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Promotions in the CAF [Merged]

Promotion rates also vary dramaticly between reg force and reserves, plus every unit does things a little differently. In service trades (at least in the reserve world) you tend to see alot of people getting Cpl right around two years in, the minimum. But they often tend not to go above that. I guess once someone is good enough to do their job and leadership is not as essential as it is out in the feild killing people... I tend to see combat arm units keep more people at the Pte level but promote more of thier Cpls to masters and Sgts. But that is just my opinion.
I strongly agree with you,well said madpat.
madpat said:
Promotion rates also vary dramaticly between reg force and reserves, plus every unit does things a little differently. In service trades (at least in the reserve world) you tend to see alot of people getting Cpl right around two years in, the minimum. But they often tend not to go above that. I guess once someone is good enough to do their job and leadership is not as essential as it is out in the feild killing people... I tend to see combat arm units keep more people at the Pte level but promote more of thier Cpls to masters and Sgts. But that is just my opinion.
Promotion to Cpl is based on time and qualifications.  Generally, after two years in the Reserves or four years in the Regs you get your Cpl if you are "trade qualified."  Being combat arms or CSS has nothing to do with it.

All units/trades have establishments which govern how many people can be at a certain rank level.

I really wouldn't worry about, as it all comes out in the wash.
:warstory:One trade I know fisrt hand is the Electrical Generating Systems Tech.  For the last 6 yrs everyone I know in that trade has
done the minimum time in rank and has progressed to the next rank. They are a small trade in numbers and provide power using generators.
Anyone looking to join should check this one out because they are always looking for more techs. :cdn:

Is this the Chewie I know that always seems to follow me around on tours??  ;D What's it been 3 tours together now? Congrats on your promotion!!
Hey Vern...LOL...Congrats on your promotion as well... :salute:
we seem to be following each other...in rank as well lol
I hope you like the new posting..mine is great..
maybe we'll drive over and see you for a few wets
OK, Im a Rifleman (Trained Private) in the infantry, reserve, ive got about a year in and want to go into the int trade as either an officer or nco, what should i do? should I go and get a degree from a university (im grade 12 now) or should i stick it out and remuster to int later and depending on which one how would i go about doing that?
Are you going to Vigilant Guardian?  If so, look up some of the INT people there and talk to them.  They will be able to paint you a better picture. 

You can also ask within your own unit and see what they can tell you about switching over.  If your unit is any good, they should be helpful in that matter.......maybe.  If you are in Ottawa, try the CFRC for information on how to contact the INT unit in that town.  The same can be said for the CFRC in Kingston.  What Unit are you now?

Without a University Degree, or a Civilian job in that field, it is unlikely that you can go officer.  Most Int Units prefer that you have some time in a Trade before joining their Branch, but some have also been known to hire University Students or other Qualified people right off the street.  High School students, seldom get hired directly into INT.
yea im going to vigilant so ill try and look up some people there.

Im with the unit in Brockville right now so illtry and c what they can tell me, if anything  :P.  No the idea was that i would either wait the 3 or 4 years and remuster to int from infantry or go infantry until im in university then when im done university id go and try to go int officer.
Some advice right now.  Loose the msn speak.  INT Officers will not be permitted to use it, nor in fact will INT OPs.  Looks like you may have missed these when you registered last year:

MSN and ICQ "short hand" -  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

yeah sorry. however a question I have is that would I be able to remuster to int from infantry after a couple of years? and if so are there any more courses in the infantry that I have to take to be qualified to remuster?
Good Day all

I am looking for the promotion criteria for MARS officers, do any of you know where I can find it on line?

There's a video on this link that might help :)
Thank You

that gives the information on training but no information on what you have to do to be promoted from rank to rank

I do like the sites new look though

Thanks for that video link.  That video must be pretty new.  I've seen the MARS intro video several times, and it was actually pretty sparse before.  The new one is well done.  Of course, I'm already sold hook, line, and sinker.
For MARS DEO:  Completion of basic training gets you your Acting Subbies.  Completion of phase training and successfully challenging an Officer of the Day board gets you your Subbies.  For Lt(N) you need time in rank, you need a Bridge Watchkeeping Certificate and you need to complete your NOPQ package and successfully challenge the board.  Pretty much the same for the RMC guys, if I recall, except they don't get their acting subbies after basic - they get them upon grad from MilCol.
Hey everyone, I was wondering if changing regiments affects advancement and promotion for officers.  For example, if my first posting was with 5 RALC in Valcartier, then my second posting is most likely an administrative job outside the unit, NDHQ or reserve regiment, and after that for a third posting, if I were to go 2 RCHA in Pet would this affect my advancement and promotion??? Thanks a lot.

P.S. I would also be interested in finding out how it works for Arty officers, as in how long is your first posting at your unit, and what are typical admin jobs and their length. Thanks again.