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Para 2, Chapter 2 of the Dress Manual:

2. A military force’s uniform is an outward symbol of its commitment, identity and ethos.  Coupled with overall appearance, the uniform is the most powerful visual expression of pride by the individual service member, and is the primary means by which the public image of the CF is fashioned.

I don't think we are really meeting that ideal right now.

I think Teddy et al. provided flesh to my ideas - cheers.  On the issue of ceremonial dress, I do think an effort to find a cost effective version for general issue (even if it is only a high-collar tunic, pants and a hat) would be interesting.  Let's not get caught up in patrols, bearskin hats, and all that stuff.  There is a clear time and place where Scarlets would be great - the USMC has the Dress Blues which are probably one of the most recognized uniforms in the world.  They look sharp, dressed to the occasion, and they ensure that all ranks are provided with an equivelent to our 1.  We have the traditions in place - they just need to be revamped.
So you guys want to go back to that 1985 Cbt Shirt that only had two flat breast pockets and no one could make up their minds if it should be tucked in or left out?  I remember the first day I went on the scrounge with that shirt on.  I had no place to store the goodies.    ;D
If we were wearing TVs and Body armour back in 1985, there is a good chance that we would indeed have kept those Mk2 shirts.
I remember those shirts!  One guy on course had one and he had to wear it untucked.  He looked like he was pregnant!  ;D
I had one of those shirts in Germany.  The Base Chief told me to tuck it in.  Tucked in, it looked okay, left out, yes, it did make one look pregnant.
Then again, I have seen some pretty big guys in the new combats that look pregnant as well.  ::)
I also once saw a female who had to pull up the bottom of her shirt before she sat down as it was too tight.  ???
I've read the thread a few times, but I can't find anyone mentioning our old "paint by numbers" jacket (with belt / branch buckle).  In light of our "functions" for certain dress, I do think that was nice idea.  The garrison boots (in my case SSF boots) were shone to a high standard and worn 4 days a week.  Only on stables (usually Thursdays) did we were our combats - and that was in Petawawa late 80's early 90's!!  Our tan shirts had to be ironed nicely as did our green workdress pants.  Our Cpl's had something to inspect then!!  Then the belt went, then the whole thing.  I went from jump smock and blue tshirt to work dress to green combats to CADPAT.  And now, all I can pick anyone up for is threads!!  Even the boots are mostly commercial (no polish allowed)...
One other thing, if DEU will continue to be the dress of the day for many can we please get a proper overcoat in order to end the CADPAT combat coat/DEU combo... I think that looks far worse than people wearing CADPAT as dress of the day...
COBRA-6 said:
One other thing, if DEU will continue to be the dress of the day for many can we please get a proper overcoat in order to end the CADPAT combat coat/DEU combo... I think that looks far worse than people wearing CADPAT as dress of the day...
Umm... Zip in liner and all - don't we have an overcoat for the DEUs?
BinRat55 said:
I've read the thread a few times, but I can't find anyone mentioning our old "paint by numbers" jacket (with belt / branch buckle).  In light of our "functions" for certain dress, I do think that was nice idea.  The garrison boots (in my case SSF boots) were shone to a high standard and worn 4 days a week.  Only on stables (usually Thursdays) did we were our combats - and that was in Petawawa late 80's early 90's!!  Our tan shirts had to be ironed nicely as did our green workdress pants.  Our Cpl's had something to inspect then!!  Then the belt went, then the whole thing.  I went from jump smock and blue tshirt to work dress to green combats to CADPAT.  And now, all I can pick anyone up for is threads!!  Even the boots are mostly commercial (no polish allowed)...

Ah, the pretend jump smock for us wannabes and now a favorite of the Goth kids. Only tan shirt collars had to be ironed.  The jacket did not look good on very many folks.  The belts were trash, the buckles had to be purchased or else you wore the cheap plastic buckle.  Those pants were left over from the gas station attendant days. The boots :skull:  nice you had SSF boots. In other threads we are talking about the challenge of finding comfort and functionality - these were neither.  They were great for compulsive spit-shiners. 
geo said:
Umm... Zip in liner and all - don't we have an overcoat for the DEUs?

We do, but it must not be up to snuff if the CADPAT jacket (or AF/Navy versions thereof) is required for winter wear... I'm just sayin'  ;)
IIRC, when CADPAT was 1st issued, it was verboten to mix "IT" with anything else.
Then, it was OKd to wear with DEU as an equivalent to the old CANEX parka / windbreaker...
I wasn't too impressed when that happened but, as I was no longer responsible for the dress & discipline of anyone other than myself.... que sera, sera...
I have never had a problem with the issued gabardine (sp?) although I have only worn it in really cold temperatures a few times. With the exception of Rememberance Day I can't think of any activities that would have you outside in the cold for terribly long periods of time in your DEU's anyways. But then again I might very well be wrong. Feel free to correct me.
My mother bought me a Canex parka for a winter jacket when I was 13.  They were cheaper, believe it or not, than a parka at the stores.  Still have it, although I haven't worn it with DEU.  It would have to be better than the gabardine, though.

Remember the great coat?  If you were going on course, it took up almost a whole duffel bag itself!
I have have worn the OD & CF Green greatcoats.
I liked the look the brass buttons gave to the OD coat.  The huge colar also did a good job of protecting the face on cold windy days.
The cheap Plastic buttons & stiff wool of the CF green one made it a dissapointment.
BinRat55 said:
I've read the thread a few times, but I can't find anyone mentioning our old "paint by numbers" jacket (with belt / branch buckle).

I mentioned this when I crossed it out - it is something between Operational and Service dress and is not, in my opinion, required.
I never minded the paint-by-numbers work dress jacket but I absolutely HATED the garrison boots.  They were so stiff I was always afraid to fall down the stairs.  :-[
JesseWZ said:
I have never had a problem with the issued gabardine (sp?) although I have only worn it in really cold temperatures a few times. With the exception of Rememberance Day I can't think of any activities that would have you outside in the cold for terribly long periods of time in your DEU's anyways. But then again I might very well be wrong. Feel free to correct me.

Yeah, it works fine. Unless you happen to be in a Highland unit; then it just makes you look like a flasher. Looking from the bottom up, spats, hose, bare legs and then that long coat doesn't go over well. Members of our unit training for deployment with the regs had to carefully point out this fact so as not to look foolish on Remembrance day. They were cold, but dignified.

100% in agreement with Teddy, especially the stable belts - that's something I'd really like to see, just not mixed with combats like the British army does.