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Real Classy Dude

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Isn't it funny how he has a "Layton 2004" image on his page.

I won't give this guy the satisfaction of knowing his words mean anything to me.  The worst thing that we can do to this goof is ignore him, because all he is looking for is to rile people up.
Holy cow that guy is overboard...

Ranting for the sake of ranting - even if he doesn't believe it, I hope that people are not convinced by such gems as

mean, it's been proven historically that World War One was the result of the United State's THIRST FOR EXOTIC SPICES

Anyone whose talen a high school history class knows that the US wasn't even in the war until the tail end of it...

immoral war against Germany and Japan

as I recall, they brought the US into the war - even Hitler declared war on the US first!

Regarding 9/11
It almost looks like the buildings are made of Legos! And that "building on fire" smoke? More like "smoke ball inside of a shoe box" smoke. FAKE FAKE FAKE.

he ought to be shot for that comment alone - or have his face rubbed into the ashes at ground zero.

From his more recent "rant"

After the Nam disaster the government had to abolish the draft and settle for a military force made up of volunteers, aka the scum of society.
What is this guy's problem?   All he is is a bully, picking on people who can't easily get back at him.   I fail to see how the military harms his enjoyment of life on a daily basis...

Scratch that, just read another of his articles - he was seeing a psychologist, for anger problems, and finished his rant with " I'm so FURIOUS right now. I am NOT taking meds, I am NOT going to anger management classes, and I am NOT going back to see her EVER AGAIN! I don't care what mom says to me. Oh, and if you're reading this Margret: I'M GLAD YOU GOT BREAST CANCER".


when I did honour guard a few weeks ago for the 38 bg CoC ceremony, the incoming Colonel inspecting us remarked to me that psychology and infantry were an interesting combination...   now I can see why, as its hard to be impartial to people's problems, all of the time...

like everybody said, the best thing is for us to do is ignore him.   The problem is, he is out there representing Canada to the world...  Can somebody remove that flag from his site?
I hope that people are not convinced by such gems as

Anyone who takes him seriously is just using him to justify a position they already hold.  In that case, those people won't be inclined to listen to reason anyway, so I'm not worried about him rotting new brains.

Infanteer's right, just ignore him.  He'll eventually wither on the vine when his shock value wears out.
Worst Maddox wannabe ever.   If you randomly click any three of his "rants", as I did before deciding not to waste any further bandwidth, I can almost guarantee he'll contradict himself within those.  
I hate to say it guys but I think he's just a troll who's fishing for comments like these, and getting people like us worked up. I mean noone can be that ignorant. It's not humanly possible. Hence why it's probably just a troll.
I just been reading real classy dude's ranting. He REALLY needs to take a pill or preferably a whole bottle of them
because the things he's saying about the Forces are BANG OUT OF ORDER AND A COMPLETE PACK OF LIES!
I forgot to mention, I also read one of his rantings about rape victims and you know what? he posted an e-mail  from a girl who
said she'd been raped with a reply that was obviously from him that went somewhere along the line of So What, Just Get Over It.
One part of this reply said, and I quote:  "mama didn't raise no fool."
He's the "scum of society."    :threat:

Here is something a Sgt. from the US army wrote to him; he posted it on one of the pages with a bunch of other fan and hate mail:

"Hey you piece of shit!!!  What time and where at do you want to meet me?  I cant spell or type very good, but i can rip your head off, and shit down your throat in 30 sec or less while i am blind folded and my hands behind my back.  I will personally will fly to your location during my 15 days of R&R, and then while you're laying there bleeding to death, i will piss on your eye balls.  I will hold your right to say whatever you want to say although i will kill you first. Thank you very much ......"

I think he speaks for all of us.
Heh, the guy doesn't speak for me sunborg, he sounds like an idiot no offense. Reminds me of a few emails i saw. "Oh if i had an m16 i'd blow you away".  First of all it's an empty threat because no one would and second, well it's murder :)

Threatening to fight people on the internet is retarded, period. No way around it.  If someone did track this toobias moron down and beat the shit out of him we'd all cheer, the agressor would get sent to jail and this dummy would see ten times the amount of traffic on his website. We would all love to deck him but thats exactly the thing he wants, especially through email.

If i can suggest anything to someone reading this thread, we've taken a look at his site and it's garbage. It ranks with those white power sites that claim the holocaust never existed.  Theres nothing to see on his site so going to it actually helps him. It gives him more hits to the site, prompts hate mail which he will naturally use to his advantage to promote his site AND he can follow the links back to army.ca and i think we can all agree the last thing we need is some asshole like him comming here and dragging out site through the dirt.  Just means more people go to his site. He wins.
Sorry Che, but my neo-pet can take your neo-pet anytime. >:D
Well no doubt Ghost, not all of us just want to fly over and find him and let him meet white-nuckled Johnny and Harry; but, I'm sure all of us have some kind of negative attitude for the narrow minded guy.
You woul;dn't get a good fight out of him, he'd run or curl up in a ball.
uhh, and fighting is never the answer kid.  :)

Wait until he slips up and writes something "hateful" then email tellus or whoever is hosting his site and ask them why they are allowing a a website promoting hate on their server.

Unless people are allowed to do that?
Jeeze, I've been away for 2 days and look what I've missed.

Frankly I find that guy funny.
One look at his face is all you need to realise what sort of moron he is.  ;D
What a hypocrite. Calling people idiots and dumasses and thinks Canada has Forces in Iraq. Go figure...

He is a complete embarrassment to Canada.

military force made up of volunteers, aka the scum of society

No, YOU are the scum of society.
I agree with Ghost, beating this guy with his own arms would serve no other purpose than getting a few cheers from those he has angered, the aggressor would do time and this guy would get rich(er) from the publicity. It is sad that the Justice system protects oxygen bandits like this tool.

I think he's just angry because Mommy fitted him with a shock collar so he can't get loose from the property. That's my rant. What's the use? Guys like him use the internet like he does BEACAUSE it is anonymous. This guy would never have the balls to say these things in public, he'd be lynched.

He's not worth the time it would take to email him. Having said that, I am happy to see that some of my fellow members here have signed him up for spam.

as mentioned before, if you really hate this guy...just don't go to his site or e-mail him, because you are making his site get more "hits" and you are actually helping him...
Ghost778 said:
Wait until he slips up and writes something "hateful" then email tellus or whoever is hosting his site and ask them why they are allowing a a website promoting hate on their server.

Is libel applicable in the context of the Internet? I mean there must be some way to go after this guy that shuts him up or at least draws a retraction. I didn't go to his site and look through the rest of his stuff because, frankly, the post I read about the Military sickened me enough.

I want to say more but am still very angry about this. It is very disheartening to say the least. There is no defence for this.
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