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Really (really) fast energy


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Is there anything out there that just really really gets you going?  Something to give you that extra kick before...well before whatever it is that your about to do?  Sometimes I just feel sluggish right before I'm about to do something trying, is there something that can help overcome this?  Even if only for a couple Minuit's?
No, but a multi-million dollar industry is based on by suckers believing there is......
I dunno about that....the nose bleeds you get from that could be a turn off...

There are caffeine pills...but I am not sure of their legality...what aboot coffee?

If you know that you are going to do some extreme physical activity, try having pasta with protein about an hour to an hour and a half before your undertaking. It is broken down into sugar which makes your body release insulin thus giving you an energy boost that you require. Each individual is different so it could be a soon as 1/2 an hour for that energy boost to kick in. Just remember that it is a short burst.


HAve like 8 cups of coffee not only will you be jolted you will also piss all day long theres a kicker for ya!!
Haha, thanks for the advice guys.  I was just curiouse to see it there was infact something out there that someone had tried, and it worked for them.  Apparently nothing I haven't heard of before.  I find all those "energy" drinks do nothing for me, which I found odd, considering I don't drink coffee so my caffeine intake is relatively low, at least compared to most people.  I thought a jolt to the system like red bull would have great results, alas, I was mistaken.  I can, however, vouch for the pasta.  Its not a huge boost, but its better than nothing at all.  Doesn't really help me shake that sluggish feeling.
I was a big fan of caffine pills when I was working overnites. They worked, but it was more for restoring alertness when tired than anything.

I cannot sugguest them however, as they seemed to be causing to stomach pain and headaches (A common side-effect, I later found out)
Apparently, they use a large amount of water to be absorbed, so I could see problems in strenuious situations.

All I can sugguest is coffee, really. Tastes better, costs less.

Water seems to help for me.

The best way to develop and maintain a high state of energy is to eat healthy, exercise strenuously, get enough rest, and avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.

I choose not to do any of the above, but then I don't complain about feeling like crap, so it all works out.

Viagra. Psshht! You have any idea how much energy sex takes? Definitely not for me.
There is probably no quick-fix for this sluggish feeling, you will have to find the cause of it in the first place and correct it.  The things suggested by Paracowboy are probably one of the reasons this feeling exists in the first place.  (ie not enough sleep, poor diet, etc)

But if you're always tired all the time no matter what you do (regardless how much sleep you get, how well you eat, etc) then thats a problem for your doctor to figure out.  But if you're feeling fine, just having a hard time getting off you ass, I can just diagnose that as being lazy :p

And yes I do suffer from that condition from time to time as well.
Energy beans from the running room. Basically just a jelly bean with kick. I have no idea what's in them that makes them do what they do...but they seem to work.
I have used PowerGels when running in longer distance (15+ km) races, and during Mountain Man. They are basically just a dump truck load of carbs in a little pouch. Some people say that they are junk, and that you can get the same effect out of "real" food, but I give them my "Big Al" seal of approval. Your best place to buy them (based on my experience) is either WalMart or the Running Room (the 10% military discount brings their price down below Walmarts).

paracowboy said:
The best way to develop and maintain a high state of energy is to eat healthy, exercise strenuously, get enough rest, and avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.

Agreed. A full nights sleep will usualy take care of your "energy" concerns. When I did bmq some of the guys popped caffeine pills during the 36h exercise but I found them unneccessary.
The root of the problem probably is lack of sleep.  I'm a full time student, what can I say.  I work on that problem every night, but I have heard some good things about those gel packets.  Methinks I will give em a shot some time.

Thanks for the suggestions guys.
gel packs are not going to help you with your problem. They are extremely handy for providing energy due to strenuous lengthy exercise. They are not going to help you deal with lack of sleep.

If you are not getting enough sleep, then the problem is your priorities. Eat right, exercise daily, and you will see an improvement in your sleep patterns. Live on shit instead of food, avoid exercise, party too much, and you will continue to feel crappy.
One suggestion which might help is drink more water (note this means H2O, not water with the extracts of hops and barley, or the oils of the deamon coffee bean). While lack of sleep seems to be the root cause of your problem (full time student; we all know full time students are studying various aspects of human anatomy, physiology [carb loading with beer and pizza, for example] and cognitive functions under extreme stress [writing essays or exams after doing a maximum load test with beer and pizza]. A lot of us have been there in the past  ;)), having the proper fluid balance in your system will keep most of the various bits and pieces of your body like the nervous system, the dugestive system, the blood system etc. running smoothly. Oxygen and nutirents can get in, and waste can get out.

Grab a big glass and get started.
I think also it is important to recognize that that 'low' feeling you have is prolly part mental. I know that the only way i get running time in, is the fact that I set a side an hour or so out of every day, and dispite the internal grumbling, the moment one foot gets infront of the other, the energy is back. The brain is the critical factor in most cases. As was stated before, there is an industry out there dedicated to 'quick energy', but its all bunk, and though caffeine has a noticible affect, its better to be able to do it without a crutch to depend on, because the one time that the crutch is not there, people end up making excuses to stay on the couch rather than do something.

Whats in your head controls the body, manages pain, understands the limits, and at time pushes through them. The trick is to tame that.

Just my thoughts.
This all sounds like great advice guys.  I really do need to get a better sleep eating work out routine down, I think that's probably the root of the problem.