fatboy777 said:
Hi im applying for the navy
You have not heard about the navy, have you? Oh dear... they uh, 'like' minorities there...
and it asks if your a visible minority is there any benefit to saying yes
No, not at all. Well aside from easier bmq, you roll up and say you are a visible minority to your bmq instructor and they go easier on you... or so ive heard.
, tech i am mixed race my mother is white european heritage and my fathers family are sephardic jews from spain and morocco but i look kinda white,
Ok, your white. Maybe we should check the invisible minority box. Hell your a white christian dude.. cant be to mamy around. We should set you up a fb group.
on the street and work white people think im white
Wait, you work the streets? Like you know.. hustling... you may want to keep that on the d l my wigga.
but non white people always ask me if im jewish but im actually christian.
White people just dont understand, only the non white people understand us invisible minority pain and suffering. It is tough, I know.
Im just worryed when i go to the recruiting centre they will be like this white guy thinks hes a minority lol.
Maybe if they are rascist and right. You are white, hell a lot of arabs and north african are too. Get over it.
My benefit of the doubt just wore off for you. And I hope I dont get in trouble

if you arent trolling, stop worrying.
Ps Dimsum you didn't take the qualification course to be recognized as a non white person did you? The SJW University of PC land offers it, the course covers all this. It gives you the ability to jump to conclusions on all topics like religious identity and political leanings... it is a must have.
fatboy777 said:
My luck im prob gona get a minority recruiting officer and hes gona be like wtf your white...should i just say no im not on aplication or do minoritys get better chances of geting in?
Oh yeah I checked that box and they sent me an email the very next day. It is a golden ticket man.