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Prime minister apologizes to reporter but doesn't remember why?

Dimsum said:
Like a Canadian version of <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/TrumpCriticizesTrump/">Trump Criticizes Trump</a>.

Want me to move your post over to the US President thread? Or is the Trump Derangement Syndrome bad enough that he has to come up in a thread about a domestic Canadian political issue?
PuckChaser said:
Or is the Trump Derangement Syndrome bad enough that he has to come up in a thread about a domestic Canadian political issue?

He already has come up in this discussion.

Reply #3

ModlrMike said:
What's discouraging here is the legions of folks who were outraged by DT's words, seem to have no problem with JT's deeds.
When has 2 wrongs ever made a right?
PuckChaser said:
When has 2 wrongs ever made a right?

I did not say what is right or wrong.

I am simply suggesting, PuckChaser, if you want to move Reply #40, you may, or not, wish to move Reply #3 as well.

PuckChaser said:
Want me to move your post over to the US President thread?
Remius said:
Maybe now Scheer will stop asking about swing sets and the opposition might have something more substantial to go after him in the fall.

Why? Do you think the grits will even answer, or provide any sort of clarity? Or how many personal days the PM will take trying to avoid the question? We already know he's going to blame Harper. If they even address it, will they just go off subject as they are want to do?

We're far enough along in his mandate to know that Trudeau and Butts won't answer, unless they want to. Protocol and fairness be damned.
recceguy said:
Thanks for finding that one tiny, insignificant piece of fly shit in the pepper Bruce. Your input is as valuable as ever. There are many that would disagree with you about Brown being on the right.

Wasn't picking flyshit at all, in fact not even close.....just ensuring that people know that this is more about the hypocrisy of our PM and not a "left/right" thing.
I think it's a very important distinction...
recceguy said:
Why? Do you think the grits will even answer, or provide any sort of clarity? Or how many personal days the PM will take trying to avoid the question? We already know he's going to blame Harper. If they even address it, will they just go off subject as they are want to do?

We're far enough along in his mandate to know that Trudeau and Butts won't answer, unless they want to. Protocol and fairness be damned.

It doesn't matter if he answers or not.  It's about keeping the narrative going. This is one area where the opposition could be effective if they wanted to.  Even the Trudeau friendly media is asking about his hypocrisy on the subject. 
Remius said:
It doesn't matter if he answers or not.  It's about keeping the narrative going. This is one area where the opposition could be effective if they wanted to were any good at all.  Even the Trudeau friendly media is asking about his hypocrisy on the subject.

JT built the cage he is squirming end and was quite happy to shove others into it. The fact the woman does not wish to pursue it, could be that she does not want the publicity or she is afraid of the backlash from criticizing the PM. The progressives can be quite nasty to anyone who challenges their idols. I relish the fact that he is caught in a trap of his own making. However on a broader front, I don't think anyone who is "normal" today can survive the media and PC scrutiny of national politics and we are going to see a massive drop in potentiel candidates. The remaining ones were be puritanical in whichever belief system they have and things will get nastier. 
So I'm hearing he grabbed her ass.

If that's true then I can totally understand where the confusion comes from and how a woman might perceive that differently than a man. Wide open to interpretation. Pretty understandable why Trudeau wouldn't consider that a negative interaction with a woman and apologize right away/the next day when he realized she was uncomfortable/worked for a big news paper.
Jarnhamar said:
So I'm hearing he grabbed her ass.

If that's true then I can totally understand where the confusion comes from and how a woman might perceive that differently than a man. Wide open to interpretation. Pretty understandable why Trudeau wouldn't consider that a negative interaction with a woman

Please confirm that you are kidding/joking/being sarcastic.

Jarnhamar said:
and apologize right away/the next day when he realized she was uncomfortable/worked for a big news paper.

Except he did not really apologize, and still has not. While he did, as reported, use the word "sorry", the more telling part of his statement was the follow-on sentence: "If I had known you were reporting for a national paper, I never would have been so forward". Combined, that is not an apology to his victim. It is an expression of concern that the story would spread more widely than it would have if she was only reporting for a small-town newspaper, or not reporting at all.

He did not say "I'm sorry for what I did to you", "I'm sorry that I made you feel uncomfortable", "I'm sorry that I offended you", or "What I did was wrong", or ask for her forgiveness, or anything remotely like a real apology.

He did not actually express any remorse for his action or the harmful effect that it had on her. He was only cared about himself, and not about her at all.
Loachman said:
Please confirm that you are kidding/joking/being sarcastic.

Very much. Trudeau grabbed a woman's ass. He's been very ambiguous about the details and I think it's obvious why; he was hoping they wouldn't surface.

I don't know who he thinks he's fooling by saying that men and women perceive things differently when the context is grabbing a woman's ass. 

He did not say "I'm sorry for what I did to you", "I'm sorry that I made you feel uncomfortable", "I'm sorry that I offended you", or "What I did was wrong", or ask for her forgiveness, or anything remotely like a real apology.

He did not actually express any remorse for his action or the harmful effect that it had on her. He was only cared about himself, and not about her at all.
Agree 100%. His "apology" reeks of elitist privilege. "If I had known you were a somebody and not a nobody I wouldn't have sexually assaulted you".

But it's okay because WE'VE reflected on it and WE'RE moving on. Right?
Jarnhamar said:
Trudeau grabbed a woman's ass.

Our late mayor R.I.P - allegedly - did that.

While in office.

Loachman said:
Credible source, or speculation?

Something from an interview I caught on my news feed. I'll try and go back to find it.

mariomike said:
Our late mayor R.I.P - allegedly - did that.

While in office.

Just a case of a man understanding a situation differently than a woman. He no doubt reflected on it and moved on.
mariomike said:
Our late mayor R.I.P - allegedly - did that.

Inexcusable, but:

The career-killing outrage machine had not even begun construction, let alone been honed to its current level of excellence, back then.

Rob Ford had not professed his purity and perfection to the world or fired others for doing the same thing.

Jarnhamar said:
Just a case of a man understanding a situation differently than a woman. He no doubt reflected on it and moved on.

And was probably much more incapable of recalling the possible negative interaction (or anything else from that night).
Jarnhamar said:
Trudeau grabbed a woman's ass.

I can see the headline now.  :)
mariomike said:
Since you brought that individual into the discussion,

mariomike said:
For reference to the discussion,

"I did not pursue the Incident at the time and will not be pursuing the Incident further."

"The debate, if it continues, will continue without my involvement."

mariomike said:
Regarding that,


Expert says Trudeau groping allegation shouldn't have been dug up without woman's permission

mariomike said:
Our late mayor R.I.P - allegedly - did that.

While in office.

mariomike said:
I can see the headline now.  :)

I sorta get the feeling you don't want this conversation to happen  :eek:rly:
I thought we were discussing Trudeau. Not Rob Ford, who is dead or Trump who is American. Nor a need to draw comparisons. This is all on the PM. Not anyone else. That is the case at hand that needs settling.
My first post came after this,

ModlrMike said:
What's discouraging here is the legions of folks who were outraged by DT's words, seem to have no problem with JT's deeds.

Regarding popularity with voters,

Nanos Weekly Tracking, ending July 6, 2018 ( released July 10, 2018 )
"Preferred Prime Minister – Nanos tracking has Trudeau as the preferred choice as PM at 42.6 per cent of Canadians followed by Scheer (24.4%), Singh (7.1%) and May (6.0%).  Nineteen per cent of Canadians were unsure whom they preferred."

Be interesting to compare the results of next weeks poll.