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QL3 course, what are these rumours?

Pte Pea said:
It probably doesn't hurt that we're going to be living in a hotel either.  ;)

It doesnt hurt but it gets real old, real fast.
CDN Aviator said:
It doesnt hurt but it gets real old, real fast.

I can only imagine. But I suppose 6 months in a shack room with 5 room mates, or 6 months in a hotel with one room mate, both get old real fast. I'm hoping this will be a little better than the former. (which is the living conditions of those on the 3 month course currently)
Pte Pea said:
I can only imagine. But I suppose 6 months in a shack room with 5 room mates, or 6 months in a hotel with one room mate,

I know. I've done more than my share of both ( well, i've never had a room mate in a hotel). I'm just saying that its surprising how much living in a hotel long-term can suck.
I remember being out in the "Wack" Last summer.  And sure the 17wk crse was crammed, we still had a lot of fun.  But I can't imagine not being able to just walk over to the school any old time and practice.  I think that really made a difference.  Being able to just gather 3 other ppl and head on over when the mood suited us.

As for the room-mate, either way after 6+ months with the same people it's going to get old.

Good luck to you guys out there and going there.  The staff are really great, you couldn't ask for better.  You WILL learn ALOT.  At sometimes it will seem like your head will explode if you try to cram anymore information into it.  But don't worry there is room and at some point,  when you are all confused and your victims, err I mean patients keep dying in the Sims.  A little light bulb will come on, and it will all click and Bill will stop killing your patients ( Maybe)  :P

Oh and to the guys out there or going there tell the instructors Matt from Crse 32 last year says HI and thanks for the laughs. :salute:

P.S. Don't forget to go to the Jolly Miller and have a pint or 4 on the weekends. 
We've been told that the hotel has set a separate room aside for us to use as a practice room, and that the school will be providing equipment to be stored in the room for us to use. That was one of the big concerns, that we would be too far away to go to the school to practice at night. Hopefully this will be a good solution.

Thanks for sharing your experience, I appreciate it! I'm looking forward to getting out there and diving into it all! I'll try to remember to pass your message along to the staff.  :)
Living in a hotel gets old in a hurry - been in several for the better part of the last 8 months.  At least there wasn't a roomie issue (except the month I spent with my brother in Floodpeg).

Have fun out there.

Thank you Pte P and Cdnrednk for your info on the particulars or your respective training phases. I'm currently sitting on PRETC, anxiously awaiting the start of my course in the early part of October !

I have a general understanding of what is covered in the Med Tech course, but I'm curious about the particulars of the Clinical phase. I understand that during the first part of the training, the students are, for instance, instructed in the administration of SQ injections, IV therapy and basic "nursing" type skills. Just out of curiosity, does the course curriculum cover alot of pathophysiology, pharmacology, that sort of thing? Or is that done during the JIBC phase of the training?

I would certainly appreciate input in this area.


Be prepared to do a lot of Anatomy and Physiology, and Pharmacology, and Patho during your clinical, unfortunately it won't be enough to prepare you for the Emergent phase in BC.  You will need to do some extra studying (on top of everything else).

Our staff were awesome and gave us Hours of extra studying on A&P and Patho.  At the time we were like woo la, major headache.  But when we got to BC the prep work really helped out.  And we were/are eternally thankful for the effort they put in. 

Also if you have the time until your course starts, I suggest starting to study now.  Go to chapters, and pick up a good A&P book and start memorizing.  It will help.

OH and don't forget the most important part.  Have FUN!! 

Besides where else can you poke your best friends with sharp things, and NOT get knocked out for it  ;D

Thank you all,
I am a total newbie and will be leaving for my BMQ, to start June 9th and then I think my SQ. But I have a feeling with the Medic course only happening two times a year, and providing I do well on my BMQ, that I will probably be starting in the October course too. I will be finish my BMQ in the middle of September. Oh, one other thing, is their anyone out there who is an Airforce Med Tech?? If yes how long ws your SQ?

