SeaKingTacco said:
To play Devil's Advocate- I see that as less the fault of the DEA Sgt and more of the Sqn.
Partially the Sqn, but I think it more lies with the trade itself; no adjustment in training was made for the DEs who would progress up the ranks, it was business as usual and now we are seeing the deficiencies. I raised the issue at the NASO Partial QSWB in spring of 2017, and the FIC ground school was added as part of the OJTP. But...they aren't even tested on the material and don't get the MITE code or anything because they do not finish the complete AIMB qual. ??? However, there are opportunities now to revisit, restructure and improve and change will be happening. We can't continue to do business as usually. 402 needs more instructors, 404 and 406 (I'm assuming...) are short-handed and so are the operational Sqns. We're holding on, but not much more from my view.
Where was his/her developmental opportunities and mentoring
They do get them, but for the DEs it is without the benefit of formal training like PLQ before they begin taking on Jr NCO roles. Of NASO MCpl's right now on our crews, all of them are A/L. This is a pan-CAF issue IMO so not one the trade can solve. I believe we need to re-align and OJTP, pull the stuff out that should be included in a DP3B/6A course and not "expect" people to be able to succeed as MCpls/Sgts in the trade.
Mentoring - A Cats are mentored by their Leads, Leads are mentored by Stds & Trg and AES Op Leader oversees all. At this time, though, out of 4 of us who are AES OP Stds & Trg (we have 1 Stds O and 1 Trg O for both ASO and NASO), 3 of us are also double-hatted as Leads. The demands of both roles take away from the time to do the individual ones with the right time and focus. This situation is, hopefully, temporary and won't exist by APS (for the NASO piece). Because we aren't dedicated in the crew rooms as Leads, the mentoring on the crew level falls to the MCpls - who are all A/L at this time.
The RCAF has been addicted to AESOps largely showing up with the NCO piece weighed off and has never made the cultural/institutional shift necessary to deliberately develop those skills.
100% agree. I can only speak for the LRP side, but I am confident our SCWO will make the best decisions to realign how we do business. Everything is being looked at; the MWOs and CWOs want to hear from the Snr NCO/WO levels on what we think. It's refreshing, and I'm thankful to have been able to add my :2c: on my area.
It is a constant source of frustation of mine that the AESOp occupation receives almost no Chain of Command oversight/intervention.
It is now, at very high levels. The trade has been given some marching orders. :nod: From what I've seen so far, for LRP I think 402 trg is lined up, 404 is in the process AFAIK...the OJTP needs to change, and I think we need to develop a DP3/6A course and revisit our current Category system. I think 402 and 404 need to be priority for MCpl/Sgt positions...if we don't increase the #s only they can produce for LRP, we will never flush out the crews. Mitigate this by reducing the op tempo of 405 and 407 temporarily. This is a high level decision, but is the only way forward I can see.
Don't get me wrong, I know DEs I went thru the 'Peg with who are at 402, 404, etc and are doing very well. I also know I have a B Cat Cpl who used to be a Inf MCpl with tons of experience who could mentor them on NCO skills - simply because of his decade + of experience. It's not the fault of the DE NCOs, by any means...I just look at it from a 'what do we need from my view of the world', and a higher intake of OTs for the near future has a change of mitigating situations like are happening now, where Stds & Trg are also filling 75% of the Lead jobs.
Lastly, I hate to complain too much because I know the NASO situation is far better than the ASO one. There are ideas that have a huge chance of solving many issues LRP faces now, eg - with the 402 trg now including ASO type stuff, do we need to produce a LRP ASO B and NASO B cat...why not just a LRP Jnr Operator? Realign our Category system more like the RAAF one (which I hope we do).