i find it particularly insulting how some of yous act in relation to this subject. you are supposed be supportive of your comrads. not suspective and persecutive. no wonder its so hard for people with the real issues to come out, what if you had real issues and everyone thought you were faking it for a buck?
We generally are. And for most of us who have had a friend or coworker have real difficulties, there is a period of disbelief that this particular soldier can be afflicted with this condition. But we understand if there has been something truly shocking happen to them, that this may happen.
But it is also very hard for those of us to understand why a coworker, Pte Joe Blow, after having gone through the same training and experiences as I have during the last tour:
is now not showing up to work, and I have to take up his load, cleaning and readying the unit kit,
is now not having to go out on ex and I have to,
doesn't have to go do any duties, but I am now on my third,
how he is now getting a pension, still at work, and still not doing anything, but I am expected to go again on tour,
all because he says he has PTSD.
I am not sure why I would be bitter...

I think this and the other thread have pretty well run their course...PTSD and the handling of mental illnesses (and yes, that is what it is) in the CF is improving...more complaining about it here isn't going to improve it any.
If you think you might have a problem, then look here:
Operational Trauma and Stress Support Centres:
If you are still not satisfied, take it up with your chain of command.
mods, lets lock this up.