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RCMP prevent attack - 10 Aug 2016

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MilEME09 said:
Or it could be explosive/IED experts given it was a threat of a IED/Suicide bombing, they might of called for military experts in said area of expertise

Yup, but by their very nature CJIRU must include some of the very best IED experts. I would figure if there's some ambiguity to the explosive threat, best to call them out. A known conventional explosive threat is well within the RCMP's EDU capabilities.
In this particular case, I am torn in how I feel.  I am glad that the watch list has been reduced by one in a permanent fashion as I'd rather the suspects don't survive their contact with police.  But, the father of this scumbag is or was a CF member, IIRC, and was not egging him on or sharing his viewpoints, ie Khadr clan.  He must be devastated by a son that has gone astray and as a father, I can empathise. 
Jarnhamar said:
I'll enter his twitter and Facebook comments as public evidence  ;D

I enter lighting off one bomb and trying to light another while be killed by RCMP types as further evidence.  But I, too, have torn emotions about this.  I have a son who is a basement dweller with his mom, anti military and a scruff to boot. 
jollyjacktar said:
... the father of this scumbag is or was a CF member, IIRC, and was not egging him on or sharing his viewpoints, ie Khadr clan.  He must be devastated by a son that has gone astray and as a father, I can empathise.
Lightguns said:
... I have a son who is a basement dweller with his mom, anti military and a scruff to boot. 
And this is part of what makes these hard to deal with -- it's possible even if everything's done right, feces occur.  And 1)  fixing the issues with the individuals, and 2)  making it harder for ISIL to be attractive to some people with issues, are both hard to fix. Hell, I'm even having trouble asking the right, precise question for a solution.

Anyone interested in what buddy had to say for himself while the peace bond was being litigated, see attached TorStar Q&A from last year.

I'm looking forward to hearing more, but now, we have one case, here, in a western democracy where it appears someone on a peace bond was still able to make things that go boom, and another case where even being under surveillance (admittedly intermittent) didn't stop planning & execution of an attack.

I'm not a fan of preventive detention, but these show me surveillance alone doesn't seem to be enough.


From what I've read, the electronic tracking was removed once the peace bond was issued.  I would say that peace bonds are like padlocks in that they only keep honest men honest.  Apparently his word was not his bond and not worth shit.  Guys like him that have electronic monitoring shouldn't have it removed until they no longer pose a threat.  Peace bond, my ass...  also reading the Union Station Transit Officers were alerted that they were the suspected target of yesterday.
"Well she finally got the nerve to file for divorce
And she let the law take it from there
But Earl walked right through that restraining order
And put her in intensive care"

Dixit the Dixie Chicks.

jollyjacktar said:
also reading the Union Station Transit Officers were alerted that they were the suspected target of yesterday.

Must be a high priority target. It serves a quarter-million people a day.

jollyjacktar said:
From what I've read, the electronic tracking was removed once the peace bond was issued.  I would say that peace bonds are like padlocks in that they only keep honest men honest.  Apparently his word was not his bond and not worth crap.  Guys like him that have electronic monitoring shouldn't have it removed until they no longer pose a threat.  Peace bond, my ***...  also reading the Union Station Transit Officers were alerted that they were the suspected target of yesterday.

Western Democracy's intellectual inability to deal with terrorists, terrorist wannabes, their doctrine and belief systems makes for interesting dark comedy. 
Lightguns said:
Western Democracy's intellectual inability to deal with terrorists, terrorist wannabes, their doctrine and belief systems makes for interesting dark comedy.

Except, I'm not laughing...
Lightguns said:
I enter lighting off one bomb and trying to light another while be killed by RCMP types as further evidence. 

I lean towards being bellicose with this stuff. Obviously everyone is innocent until proven guilty but what irks me is when these guys and girls are on the radar for years and it seems like we only swoop in at the very last minute to adress the situation (and I'm not talking about a useless peace bond).

