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Previous drug use question 2002 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter bertram
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Bobby147 said:
How much time it might take (approximately) for Physical Test ???  I have to take break from work....  may be I will take half day off.

Once I got in it took maybe half an hour, and this was with another person doing it at the same time.  Just make sure you mention that you are taking a break from work, just to see if there on time.  I told them I would have to go back to school for class and they got me in there as soon as possible.
I would take half the day off from work myself, you won't get paid, but its a worthwhile investment. Besides if the physical does run late, you'll be late returning for work and that doesn't look good. If you had half the day off, you wouldn't have to worry about that.
What kind of questions will they ask you before you take your medical test,and what kind of questions will they ask us to answer in the forms they give us to fill out. Are there any questions so specific and do they ask us about the name and address of our doctors......?
Try to seach before u ask.


http://army.ca/forums/threads/13191.0 this may help u
It's not like there is a LIST, and if you've got something NOT on the list, you're AOK. You'll be given a once-over and you will be ASKED if you have any medical conditions at that time. Then it's a list of "do you have a problem with xxx part of the body?"
One more question for the people who have passed Physical Test.

Did you eat anything (light breakfast), before you went to Physical Test, or went there empty stomach as you have to do Sit-ups too.....
Yeah eat a light breakfast. We did the test around 0930 and I ate some cream of wheat at around 0700 when I woke up. Just dont eat a whole lot and you should be okay.
It would be optimal to eat a full meal about 1 and 1/2 hours before your PT, then a light snack (power bar would be fine) 15-20mins before. That way you'll have a full supply of energy.
I have a small dellima conscerning the drug test. I am expesed to second hand marijuana smoke once in a while due to my dumb @$$ roomate having no respect for what i am trying to do. Im just wondering if i should bother enroling or if i should go get a drug test done at a doctors office first?  Any advise is appreciated thank you

im pretty sure 2nd hand smoke won't show up at all tho.
but at the least try and stay away from him for a week or 2 and shouldnt be  a problem.
If you're willing to get a drug test done at a doctors office, then try that.  It certainly can't hurt, but I imagine you'd have to pay for it out of your own pocket.

If you do go down and test positive though, don't try to pin it on your roomate.  If your roomate is causing you problems, its your responsibility to either sort it out with him, or find a new roomate (even if that means moving).  You're responsible for what you're exposed to, and I can't imagine most recruiters would think too fondly of you trying to blame it on him. 
"Second hand smoke" refers to high dose of ambient marijuana and/or crack cocaine smoke which, if passively inhaled may cause, in an individual, conversion of urine or hair test results from negative to positive. To date, most studies indicate that the amount of second hand smoke that needs to be inhaled is so great that it makes it highly unlikely that this could be accepted as a valid alternative explanation for a positive urine or hair test result
Che, that is the most amazing paragrah I've read all day.     ;D
haha, it's from a previous post on this site.
I suppose I should have prefaced it with that; All thanks for that go to Muskrat and a quick site search.

Regardless I'd say it answers the universal "Drug Test Question" Number 2 quite well.
NUmber one being "If I smoke weed can I get into the forces?"
Number two being "If I am exposed to second hand weed smoke am I allowed in the forces?"

I wonder how many of the second-handers actually are first-handers.  We can thank Ross Rebagliati for introducing a terrible excuse to the kids of our nation.
Thank you Che for the input i had no idea that that much exposure was needed to go positive on the test.  Now after all the comments i feel like i should of asked the question in a different way.  I can understand how this would look bad but i would find it offensive if i was to be accused of smoking drugs.  I strive hard every day to be in tip top shape and to be a clean contributing member of society so please keep the "second hand eh" comments for someone else.  The question was only because i didn't want to look like a fool if things went the wrong way, i just want to pass with flying colors so if that is a crime than so be it.
No worries, I wasn't implying anything, just giving you a straight answer.
We tend to have a few peoples stroll through and ask us that question, after a while we start to wonder, so if anyone seems like they're implying anything it's nothing to worry about it's just the natural cynicism and paranoia that one picks up after spending oh so many hours staring at this bloody screen :D

I don't know how perfect or accurate an answer that is, but it's a start.

Cheers and good luck with the appy.
hey I'm Shawn Ive been thinking about joining the regular forces since i was a kid I'm 19 years old i really really want to joined for April-These are the question i really need to be answered.....
-When should i applied to be in for around next April
-I want to joined the infantry i got a lot lot of drive for it but dint know what I'm getting my self into
-how long does it take for to get an answer from them(I'm patient)
-i used to smoked weed time to time and i did another substance(blow)a few times(4) i didn't do any of it for about 2 month now can i still get in the army i mean pass the medic in April-would like an advice from a medic on this if possible thanks
-for the longest times i wanted to go overseas like Bosnia etc..... will it take extremely long after i am recruited to be send away!
Thanks For advice :threat: :skull: :sniper:
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