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i was in the infasntry in the reserve for 3 years and recently switched to reg force engineer, when i put in my transfer i applied for the engineers but later decided i wanted to go to the infantry, when i said this to the recruiter i was told that i wasnt allowed to change my mind after i applied, now im sitting on pat platoon losing my mind cuz im gonna be stuck in a job i dont want to do for the next 5 years, anyways my question is how long do you have to wait till u can reapply after volutarily releasing as this is a path i am thinking about taking
thanks  :salute:
pte.wolowidnyk said:
i was in the infasntry in the reserve for 3 years and recently switched to reg force engineer, when i put in my transfer i applied for the engineers but later decided i wanted to go to the infantry, when i said this to the recruiter i was told that i wasnt allowed to change my mind after i applied, now im sitting on pat platoon losing my mind cuz im gonna be stuck in a job i dont want to do for the next 5 years, anyways my question is how long do you have to wait till u can reapply after volutarily releasing as this is a path i am thinking about taking
thanks  :salute:

You have to wait six months until you can reapply.

i applied for the engineers but later decided i wanted to go to the infantry, when i said this to the recruiter i was told that i wasnt allowed to change my mind after i applied

Hmmm, sounds a little fishy.
I am not sure but have you told your MCpl or Sgt who is in charge of you in PAT that you really want to go Infantry?  Just a thought...

The Chain of Command can work wonders and miracles sometimes...its not like you are tapping out, you just want to do a different job.

Curious though, Combat Engr is an excellent trade as well as infantry, the ones I have worked with are hardcore, professional and respected.

I think you are in a win-win situation, whether you are a infanteer or a Cmbt Engr.  I respect both of those trades and the folks in them...

It might help in your posts to use the spellcheck, people will be able to understand and reply to you quicker.   ;D

Mud Recce Man said:
It might help in your posts to use the spellcheck, people will be able to understand and reply to you quicker.
pte.wolowidnyk said:
now im sitting on pat platoon

And have they asked you to NOT sit on them yet?

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

quick check shows you haven't received this yet:
MSN and ICQ "short hand" -  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

Infantry FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html

Canadian Forces Aptitude Test - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103977.html#msg103977

Fitness requirements at enrolment, see page 12 of this brochure:

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

Army.ca wiki pages 
- http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, start reading.

No excuse, though, as you've been here long enough to know better. Now it's official. Put some effort into your posts, please.
ya turns out my pat platoon commander also switched to the engineers from the infantry and was my section 2 i/c wen i first joined the army, but since the engineers is now a closed trade u cant do a occupational transfer
pte.wolowidnyk said:
ya turns out my pat platoon commander also switched to the engineers from the infantry and was my section 2 i/c wen i first joined the army, but since the engineers is now a closed trade u cant do a occupational transfer

In case you missed Paracowboy's post, look up a few lines.  There ya go.

I don't know enough about OTs to advise you on this, however I am sure someone will read this and might provide some info.  IMHO, and I do mean that, if you aren't even MOC qualified QL3, why not move you to the trade you really want to do?  But thats me, and I have about as much say in this as I do in the color of the sky.

My advice?  Talk to your MCpl/Sgt.  Tell them what you said in your post here.  We can advise here, give opinions but we are outside your Chain of Command, so we lack the ability to ACTION anything, and it seems you need something actioned.

last chance. Use some capitals, punctuation, and other assorted thingies we employ to communicate effectively.
Its been a few years, but when I was going through basic/battle school you were able to switch moc in basic.It just took going to your section senior placing your request memo in the course senior book and the paper trail took it from there.We even had a few OT during the first week in Meaford during our clearance on the base for battle school.

I see a lot of people telling you to TALK to your chain of command.I personally would advise requesting what you want in memo format.I can tell you some people love to push informal things under the mat to be forgotten until its too late.Then its not their problem.

Also don't be afraid to request something like this,its your career not Sgt bloggins.Don't let someone tell you what you want for a career.

If you need a memo format (not sure if they teach it on sq or basic now) ask your chain or pm myself if you don't get it.

