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milnewstbay said:
Just got my USA Army Recipes CD, and here's the TOC:

My favourite

Mmmmmm...... pig's feet.......

Actually they are not too bad......

What no recipe for grits and gravy?

I remember eating in Fort Benning in 2000 and it was an adventure in dining!
career_radio-checker said:
A new dish they are comming up with in Afghanistan -- poop a la carte.


Just saw this and got quite the laugh
Okay, I read this thread yesterday, thought about it, and decided I had to share this recipe with you. The problem is that, I don't measure anything, it's all by taste. So, here goes:

Beef Stroganoff

Cut up a roast into thin strips, marinate (as long as you want, sometimes I don't even bother marinating because I use Alberta beef  :)) in worchestershire sauce, with onions and garlic.

Throw everything into large frying pan, throw in some fresh (or canned) mushrooms, seasoning salt, onion and garlic power (NOT salt), pepper. Cook until onions are tender. Turn down heat and add sour cream plus more worchestershire sauce, , the smackier you want it, the more worchestershire sauce you use, if it's too powerful, add more sour cream.

Typically I will use about half a bottle or more of worchestershire (don't be scared, it's tasty) and one of the big tubs of sour cream.

Simmer for however long you want, serve over broad egg noodles.

Very, very easy, quick to make recipe, but tastes like a chef did it! I make it for company, they think I slaved away all day making it. Much better than the last recipe (poop a la carte, gag) posted.
Reading through this thread I've noticed several comments from people who like to eat but are not too keen on cooking.
So here is a recipe for a hardy meal that is easy to cook and requires very little skill.

Potato Pancakes - serves three (or one really hungry person  ;D )
Time required - 8 minutes

Large mixing bowl
Frying pan
Large spoon

1 packet dry mash potato mix
3 eggs
butter or marg
1/2 cup milk
2 cups boiling water
1 large onion
a dash of spices: salt, pepper. (Optional -  onion salt, garlic - to taste)

To begin, start a kettle boiling.
Chop one large onion into small pieces and fry in a pan until softened and slightly brown, about 2 minutes on high.
In a large mixing bowl - add about 2 cups of boiling water to one packet of dried mash potato mix, some mixes vary - add the water a little at a time so it's not too runny.
Add three raw eggs and use the spatula to mix it until uniformly blended.
Mix in the fried onions, a dash of salt and pepper and (optional - some spices to taste).

In a hot, greased pan - use the spatula and spoon to drop in small amounts of potato mix. Three drops should fill the pan without touching at the edges.
Fry on low heat for two minutes and turn.
Fry again for three minutes and put them aside to cool while you cook the next batch.

These are also good with a little shredded cheese on top, or with sour cream, or ketchup.


Brats With Beer Gravy -- Man Fuel  :salute:

25 min | 10 min prep | SERVES 5 


1 (1 lb) package bratwursts (5 per package)
1 (12 ounce) beer
1 teaspoon italian seasoning
2 beef bouillon cubes (or packets)
1/4 teaspoon white pepper (to taste)
1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch

1. Cook Brats over medium heat. Pierce casings all over with pointed end of knife or use fork. This will allow the fat to drip out into pan and prevent sausages from bursting. Brown on all sides until no pink shows on inside. Remove from pan and set aside.
2. To make gravy: Take a container with a sealable lid (like tupperware) and pour the beer into it. Add Italian seasoning, beef boullion, pepper and cornstarch. Place lid on tight and shake to blend ingredients. Open lid between shakes to relieve the gas pressure from the beer or you'll have a big mess to clean up.
3. Pour beer mixture into pan drippings. Turn up heat to medium high. Stir using a wire whisk, loosening bits from bottom of pan. Gravy is done when you see it bubbling.
4. Too thick? Add more beer. Too thin? Add more beer mixed with a little cornstarch. Do not add dry cornstarch directly to hot gravy. You will get lumps.
5. Serve with mashed potatoes and a green veggie.

GG  :army:
For the lazy cook, that's me.  Warning; I do not measure anything!

Cabbage Roll Casserole

1/2 medium cabbage cut up
1 can tomato soup
tomato juice 2-3 cans
couple pieces of cooked, crumbled bacon
1 1/2 cups, uncooked, long grain rice
about 1 1/2 lbs hamburger
garlic,(salt, pepper if wanted)

Scramble fry hamburger, when cooked thoroughly and some garlic and can of tomato soup.  Then pour 2-3 cans of tomato juice(meaning:pour tomato juice into empty tomato soup can), heat through.
Place cabbage in bottom of 10x14 baking dish.
Sprinkle rice evenly on cabbage.
Sprinkle bacon on rice/cabbage.
Pour tomato/hamburger sauce on the top.
Spread evenly.
Cover with tin foil.
Cook at 350C for about 1 1/2hrs. 

And then you have cabbage rolls without all the work.
Feeds about 6 regular people and or about 3 Army guys!

Here's one verbatim from the Orlan Ukrainian Folk Ensemble cookbook.  Source:  #63 Chris Walby, Winnipeg Blue Bombers.  IT'S OVER THE TOP

Game Day Chili

2 x 10oz cans red kidney beans
2 x 10oz cans regular pork and beans
2 x 20 or 30oz cans crushed tomatoes
1 large white onion, diced
Garlic, at least 3 whole heads, crushed
1/2 cup chili powder
1/3 cup salt
1/3 cup paprika
1 lb lean ground beef
1 lb ground pork
1/2 chicken, cut up
2 Tbsp tobasco sauce
3 Tbsp black pepper
1/2 Tbsp cayenne pepper

Cook all meat in separate skillets.  When cooked, drain and add to large crock pot.  Add all above ingredients and fill to top of mixture wiht water.  Simmer while continuing to stir often at low heat for three hours.

