. I think your a confused sick little man.
Sorry, but can you read my posts before commenting. That is not at all what I am saying.
I‘m beginning to agree with Karpovage more and more. He should come over for a beer one day and shoot the sh!t. :warstory:
FUBAR- actually you are a lot like Clinton, you both have all the answers -untill you have to produce them. I reread your posts and I guess i was‘nt intellectual enough to comprehend weasel. Oh well ,my fault. I made a post earlier about my limited typing skills and I guess I will have to invoke what I said there.
Fubar-Please for the sake of this thread, re-think your introductory paragraph, type it out (with paragraphs) collect your thoughts in a sensible manner (with supporting links if at all possible) and relax.
Perhaps you are trying to point out something extremely important and revolutionary, I have no idea, and perhaps no one else does because your post is a stream of conciousness about things without support.
You will find eventually that the site is a highly respected place for a reason, becuase (to a certain extent) the posts are well thought out and at the very least paragraphed and easy to read(for the rest of us who aren‘t quite intellectual)

Just give it a try for the sake of the thread.
Let it be noted - Che and I have agreed on something ;)
Sorry for my chaotic response - just to clear things up, I do not support Bush administration politics, and...that‘s about it.
Sorry for my chaotic response - just to clear things up, I do not support Bush administration politics, and...that‘s about it.
Gee I‘m glad you cleared that up for there. Kind of hard to tell from your posts.

BTW I‘ve got a friend who‘s gay, black and republican (well Canadian Alliance and Mike Harris Tory, but close enough). He‘s a nice guy. You want me to set you up? :D
East Side - next time I‘m up in the Toronto area I‘d love to have a beer - a Canadian beer. Maybe catch a Sabres vs. Leafs game, eh? American beer is too much watered down anyways. No arguement there!

FUBAR, your reasoning on muslim extermination and Jew conspiracy theory is not worthy of my time. Tell you what, Buy one of my books, read it thoroughly and let‘s have a different discussion on Quebec secession. Maybe the reasoning of the terrorist group FLQ and why they went on a murderous rampage. Were there Jews controlling Canada at the time in the 70s?
Stop bragging that you‘re some kind of a book author. You sure don‘t sound very reasonable, you‘re posts are very similar in nature to a 18 year-olds, who is joining the army after high-school just to kill some arabs, because his uncle knew a person that died in 9-11.
That, gentlemen, is the response of an "intellectual".... :p