Thanks so much....
Kawigirl ;D :cdn:

I think I can answer your inquiry. I graduated from basic 31 Jan and did my SQ from mid-Feb to mid-Mar. Since I did my SQ with post recruit medics of all 3 elements, my understanding is that all Med Techs have to do SQ. It is four weeks in duration and a lot of fun. Kind of like an extension of basic in my opinion. No big deal. I did mine in Gagetown, so I'm not sure what the SQ's in Shilo or Meaford are like (also 4 weeks long)

As for BMQ (assuming you are going to St-Jean), in general a good experience. Just do what they tell you and don't take the yelling and screaming personally, just part of the game. I found the staff to be well organized, efficient and professional. The field training towards the end of BMQ is awesome.

I am currently posted to Borden on thier version of PAT (Personnel awaiting training) which is called PRETC (Post Recruit Education and Training Center). There are 2 medic courses starting in Oct and I will be on the earlier one, but I don't know if you would be starting on one of the October courses or not. If not, you could quite possibly be waiting a while. But not to worry, the staff at PRETC are very good at trying to get the recruits some OJT (On the Job Training) or EWAT(Employment While Awaiting Training).

Good luck
Talk to Pte Pea, she's on her QL3 right now and is the most up to date source of info about all that stuff.

Whilst at the school, watch out for those evil Sgt PA students...  >:D
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
Talk to Pte Pea, she's on her QL3 right now and is the most up to date source of info about all that stuff.

Thanks SMMM.  :)

If either of you have any questions about the first half of the Med Tech 3's, I'll be happy to answer. (either here, or via PM) I start the paramedic portion in just over 2 weeks, so I can do my best to keep you up to date on the extended 6 month program as well, if you wish.

Kawi, Good luck with your BMQ & SQ, and then your trades training. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long to get on your QL3's. You may luck out and get on the October course, but don't have your heart too set on it, as I know there are a fair amount of people waiting for that course in PRETC currently.

K_Mac, glad to hear PRETC is working hard to get you guys OJT/EWAT, that is great to hear. A lot of people on my 3's waited 6-12 months to get on this course and sadly most didn't get that pleasure. I'm happy to hear that is changing!
Thanks Pte. Pea,
I am hoping for the October course, but you never know. Any suggestions on what to study while I am waiting to get on the course after I finish my BMQ an SQ? I am so exacted about doing my 3's as for my BMQ and SQ that's another story. (lol!) Keep us updated for at least one more month, then I leave to St.Jean.

Thanks, Kawigirl  :cdn:
St. Micheals Medical Team said:
Whilst at the school, watch out for those evil Sgt PA students...  >:D

Particularly, the ones from this forum..... ;)
We are indeed evil, as in EEEEVIILLLLLLLL, like the froooits of the Deviiiiilllllllllllll...

We're also pretty crabby at this time, as are the class behind us in house at the moment.

Said PA students also like to "pick on" the newbie QL3 students in house... All in good fun of course!  ;D

Have had some awesome laughs in the joint student canteen!
Well of course they/we do - it's our way of welcoming you aboard and to suss out who might be working for us or friends of ours.  All in good fun (well sometimes).

Hi Guys,
Just curious if anyone has heard of people missing or putting their SQ on hold if the next QL3 course is a week or two after BMQ and the next QL 3 course isn't until the new year?? Anyone have any thoughts on what they might do????

Thanks, Kawigirl  :cdn: :cdnsalute:
Heard no such rumours.  As far as I know, no one can progress on a Career Crse without completing BMQ and SQ.  Next we'll hear rumours of people being loaded on Career Crses without passing their Medicals at CFRCs.
I know when I did my CC last year, about half my class did not their SQ.  I know that a few of them are actually doing pre-deployment training as we speak that still did not get their SQ.  Most of the new QL3 students that started yesterday were talking about that in the smoke pit this morning, when they would get their SQ fit into their training.  I am only quoting a rumor here, but I hear through the grapevine that SQ is being taken out of the training system, and the field training portion of BMQ was to be lengthened to include the basics of what SQ taught.  Remember, I said this is only a rumor that I heard through the grapevine. 