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Question about career openings

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Alright, before 14 of you respond saying "use dah surch buttun!!1/$" (ironically, almost every thread is filled with these posts and no real information). I did. I have read multiple threads, and multiple posts from a lot of different people. This is where my confusion comes from...

I would like a solid answer to this question: Is there a waiting list for careers that are not presently open, or not?

I have read multiple accounts of people claiming there is no such thing as a waiting list, and I have read multiple accounts of people saying they are on a waiting list, there are waiting lists, or they have been told by military personnel that there is a waiting list.

I plan on applying as an infanteer at the beginning of the new fiscal year, so the beginning of April.

I truly cannot find an answer to this question. As I am applying for infantry as a non-commissoned member, is there a waiting list for this exact career or not?

For anyone who does not post telling me to search or gives relevant/useful information, thank you.
Define "waiting list".

There is a "merit list".  This is a the listing of candidates with completed applications.  Those who merit list higher, based on a wide variety of factors that make them more suitable for their chosen trades will list higher and may be selected for their BMQ training sooner.
By waiting list I am referring to a list which is:

A) Already compiled and may continue to grow until the beginning the of the new fiscal year
B) Grants those on the list priority in a given career that they choose. (over new applicants)

Basically, does is there a list that exists that I will have to wait to clear until I can get into my desired career?

Or, is it the case that if I apply at the beginning of April, I will have equal opportunity and my acceptance will be based entirely on scores and not my position on a list.
Well, I know I put in for a CT to reg force (Inf.) in October and was shortly after told that there were no current positions available in that trade. I was given the choice to either change my desired trade or WAIT. So yes, in its most literal (a word?) sense I would think there is a "waiting list".

As far as where you stand on that list, I couldn't say. For my sake I hope its below me!  ;)
YoungQYR said:
Well, I know I put in for a CT to reg force (Inf.) in October and was shortly after told that there were no current positions available in that trade. I was given the choice to either change my desired trade or WAIT. So yes, in its most literal (a word?) sense I would think there is a "waiting list".

As far as where you stand on that list, I couldn't say. For my sake I hope its below me!  ;)

Different crate of ammo there....you are already in the CF while the OP is not.

Correct, I am not presently in the forces.

I see that this question is still a difficult one to answer...
Well, from all reports on this forum, the Recruiting Centres are not accepting new applicants for various trades, including combat arms.  There is, therefore, no list you can put your name on at this time.

In April, you can start your application.  That puts your name in the system.  You don't start waiting for anything buts steps in the enrollment process until your application is complete.  then you are merit listed.  Then you wait with everyone else for an offer that places you on an upcoming BMQ. If you merit list high, you move up the list.  If you merit list low, you may wait longer as other, later applicants, overtake you in the merit list.

There is no list that says you are now in line and only have to wait until you get to the gate. And based on merit list position and choice of trade, your waiting time may vary considerably.

So, to answer your question simply, by this criteria:

Apollo55 said:
A) Already compiled and may continue to grow until the beginning the of the new fiscal year
B) Grants those on the list priority in a given career that they choose. (over new applicants)

No, we don't have a list like you describe.
Apollo55 said:
Correct, I am not presently in the forces.

I see that this question is still a difficult one to answer...

My first recommendation is that you check that attitude before coming in to the RC. You sit in front of ME with that attitude and you'll definitely end up on a waiting 'list'.

I don't know exactly how it works at other RC's, but in Toronto, there is no 'list' ... there ARE however 1500 or so files already sitting waiting for something ... they are somewhere in the process, either they have just submitted the App, they have completed part of the process, or they have completed the process and are 'merit listed' waiting for selection.

Here's what's going to happen in April:

We're going to find out how many people the CF wants to hire in any given trade.

We are going to start calling people that already have files in progress to see when they can commence the next step or if they even want to continue.