Run to nearest store to purchase towels so guests may wipe their foreheads, and remember to provide your guests with the proper refreshments.
http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~gpetitpas/Links/Donair.html    All things donair, I have tried it and it is excellent.

I know there is a previous donair sauce recipe in this thread, but this sauce is much more simple to make.
Seafood Pasta Chowder


1 bag of spiral noodle or shells
2 cans of seafood chowder(1 big one if you can find em)

Cook pasta, strain water, add chowder, stir, serve.

Heart Attack Sandwich


2 english muffins
Assorted cold cuts

Toast up the muffins, butter, load up the meats, and chow down.

Speaking of heart attack sandwiches

1 Loaf Garlic bread
Various types of meat
Your choice of cheeses

Wrap in foil and bake @ 375 for about 25 minutes or until the cheese and butter is melted.
For the sweet tooth or the local bake sale:

Skor Bar squares

1 box plain Ritz crackers
1 can of Eagle brand condensed milk
1 bag of Skor chipits
1 can french vanilla frosting

1. In a large bowl, crush up the crackers,finer the better,fold in the condensed milk and 3/4 of the bag of chipits.
2. Bake at 350C for 10 min in a greased, square pan.
3. Allow to cool(or chill in the fridge) till firm, ice em with some of the frosting and sprinkle the remaining skor bits on top.
4. Go to the gym and work out till you don't feel guilty for eating more than one! 
One of my daughters friends introduced us to this and it's freakin' awesome!!

BBQ Doughnuts...

Yup that's right BBQ Doughnuts.
Get a dozen Glazed Doughnuts (or how ever many you want) split them like a kaiser bun and grill them on the BBQ for a minute or 2 on each side.  The sugar in the glaze should be hot and sticky.
Place one half on a plate, add a large dollop of vanilla ice cream and top with the other half of the doughnut.

You won't believe it!

CAUTION Not for the timid or carb conscious, enjoy in moderation, wash down with your favorite beverage
One whiskey glass
Ice cubes
Jack Daniels whiskey to taste.

Ice not mandatory
Jack can be replaced with Jim Beam, Scotch or any quality whiskey.

3 lbs. chicken (skinned and chopped)
1/3 cup olive oil
3 cloves garlic, crushed and chopped
3 Peppers -red, yellow, green (seeded, chopped coarsely)
Salt and fresh ground pepper
1 can mango slices in heavy syrup (chop slices into 3 or 4 pieces each)
1/2 cup of brandy

Heat oil in frying pan; add chicken pieces and brown.
Add brandy, garlic, and salt and fresh ground pepper to taste.
Cover and cook on low until almost tender(about 15 minutes)
Add mango and syrup, chopped peppers and cook covered for 10 more minutes.
Remove cover and simmer to thicken sauce.
Serve with cooked rice.
Optional: Add some diagonally thinly (1/8") sliced carrots when you add the brandy.
OldSolduer said:
One whiskey glass
Ice cubes
Jack Daniels whiskey to taste.

Ice not mandatory
Jack can be replaced with Jim Beam, Scotch or any quality whiskey.


Sorry big guy, but you just can't arbitrarily replace JD with anything.  ;D
Beef Corn Casserole (More commonly known as "Heart Attack in a Pan")

Pound of ground beef
Can of tomato soup
can of corn
shredded cheese (marble works best)
hand full of plain potato chips (corn chips can be substituted)

Fry up the meat (drain the grease - you'll need to!!) Add the can of tomato soup - don't mix it with water like you would normally do - and the can of corn. Simmer for a few minutes, then put the cheese over top and turn the chips into crumble and toss on top. Put a lid on the pan and simmer on low to melt the cheese.

This should be eaten maybe once a career!! It was invented with stuff I had in the cupboard and fridge when I was a no-hook / no-money kinda guy. But it does taste awesome.

Feeds a platoon.
Chicken and Rice

As a university student, I'm always looking for something I can cook that will give me lots to eat over a long period of time. I figured this one out and it takes a while to prepare but if you make enough, you can store in the fridge and even eat it cold :)

What you need:
Chicken - 2 breasts or 8 thighs
Rice - 1 bag of wild herb (or whatever you fancy)

This seems to be a good chicken/rice ratio.. feel free to change it.

Cut up the chicken into small bits roughly the size of a die (dice minus one ;) )
Add herbs/spices salt & pepper to taste.
Fry up in a pan on med heat with a touch of olive oil.
Cook up rice according to instructions on package.

When they're both done, mix them together.
What ever you don't eat right away, refrigerate right away.
i remember going to an aunt's house when I was a child and being served a dessert called jiffy pudding (might be a maritimer recipe). I know it had a hell of a lot of brown sugar in it and was best served hot. Has anyone else ever heard of it and if so, how do you make it?
Ex-Dragoon said:
i remember going to an aunt's house when I was a child and being served a dessert called jiffy pudding (might be a maritimer recipe). I know it had a hell of a lot of brown sugar in it and was best served hot. Has anyone else ever heard of it and if so, how do you make it?

I used my google-fu and found this recipe.

Jiffy Pudding
Recipe #145077 | 50 min | 5 min prep |

This is nice because it makes it's own sauce.

SERVES 6 (change servings and units)


1/3 cup brown sugar
1 cup flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup raisins or chocolate chips
1/2 cup nuts
1/2 cup milk
1 cup brown sugar (2nd amount)
2 teaspoons butter
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 cups boiling water
1 Mix together 1st amount of brown sugar, flour, baking powder, raisins or chocolate chips, nuts and milk in a greased casserole.
2 Mix 2nd amount of brown sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, and salt.
3 Spread over batter and dot with butter.
4 Pour boiling water gently over top.
5 Bake at 350F for 45 minutes or microwave for 9 minutes.