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Problems and Bugs

crooks.a said:
I don't think it rewarded him the 1017 MPs four times, though. His MilPoints balance is sitting at about 1400. He would need to have at least 4000 MPs.

If you look closely it's a while ago. He already spent that 4000 MPs. If it was correct he would be -3000 MPs.
SevenSixTwo said:
If you look closely it's a while ago. He already spent that 4000 MPs. If it was correct he would be -3000 MPs.
Ah, alright. Didn't notice the next page thing.

Looking at his purchased medal incentives, he hasn't bought any CR Missed incentives. That part may be in error.
With the Purchase All button in the Ops Window.... can this be changed so that it only purchases the items you need? Example:

» Round up prisoners after a jailbreak -49CR, +859CE  3xLUVW (G-Wagen)  10xZap Strap Handcuffs  5xCS Gas Grenade (Tear Gas)  5xTrip Flare Purchase All Equipment

Say I already had enough zap straps, but needed CS and trip flares. Currently, if I click purchase all, it automatically adds 10 zaps, 5 cs, 5 trip flares to the QM and you just hit purchase. What I propose is that it only adds the 5 cs and 5 flares that I need, because I already have enough zaps. Someone purchasing something quickly could end up out a few milpoints that they may needed right after the mission.

I threw this in problems/bugs since I don't know if its supposed to work this way currently, or if its actually supposed to work the way I suggested.

I will have to look more closely the next time I do a "Purchase all" but I thought it only gave me what I actually needed.  Maybe that is only for the expendable items that it gives you all.  You've got me second guessing it now.
My bad, just checking the activity log and it only gave me the stuff I needed.... remind me not to try to read things at 0630.
I KNOW that it only makes me buy the items I need.

For example, last night, I needed 8 5.56mm ball to complete a mission that required 10 of 'em, and I already had 2 onhand.

I was prompted to purchase the 8 I needed, not the total of 10, since I already had 2.

Unless things are going buggy on you Puck!

PuckChaser said:
My bad, just checking the activity log and it only gave me the stuff I needed.... remind me not to try to read things at 0630.

Hey PC, just a reminder not to read things at 0630 anymore.  ;)
My Gator is missing??? Or I played a mission that I never should have been allowed to.

Fob Spin Boldak - Learn about the political landscape.  I'm about 35% complete of level 1.
Yet when I try to use that mission it wants me to buy 1 Gator... which I should have already have had to buy in order to have played that mission. 

So either... I had a Gator and now I don't, somehow the game let me play that mission when I shouldn't have, or... ??

I'm not worried about the possible 80 mil point loss... more about info for Mike for possible error, bug, deletion?
Trinity said:
My Gator is missing??? Or I played a mission that I never should have been allowed to.

Fob Spin Boldak - Learn about the political landscape.  I'm about 35% complete of level 1.
Yet when I try to use that mission it wants me to buy 1 Gator... which I should have already have had to buy in order to have played that mission. 

So either... I had a Gator and now I don't, somehow the game let me play that mission when I shouldn't have, or... ??

I'm not worried about the possible 80 mil point loss... more about info for Mike for possible error, bug, deletion?

Level 1: FNG
Rank 20
Incentive: +10 to unlocked mission proficiency
Level 2: Chief Cook
Rank 50
Incentive: +20 to unlocked mission proficiency

Have you cashed those in? Theres your 30%.
Yes... that would explain it.

I assumed it was like proficiency increases on kit... if you don't own it then you can't get the increase.  I thought same with missions, if you haven't played it then how can it increase...  Guess I was wrong. 
Trinity said:
Yes... that would explain it.

I assumed it was like proficiency increases on kit... if you don't own it then you can't get the increase.  I thought same with missions, if you haven't played it then how can it increase...  Guess I was wrong.

As long as its unlocked you'll get the increase. Kit only works that way because theres an incentive based on owning unique pieces of it.
So I've discovered that you can lower an AOR over and over down to 0 if you just hit refresh after clicking the lower button once, even if its already locked down. Log:

2010-11-04 16:24:46 Decreased Insurgency in Pashmul by 1. Now at 0.
2010-11-04 15:46:32 Decreased Insurgency in Pashmul by 3. Now at 0.
2010-11-04 15:05:49 Decreased Insurgency in Pashmul by 4. Now at 0.  <----- Original lockdown.

