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Questions about joining the Reserves

  • Thread starter Thread starter Evan
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Cyber operator is not full time even for reserves. It is full time Reg F only at this time.

When you find the pay scales (super easy to google) you can do some easy math: 4 parade nights at a half day’s pay per parade night, and one weekend a month at a rate of 2 full training days plus one half day. Anything up to 6 hours is a half days pay. Anything over 6 hours is a full days pay.

Also you mention that you went to the Yonge St CFRC so likely you are in Toronto. The Reg F cyber unit will likely be in Ottawa only at first. There is a reserve unit for ACISS in Toronto (32 Sigs Regt) as well as a service battalion, some infantry units, and more.

So I've started my process for ACIS (ARMY COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS Specialist)

I'm going to be joining as a reservist and it will be out of Fort York on Toronto.

My questions are:

How difficult is the Math portion of the test? In terms of Grade level.

What challenges will I face given that I have a crippling fear of heights? I heard there's a 5 meter jump into the pool during BMQ, that alone terrifies me but I'll obviously do it.

Also, I heard there's a job within ACIS called Line Men, and they climb onto 150ft towers.

Do I have a say in what I will be doing there?
See also,

Reply #618
CFAT -92 pages

ACISS -78 pages

Hope this helps and good luck!
Jonezy76 said:
CFAT -92 pages

ACISS -78 pages

Hope this helps and good luck!

Hey MM, you have some competition!!  ;D ;)
Naw, I wouldn't say that. Just trying to pay forward some of the direction I've been given on the boards.
Hello All,

I am thinking of applying to my local Reserve unit, however, I have some questions.

1) How does BMQ work, is it held over weekends at LHQ or do I need to go to the school in Quebec.
2) In regards to the CFAT is that also for NCMs or officers
3) If I already have a SN and the ERC (issued by DND) can I submit copies of them
4) Lastly, with CFIT is a pass required before enrollment or do I have my 1st year
Banbeta said:
Hello All,

I am thinking of applying to my local Reserve unit, however, I have some questions.

1) How does BMQ work, is it held over weekends at LHQ or do I need to go to the school in Quebec.
2) In regards to the CFAT is that also for NCMs or officers
3) If I already have a SN and the ERC (issued by DND) can I submit copies of them
4) Lastly, with CFIT is a pass required before enrollment or do I have my 1st year

1 It will be done at either your unit or another unit that is close to you (I don't see you doing bmq anywhere to far away )
Full time is done on the summer

as for 2/3/4 not sure sorry
2. All officers and NCMs do the CFAT. There are different scores for different trades but all applicants are required to complete the CFAT, regardless of their chosen occupation.

4. By CFIT I am assuming you mean the force test. For reserves you do it during recruiting. You must also repeat it every year that you are in the forces.
If you mean CFAT, you only need to do it once unless you don't qualify for your chosen trade in which case you can repeat it to try for a better score but only your most recent score counts.
Hello All,

I'm a potential recruit for the primary reserve. I spoke to the recruiting Sergeant for the reserve unit I am applying for a couple weeks ago and haven't heard from him since. I left him a voicemail a few days ago and I'm starting to think the detachment is closed due to the COVID virus. I don't want to leave any more messages and pester the Sergeant I may be working for in the future lol. The online job application program is showing I'm ready for my medical and physical exam which is what he was working on getting scheduled before the virus threw a wrench into everything.
Could anyone who is current member or former who knows anything about the recruitment process give me some advice. I just don't like being left in limbo is all, and I do know that's something I will have to get used to. Up to this point everything was humming along nicely and I was really looking forward to this opportunity.

HDmech91 said:
Hello All,

I'm a potential recruit for the primary reserve. I spoke to the recruiting Sergeant for the reserve unit I am applying for a couple weeks ago and haven't heard from him since. I left him a voicemail a few days ago and I'm starting to think the detachment is closed due to the COVID virus. I don't want to leave any more messages and pester the Sergeant I may be working for in the future lol. The online job application program is showing I'm ready for my medical and physical exam which is what he was working on getting scheduled before the virus threw a wrench into everything.
Could anyone who is current member or former who knows anything about the recruitment process give me some advice. I just don't like being left in limbo is all, and I do know that's something I will have to get used to. Up to this point everything was humming along nicely and I was really looking forward to this opportunity.


Reserve recruit medicals are not happening at this time.