ObedientiaZelum said:
naw man, he sounded very legit and I'm damn awesome at catching people in tall tales. Besides, I'm sure you, like myself, have seem some very crazy and stupid things in our time in the CF. Stuff that easily out does this. Off the top of my head a section commander in bosnia forcing a cpl to walk infront of an iltis to "prove" the ground off of the pavement with a radio thrown on his back for added weight.
Someone sounding legit to me would have to be confirmed with something more substantive.
I have seen or know of things that happened that shouldn't have, sure. I just don't see the benefit to posting them or the details on a public forum. People messed up/made bad decisions, if required the CofC was informed and it was dealt with.
I have also been around the CF long enough to know you don't believe every story you hear. Examples are too numerous to name.

Are you telling me that triple time drill with rucksacks is an approved form of punishment / corrective PT
No I am saying that is part of the story I don't actually believe. I've never HEARD of triple time drill before. Rucksack drill, as a punishment, went out the windows YEARS ago IIRC. I think the last time I heard of it was early '90s in Gagetown. I know I've read the RSM Defaulters Instructions before, and it explicitedly stated what was to happen/not to happen, and that stuff fell in the latter list. Thats not all that long ago, circa 2000 when I was Duty Sgt and had defaulters.
or it's acceptable to have recruits doing push ups with those giant MOB boxes on their backs?
How much does the MOB weigh? As I said, I've done stuff like situps with 3-4 other candidates with asection of telephone pole and it was part of actual PT. I am not saying it IS a sanctioned PT thing. I am saying if it was it wouldn't strike me as "too much". I go to the gym and lift weights before work, so lifting a MOB is no different to me than doing bench press. I do it for fitness and strength trg, on my own. If some 170lb teenager can't do a pushup with 50lbs on his back...wow.
More of concern, if it is happening, and its not part of an approved PT session/plan, the CofC should be info'd about it.
Did you witness it? Are you sure, beyond a doubt, it happened? Then tell your CofC. Its the only way to ensure it stops, and that the mbr doing it is given proper instruction so as to change his/her ways. If people are coloring outside the lines, talking about it here will not stop it from happening and start the proper corrective action the CofC would take to remedy the problem.
I won't speculate if it did/didn't happen, I just know if it is, it should be pushed up the CofC for many reasons, and if it didn't happen, anyonoe and their dog reading this thread could get the wrong impression. How many reporters frequent this site?
I'm leary sometimes of the justification that "the chain of command approved it".
I can assure you, things like extra PT, extra drill, extra inspection, etc have been requested for an ACTUAL trg requirement, and approved by the CofC before, on more than one course I've taught on. They key to it is requesting it, and only doing what is approved by the CofC. If they answer "remedial inspection from 1900-2000hrs, you'd better be done and off that floor by 2000.
In my example above of the cpl in Bosnia- his "chain of command" approved him walking through a field.
I'll refer to my comment earlier about being around long enough to not believe everything I hear.
Young officers from RMC do tend to a bit over eager and gung hoe with PT but I think the fitness training/classes they do is still way more in depth and comprehensive than what a young cpl will learn on PLQ. The 1 day fitness plq mod is only mandatory for the regular force unless it's changed. You may have a 19 year old master corporal "leading" 30 or 40 students in PT.
I'll suggest a 19 year old MCpl leading 30/40 recruits is the exception, not the rule. IF a 19 year old MCpl is inexperienced and on the power trip, then sorting that out and properly developing the habits and attitude towards proper trg techniques is, IMO, a leadership function. He/she needs to be mentored by a strong Sgt/WO. So, if there is a 19 year old MCpl leading PT unsupervised, that is a leadership issue.
Also, FWIW, almost every course I've been staff on, including BMQ at CFLRS, the Crse O lead morning PT, not the youngest MCpl available in NATO.
Experience is experience, and a Cpl with atleast 4 years in the Reg Force has seen how to do things by his/her MCpl, Sgt etc, like conduct a PT session, the same as a RMC student will see more senior people lead PT when they are going thru their system. The danger lies in the ones who want, so badly, to be 'in the hot seat'; you know the type, frothing at the mouth to be able to "lead people", that when they do get to be staff, they are too busy bathing in their own awesomeness to remember their jobs as leaders.
One of my favorite RSMs I ever served under, a guy who started in the Black Watch when it was still in the Reg Frce ORBAT, once said something along the line of:
"You gotta stop and ask yourself sometimes, in the middle of it all, is this trg serving any purpose to make my troops better, and if not, why the hell are we doing it then".