Missed out on 45 CR eaten by the Pashmul monster! Not sure if this happens with other AORs, but Pashmul is the mission someone was having a problem with it showing as lockdown without any points going into it.
I am starting to feel like I have issues :p

Mike, I completed the Daily of 3 levels but it only says I went Up 1 level, could I have some Mil points for the poor please.

Is there a way we could only go up one level at a time, because I (and other level jumpers) lose out on the CR between levels. I think I have lost out on 10 x 350 = 3500 CR. Those numbers are guesstimates btw. This might solve the daily issue too.

Task said:
I am starting to feel like I have issues :p

Mike, I completed the Daily of 3 levels but it only says I went Up 1 level, could I have some Mil points for the poor please.

Is there a way we could only go up one level at a time, because I (and other level jumpers) lose out on the CR between levels. I think I have lost out on 10 x 350 = 3500 CR. Those numbers are guesstimates btw. This might solve the daily issue too.


At your current rank level ... I figure it should be taking you ~10 000CR to complete a level; I must be missing something. Just what mission have you found that allows you to gain 10000 and 1 CR (eg) a pop to double-level?

Even I was doing that in the beginning where it was only 200-300 needed to level up until I clued in that I missed 'spending" CR that way & then stopped, but up at my current level --- there's no way to do a double level in one swipe that I'm aware of.  ???
ArmyVern said:
At your current rank level ... I figure it should be taking you ~10 000CR to complete a level; I must be missing something. Just what mission have you found that allows you to gain 10000 and 1 CR (eg) a pop to double-level?

Even I was doing that in the beginning where it was only 200-300 needed to level up until I clued in that I missed 'spending" CR that way & then stopped, but up at my current level --- there's no way to do a double level in one swipe that I'm aware of.  ???

Can't tell you, it's OpSec...

JK... it is under the int tab, my last bad guy I captured for 50KCE and no Cr. The next guy will give 60k.

My problem is that I want the CR to buy training so that I can increase my chances on the tougher more valuable missions. I have jumped at least 4 times some of them have been 2 levels some have been 3.

How do your INT missions not cost CR? I'm up to 250CR to complete the next dossier.
PuckChaser said:
How do your INT missions not cost CR? I'm up to 250CR to complete the next dossier.

Oops I was wrong on that. You are right, the last one costed me 260CR.

Rank: 84
Combat Experience (CE): 623,683
Max Combat Readiness (CR): Allows you to conduct Missions 450
Total Combat Readiness Spent: 62,127
Total Combat Readiness Missed: 4,294,967,295

Wow. There's a glitch for you. Here I sit at 79 CR missed since the games inception ...

@ 450CR (current value) ... it'd have taken 9 544 371 days to miss that much CR. Wonder if he's claimed them medals??  :o


I bought 327 Blank rounds and for some reason it did it a eleven extra times when I only clicked buy once. Can you please reverse this?
PuckChaser said:
So I've discovered that you can lower an AOR over and over down to 0 if you just hit refresh after clicking the lower button once, even if its already locked down. Log:

2010-11-04 16:24:46 Decreased Insurgency in Pashmul by 1. Now at 0.
2010-11-04 15:46:32 Decreased Insurgency in Pashmul by 3. Now at 0.
2010-11-04 15:05:49 Decreased Insurgency in Pashmul by 4. Now at 0.  <----- Original lockdown.

Missed out on 45 CR eaten by the Pashmul monster! Not sure if this happens with other AORs, but Pashmul is the mission someone was having a problem with it showing as lockdown without any points going into it.

Fixed this.

Task said:
I am starting to feel like I have issues :p

Mike, I completed the Daily of 3 levels but it only says I went Up 1 level, could I have some Mil points for the poor please.

Is there a way we could only go up one level at a time, because I (and other level jumpers) lose out on the CR between levels. I think I have lost out on 10 x 350 = 3500 CR. Those numbers are guesstimates btw. This might solve the daily issue too.


I'm not sure what you're asking... do you want me to toss out your additional CE so you only level up one Rank at a time? Short of that, I'm not sure how to deal with the situation where you level up twice... You'll miss out on the CR refill, but I can't see a way around that. I'm open to suggestions, as long as they're fair. ;)

SevenSixTwo said:

I bought 327 Blank rounds and for some reason it did it a eleven extra times when I only clicked buy once. Can you please reverse this?

Fixed that too. And I'll throw out a suggestion to all... I know ReloadEvery is a neat tool, but be careful, it can cause some 'unexpected' results if you're not paying attention. I don't mind reversing bugs, but you're on your own if you use a tool that runs away from you. ;)