Simultaneously, we're going to accept applications from people walking in the door. (a side note: we've never stopped accepting applications. We encourage people to not trust some faceless government bureaucracy to keep track of their file, and they therefore should hang on to it themselves so that nothing gets lost, but if you insist, the RC will take your application)

Where you end up in terms of when you will start your process is going to totally depend on how many people we've managed to contact that need the same step in the process as you. Not some magic 'list' ... we can only give the Aptitude test to so many people per day, we can only give medicals to so many people per day, we can only do so many interviews per day. If you are just bringing in your application, how soon you can start will depend on how many people we contact that need the CFAT and are available right away for the dates we have available.

All this of course is subject to change. CFRG (Command) may direct us to start a certain way in the new year. Maybe they decide that all the files that are currently sitting need to be cleared before we open the doors for the day on April 1. Maybe they decide we throw all of the files on the floor and play pick up sticks to decide priority ... I can't predict that.

SO, I hope that satisfactorily answers your question. Next time, instead of complaining and sarcasm, try patience. The question wasn't hard, you just had to wait for the right person to read it and be bothered to answer. Sarcasm in the future may make us not be bothered. Especially while I'm still on vacation!
Michael O'Leary said:
Well, from all reports on this forum, the Recruiting Centres are not accepting new applicants for various trades, including combat arms.  There is, therefore, no list you can put your name on at this time.

Just a question, you mention no applicants for combat arms,(I am not trying to argue with you just wondering) on the Forces website it says that arty and Armoured are in high demand(as well as the TV commercials  :) ) I guess I was wondering if all combat arms applicants are not accepted at the moment or is it just certain trades with in Combat arms ??

thanks in advance!!


Ciao & Ubique

Edit:Sorry I just noticed you had said from all reports from this forum. Sorry about that, my question still stands if anyone would have an anwser for me! thanks!
boomer38 said:
Just a question, you mention no applicants for combat arms,(I am not trying to argue with you just wondering) on the Forces website it says that arty and Armoured are in high demand(as well as the TV commercials  :) ) I guess I was wondering if all combat arms applicants are not accepted at the moment or is it just certain trades with in Combat arms ??

Sorry about that, my question still stands if anyone would have an anwser for me! thanks!

Have you considered calling or visiting a Recruiting Centre to see what trades they are actually accepting applications for today? 
There is NO WAITING list. Sometimes we use that term to dumb down the explanation on what a Merit List is. If your processing is complete you go on the MERIT list and WAIT for selection then WAIT for a job offer. If you have not completed the process and there are no openings in the trade you want then your file goes on HOLD until there are openings then we complete your processing and you will go on to the MERIT list and WAIT for selection.

I hope this clears up any confusion.

As for the website we have no control over that. We pass on up chain of command the changes that we see that need to be made. It is then passed further up the chain to whoever is responsible for it. If you want the up to the minute info on occupation openings then come in and see us. The website is best used for info on the individual trades as opposed to openings.

The website is a GUIDE not GOSPEL!!
Ahh I see, thanks for the info.

So basically the merit list would generally consist of people from the last fiscal year who did not get into their desired careers and decided to wait?

Any information in regards to the size of these lists, how difficult it will be to get into infantry?...etc.
boomer38 said:
Just a question, you mention no applicants for combat arms,(I am not trying to argue with you just wondering) on the Forces website it says that arty and Armoured are in high demand(as well as the TV commercials  :) ) I guess I was wondering if all combat arms applicants are not accepted at the moment or is it just certain trades with in Combat arms ??

If I had to guess, I'd say the site is very rarely updated.  The "Hot Trades" haven't been touched in months, well before they stopped accepting applications.
The merit list has nothing to do with last fiscal year we use it ALL YEAR. No matter when your put on the merit list when we do a search for selection EVERYONE who is on the merit list comes up and the top candidates for each occupation get selected for an offer.

Get it out of your head that this is a WAITING LIST!!!!! You are ranked according to several different criteria. And no I'm not going to go in to that part.

The website is updated with occupation info. For example what the trade does and what the education requirements are. If we had it updated everytime there was a change in occupation availability then nothing else would be done on it. Like I said use it for occupation info NOT availability. That's what the Recruiters are for.

I believe we have beat this horse to death!!
I believe we have as well.
Locked with the usual caveats.

Milnet.Ca Staff
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