MJP said:
EITS, SSM and other RCAF dudes & Dudettes,
Interested to hear some of your ideas on the issues and potential solution(s).
I'll give my :2c: as a LRP "dry sensor" type.
1. The RAAF piece was mentioned, I'll speak to the PA (Professional Aircrew) *spine* the RAF guys I talked to explained. Basically, you can apply to go PA; you'll spend your career, if selected, never progressing in rank the same as others would but will remain a career flyer. However, you go onto a different pay table/scale - pay/pension would still benefit despite never becoming something like a Master Aircrew - their equivalent of our CWO. The CAF option now is to 'opt out', so you could remain in your current rank, but not stay a career flyer and still end up at a billet that doesn't involve flying. Personally, I have little desire for more rank other than how it will affect my "best 5" for pension and of course, my take home pay. If the RCAF came out with PA, I'd be chasing it - I joined my trade to fly.
2. Introduce a Selection process similar to the way SAR Techs do it, but for AES OP. Aptitudes, spatial ability, multi-tasking, have a Selection Week that all applicants go to, pick the best of the applicants. There was a trial at a mini-ACS but it was only 1/2 day. Selection will let you assess people on quantified criteria that is the same for all, and might expose some people to aspects of what we really do. Some of those people might think "oh this isn't what I thought it was". Either way, you have the best shot at getting the best people into the training system. This Selection will also help determine, if done right, which people have aptitudes/abilities in the things MH does, Acoustics, EW aspects, etc. Right now, the way we select and employ Junior AES Ops for LRP or MH isn't necessarily done based on aptitudes, etc.
3. Training - streamline it from the Basic Course to the LRP and/or MH operational training. This is actually in progress now, and is on the RADAR of HHQ. I've been involved in this some, and I can say 99.9% "things will be changing" before the planned 2021 kick-off of FAcT.
4. Right now, our trade is competing thru the various TEs and line Sqn's for Sgt/MCpl pers. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation; to put out more Junior AES Ops, we need to increase people going thru 402. The only way to get more Instructors at 402 is to bleed them from the OTU units (406, 404) or the operational MH and LRP Sqns. SKT has already given some insight into the reality of the MH Sqns right now. The LRP ones are also hurting for those exact same folks; top-category Sgt/MCpls to train students on the basic LRP courses, and to be Crew Leads, Standards & Training, etc. The reality is, the Senior trade leadership will have to make hard choices that will affect either (1) initial occupation training (2) operational training units or (2) operational units. It takes about 4-5 years now, roughly, to grow a top category operator. # 3 above is very important right now and is being focused on with deliverables expected from HHQ in the very near future.
5. Growth and retention. We need to grow numbers, but we also need to keep the people we've already invested training into. Some of that will come with reduced op tempo for key people (top category, serviceable flyers), some will come if we select/employ people based on a balance of their abilities and desires. I also know of a few people who've released because they wanted to fly and got promoted out of those positions.
Things are going to change, but it won't be overnight and there are some hard choices to be made. If we need to cut back on FG to concentrate on Trg/FE activities for a few years, then the leadership needs to ensure that FG is actually be reduced to achieve the desired outcome. If not, the vicious cycle will continue.
My last point - if the power was given to me, I'd shut down the trade training in Wpg, implement the Selection phase, move the 402 instructor positions to 404 and 406 Sqns and would revamp training to a Basic MH AES OP and Basic LRP AES Op stream. I think that would be the most efficient way to conduct training and produce the #s we need. Because of how short we are, ANY training not required is too much right now.
I wish I had more time/mental energy to be more concise. Flew today, and back at it tomorrow...