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Protest Coming to New Westminster CFRC 27 Aug 09

The Bread Guy

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"Protesters from the group Mobilization Against War and Occupation picket the Canadian Armed Forces recruiting centre on Royal Avenue in New Westminster on Thursday. The group, which is calling for Canadian, U.S. and NATO troops to leave Afghanistan, staged the protest to coincide with elections in Afghanistan. “The people of Afghanistan and people around the world understand that imposed, militarized elections do not bring legitimacy to the occupation,” said a spokesperson, Janine Solanki."
Why don't they go and protest at the UN HQ in New York. I mean come on, they are the one's who gave NATO the mandate and all.        ::)

I know CFRCs are the one's who make up the legislation and the marching orders for us to invade other countries....er....crap. Guess I let the cat out of the bag.

The sad, immature 21st century anti-war “movement” is fuelled, almost exclusively, by hatred. But, unlike previous generations, it doesn’t hate war, it just hates America.

The “movement” is on the verge of peeing its collective pants because, despite all the songs and marches and protests, America continues to do what it does, sometimes, inexplicably to the great, young unwashed, to do what it wants.

These anti-war activists are quite pro-war if the war is against America – and America’s lapdog Canada.

Given that the entire “movement”  - in all its manifestations – has just about the same intellectual capability as the gods gave to green peppers, we should all yawn and return to the dog days of summer. 
Der Panzerkommandant.... said:
I know CFRCs are the one's who make up the legislation and the marching orders for us to invade other countries....er....crap. Guess I let the cat out of the bag.
Not to mention the CFRC folks voters elected to carry out these tasks, right?  ::)

E.R. Campbell said:
The sad, immature 21st century anti-war “movement” is fuelled, almost exclusively, by hatred. But, unlike previous generations, it doesn’t hate war, it just hates America.
Bang on...
Wow, big protest.  ::)

According to their website, they are comprised of about 50 endorsing members "most of which are labour unions, student unions, Indigenous groups, Women's Organizations, and groups from the third world."
Yes, they'll be so hppy when us big oppresive white folk go home, and let the poor misunderstood Taliban come back - we just never gave them a fair chance...

Yet again, I've been assailed by their Vulcan logic!
I still recommend that we, as PC-Canadian citizens, should pay for each and every one of these "protestors" to take their cause up, and visit Afghanistan and become close and familiar with the Taliban and insurgents in that part of the world.

Time for them to put their money where their mouth is, or STFU.

I know;  let's NOT give $2.5 million to whats-her-name who was stuck in Kenya.  Let's use it for 1-way plane tickets to Talibanland for mbrs of the MAWO.
E.R. Campbell said:
The sad, immature 21st century anti-war “movement” is fuelled, almost exclusively, by hatred. But, unlike previous generations, it doesn’t hate war, it just hates America.

Slightly off topic, but one of those honest pacifists from a “previous generation” passes.

Reproduced under the Fair Dealing provisions (§29) of the Copyright Act from today’s Globe and Mail:

Obituary: Muriel Duckworth, 100

Prominent member of Canada's peace movement never swayed from her belief that ‘war is stupid'

Oliver Moore
Halifax — Globe and Mail Update

Saturday, Aug. 22, 2009 04:03PM EDT

Muriel Duckworth, one of the most prominent members of Canada's peace movement and someone who never swayed from her belief that “war is stupid,” has died. She was 100.
Ms. Duckworth died early Saturday at a hospital in Magog, Queb, near a summer home she had been visiting for decades. Her family was with her and she was described as dying “with dignity and grace.”

The end came after a bad fall that put her in palliative care. She did not expect to recover and had begun to say farewell to those close to her.

Ms. Duckworth was born in Quebec but moved to Nova Scotia in the 1940s with her husband Jack, who predeceased her. They raised three children in the Maritimes, always staying true to their principles of social justice.

She believed that peace was not just the absence of fighting but also the absence of fear and that it required the presence of justice.

Although her pacifist principles at times raised hackles in Halifax, with its substantial military presence, friends said she was usually able to make her point without making enemies. And she was sensitive to those whose views differed.

Ursula Franklin, a friend and activist who is now a senior fellow at the University of Toronto's Massey College, remembers Ms. Duckworth convincing others not to protest at Remembrance Day ceremonies.

“We feel [war] is pointless but we will not use that to bludgeon people who are mourning,” Ms. Franklin, 87, remembers her friend arguing.

Ms. Duckworth, a practising Quaker, was a founding member of the provincial branch of Voice of Women and served as national president for four years. She helped establish the anti-poverty Canadian Council for International Co-operation, and was one of the first women in Nova Scotia to run for provincial office. With other elderly friends, in a group known as the Raging Grannies, she protested the 1995 G-7 meetings in Halifax.

She was awarded the Order of Canada in 1983 and received also the Governor-General's Award in Commemoration of the Persons Case and the Pearson Medal of Peace. She has been granted several honorary degrees.

Ms. Duckworth was always strongly opposed to war, a stand that went back more than half a century. She opposed the Second World War even before her brother died fighting in it and did not recognize popular distinctions between “good” and “bad” conflicts.

“Some things are not an option,” Ms. Franklin said in the final days of her friend's life. “And killing people is not an option. That's what people like Muriel and me believe.”

I disagreed, vehemently, with Ms. Duckworth’s positions and even more with some of the organizations she supported. I think the “Raging Grannies” have done far more harm than good for the movements she supported.

I respected, even as I failed to fully understand, her Quaker beliefs. I believe fighting against the Nazis was every human’s duty and those who failed in that duty failed in their basic humanity because, sometimes – not often, perhaps not even once in a lifetime, killing people, lots of them, is the only option.
Alot of these protestors are also from the anarchist or anit globalization movement.  Typically, many of them are of student age, yet have dropped out of university, quite poor, and unmotivated to do much other then protest.  The good news is, there are strong indications that there movements are starting to waiver and fall apart over the long term.

MAWO and Mr. Yerevani and friends have been protesting at the CFRC for years! They started off downtown and have followed the CFRC to it's new location. These are your CAVE types, "Citizens Against Virtually Everything"! They adverize their weekly protests at in Georgia Straight. It obviously hasn't had any affect as CFRC Vancouver is one of the busiest in the country.
Al Capp, who drew the highly popular Lil Abner comic strip, introduced Students Wildly Indignant about Nearly Everything, or SWINE, into his strip during the sixties.
Old Sweat said:
Al Capp, who drew the highly popular Lil Abner comic strip, introduced Students Wildly Indignant about Nearly Everything, or SWINE, into his strip during the sixties.

That's a good word for them:
They have the right to protest. I'm all good with that.

HOWEVER, they do not offer solutions, only rhetoric. Perhaps they should negotiate with the Taliban and AQ?

Just a thought....
noneck said:
It obviously hasn't had any affect as CFRC Vancouver is one of the busiest in the country.

When Code Pink were picketing Marine Corps recruiting centers a few years ago, it was noted in the American media that it was probably a benefit, for if a person couldn't bear to walk through a picket line they probably weren't cut out for the Marines anyway ;)
If you look closely at the pictures you'll see some of the same picketers at almost every rally.... how they make ends meet is a mystery.  Maybe mom and dad are corporate types who don't know what little Johnny is up to when he's not at school.
Otto Fest said:
If you look closely at the pictures you'll see some of the same picketers at almost every rally.... how they make ends meet is a mystery.  Maybe mom and dad are corporate types who don't know what little Johnny is up to when he's not at school.

Follow the money trail.