IMO this guy could have very likely slipped through the RCMP net when they were doing their battle procedure and detonated a bomb in a populated area. I can only imagine the ripple effect a successful attack would have with all the terrorist wannabe assholes who will be emboldened by something like this.  I wouldn't be to impressed if my family was killed after an attack like this especially if the attacker was on the radar for years and guilty of calling for people to be murdered and supporting ISIS or whatever.

I'm not calling for the though police like Europe seems to be going the way of (WRT people being critical of refugees or Islam) but we need to be able to act sooner then when these home grown terrorists are brushing their teeth on the way to detonate themselves.

Lightguns said:
Western Democracy's intellectual inability to deal with terrorists, terrorist wannabes, their doctrine and belief systems makes for interesting dark comedy.

All are protected under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that we brought in during days when we were much more law abiding and civil.  Times have changed and now we find it being used as a tool in which to undermine and defeat us, the West, in our naive and trusting ways and the beliefs that all societies are as peace loving as ours.

Sadly, there are evil people out there who want to kill us; for whatever reasons.  Evil people who will influence those susceptible to their 'propaganda', to carry out their plans.
jollyjacktar said:
Except, I'm not laughing...

Nope and I hope groups like this realize there's reasons for the restrictions put on these people.

CBC News reached out on Thursday to the Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties, which has criticized the limitations that were imposed on Driver following his arrest.


milnews.ca said:
And this is part of what makes these hard to deal with -- it's possible even if everything's done right, feces occur.  And 1)  fixing the issues with the individuals, and 2)  making it harder for ISIL to be attractive to some people with issues, are both hard to fix. Hell, I'm even having trouble asking the right, precise question for a solution.

Anyone interested in what buddy had to say for himself while the peace bond was being litigated, see attached TorStar Q&A from last year.

I'm looking forward to hearing more, but now, we have one case, here, in a western democracy where it appears someone on a peace bond was still able to make things that go boom, and another case where even being under surveillance (admittedly intermittent) didn't stop planning & execution of an attack.

I'm not a fan of preventive detention, but these show me surveillance alone doesn't seem to be enough.

What a nutcase, I figured people that openly radical would be in jail already...

Now I understand and love our freedoms here, but this idiot was obviously off his rocker. Maybe jail is to harsh and a state sponsored anti radicalization program has major flaws... but just letting him walk around and plan... now that is scary*.


*I speak in the figurative sense, I am more afraid in dying in a bear attack while out hunting this fall.. but this is worrisome.

Ps at Mr.Wallace mayhap the spirit of the laws need to be looked at and revamped and people like this get nabbed. Right now it sounds like we listen to the technicality of the law and allow nutcases like this to walk free. But at what point do we stop sacrificing freedoms for safety? I hate to say it, but eventually their will be another terrorist attack religiously motivated or not, would it not be more prudent to teach people to fend for themselves in an attack then to curl up and die?

Sorry for typos, put it out quick at work.
Teager said:
Nope and I hope groups like this realize there's reasons for the restrictions put on these people.


Get naked, put both your hands under your backside, dedicate one for hope and the other for shit.  Observe which one fills up first.
jollyjacktar said:
In this particular case, I am torn in how I feel.  I am glad that the watch list has been reduced by one in a permanent fashion as I'd rather the suspects don't survive their contact with police.  But, the father of this scumbag is or was a CF member, IIRC, and was not egging him on or sharing his viewpoints, ie Khadr clan.  He must be devastated by a son that has gone astray and as a father, I can empathise.

There is that aspect.  However, I'd feel worse for the families of the innocent people he intended to slaughter who would have been devastated.
AbdullahD said:
Ps at Mr.Wallace mayhap the spirit of the laws need to be looked at and revamped and people like this get nabbed. Right now it sounds like we listen to the technicality of the law and allow nutcases like this to walk free. But at what point do we stop sacrificing freedoms for safety? I hate to say it, but eventually their will be another terrorist attack religiously motivated or not, would it not be more prudent to teach people to fend for themselves in an attack then to curl up and die?

Sorry for typos, put it out quick at work.

It seems that current generations want the Law to be very specific and precise in its wording, so we see Parliament creating specific Laws to cover what have been more general and broad Acts/Laws that were capable of covering changes and interpretation to keep up with the times.  Now with the fine tuning and making of new Laws that are very precise and specific in their intend, we could be finding that they have a "Best Before Date" as the times change and they become irrelevant; a waste of time and efforts of our Lawmakers and in the long run very inefficient. 

At the same time we in our beliefs in the world being as peaceful as our society, have created an idealistic Charter of Rights and Freedoms to protect all from persecution and/or oppression.  The intent was good.  So was the concept of Communism.  We all know that human nature in reality does not make Communism, or even Socialism, practical.  It is that 'human' factor that has permitted our Charter to be abused by many who have found loopholes to promote their own agendas. 
From the public safety minister ...
“With respect to the police and security actions taken in Canada today, I have discussed the situation with the Prime Minister to confirm that public safety has been and continues to be properly protected.

There is no greater responsibility of the Government than to keep its citizens safe. Earlier today, the RCMP received credible information regarding a potential terrorist threat and took action to ensure public safety.

The Government of Canada monitors all potential threats and has robust measures in place to address them. However, Canadians should always remain alert to the danger of terrorism and report any suspicious activity to the National Security Tip Line (1-800-420-5805) or by contacting their local police.

Any comments on operational details will be made at the appropriate time by the RCMP.

Canadians can be confident that whenever credible information is obtained about a potential terrorist threat, the RCMP, CSIS and other police and security agencies take the appropriate steps to ensure the safety of this country and its citizens. These agencies conducted themselves effectively in the circumstances that developed today.

Taking all relevant information into account, the National Terrorism Threat Level for Canada remains at "medium" where it has stood since the fall of 2014.”
A couple of more interesting tidbits ...

From the RCMP (RCMP Info-machine photos attached):
On August 10, 2016, the RCMP received information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that an unknown individual was in the final stages of planning an attack using a homemade explosive device, likely targeting an urban centre during the morning or afternoon rush hour and within the next 72 hours. Today, the RCMP provided additional details about the incident.

“The safety and security of Canadian citizens is of the utmost importance to the RCMP. As soon as we received the information, we immediately took the necessary steps to ensure the public’s safety,” said Deputy Commissioner Mike Cabana, Federal Policing. “We actively engaged relevant Canadian law enforcement and security agencies, asking them to exercise an increased level of vigilance and to be on the lookout for anything suspicious.”

Following the swift efforts of our skilled and experienced investigators as well as our Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (INSET) partners, the suspect was identified as Aaron DRIVER and located in Strathroy, Ontario. DRIVER was known to police and the subject of an 810.011 Peace Bond related to terrorism. Police specialized units including the RCMP Explosives Disposal Unit and Emergency Response Team were deployed to the location of DRIVER’s residence.

“When he exited a residence on Park Street and entered into a cab, the RCMP’s ERT engaged the suspect, there was a detonation inside the taxi, and the suspect subsequently died following a confrontation with the police,” said Assistant Commissioner Jennifer Strachan, Commanding Officer of O Division (Ontario).

Investigators worked diligently overnight to gather the evidence however, as this is an ongoing investigation, no additional details can be provided. We encourage Canadians to remain alert and to immediately report any suspicious or unusual behaviour to their local police or by contacting the National Security Information Network at 1-800-420-5805.
This from SITE Intelligence Group:
Aaron Driver, a 23 year-old Canadian who reportedly attempted to perform a suicide attack in the Ontario town of Strathroy before being killed by police officers on August 10, was a highly active member of the pro-Islamic State (IS) social media community.


A report released by IS’ ‘Amaq News Agency the following day identified Driver as a “soldier of the Islamic State.” The message was released shortly after a video surfaced of Driver pledging to IS and threatening Canada: “You will pay for everything you brought us.” ...


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Check out London Ontario's Reddit...  /r/londonontario/

Multiple threads are ongoing about this.