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Redress of Grievance – Mega thread [MERGED]

Thank you for the link and suggestion, 48... I will definitely be taking a thorough look.

PM's checked and replied too, Loachman.
kaki0429 said:
Thank you for the link and suggestion, 48... I will definitely be taking a thorough look.

PM's checked and replied too, Loachman.

Cheers  kaki0429,

I sit on on various committees that include  ADR members, and they are proactive and diligent in their mission to resolve things for Soldiers.


Got a PDR today, with some obvious personal opinions for things that I could use improvement on.  Situation; my peer who a few months ago got promoted and became my supervisor (long story - the guys not deployable can't be posted to any other unit in my trade).  While we were peers we had VERY different opinions on how to acomplish things.  Long story short, I plan on sending the good Sgt. an email requesting substantion on a few of his points of improvement. 

What I am wondering is if there a more official process I should be following for this or would an email cc'ing my Warrant suffice? I know if it were a PER I would have the Grievence process, but this might be some ammo if it gets to that point.

I will be posted in the Spring. 
More details upon request.

You can grieve a PDR.  Have a look here:  http://www.cfga.forces.gc.ca/index-eng.asp

Before you go that route, consider other less formal options.  You might decide grievance is the path you want, but you may find a less formal option better (and potentially more quickly) meets your needs.
smity25ca said:
(long story - the guys not deployable can't be posted to any other unit in my trade).

Not relevant. He was promoted and is now your supervisor.
Which was another question I can't seem to find an answer to, he was promoted while under a DUI charge, he has no 404's as he got a double whami (lost his licence DUI, then got caught again DUI while the licence was still suspended) 5 year no licence, 404's are a trade requirement. Another WO told me someones protecting this guy.
Best guess is that someone is his Rabbi. I've seen guys with far less going on discipline wise that have been released from the CF let alone promoted!
He's retireing next year (might have something to do with it) as it states in our CM briefing "on aceptance of promotion you shall have no trade restrictions" as with DOAD's soldier first. (don't have the doad # at home)
The respective DAODs are 5019-4 and 5019-7.

Are you looking to resolve your PDR concerns, or are you hunting after your supervisor?
smity25ca said:
Which was another question I can't seem to find an answer to, he was promoted while under a DUI charge, he has no 404's as he got a double whami (lost his licence DUI, then got caught again DUI while the licence was still suspended) 5 year no licence, 404's are a trade requirement. Another WO told me someones protecting this guy.

I'd have to say that warrant officer is pretty unprofessional!  There is no way that a superior should be discussing a supervisor's conduct with that supervisor's subordinate (at least not in those terms - listening to a complaint is something else).

The simple fact is that regardless of how unfair you think it is, this guy is now your supervisor and he writes your PDR and PER.  If there are issues with the PDR, you should try discussing it with him and asking for clarification as to what is expected.  A PDR is a supervisor's offer of a chance for a subordinate to improve.  It's up to you how you decide to act on it.  If you choose to take his criticism constructively and change your approach, you may be rewarded on your PER.  If you choose to fight him over it, don't be surprised if your PER is more of the same, only with more severe implications.  On the other hand, if you do take his advice and try to improve things in his image and he still slams you on your PER, you will have all the more ammunition for the grievance.

Another thing to remember is that PDRs are not scrutinized as closely as PERs.  Take the PDR for what it is - a means of TWO way communication for improvement.  It should be raw and honest.  The PER, however, goes through many more machinations and levels of review.  A PER is by no means one person's opinion.
Talk it over with his supervisor, you know, the person who signed off on the PDR. Their signature is at the bottom.

Sit down with them and go over your performance. You may need to use past PDRs to establish a base line if there is something glaring on the latest one.

Sometimes that's all it takes.

Thanks Pusser, to clairify the WO was from another trade, just shares our smoke pit, and he is spot on. And I'm not out to get my Sup. by any means, good on him far as I'm concerned, I'm really just currious, as two mates of mine are currently under career review and have had the hammer droped on them for DUI (not even a double DUI), I personally don't like the good for some but not for others mentality (and isn't it ilegal?). I don't care who you know or what the sit. is if you cross that line you do the time! It sets a bad president and creates animosity with in the trade, and we're a small trade 630 pers. I'm just questioning this very fact, ie. how can you kick this guy out and not so and so. (NOT ME) I'll sleep in a ditch before I'd ever drink and drive), I'm just currious, as it seem wrong at so many levels.

Thanks Nerf herder, will do!
smity25ca said:
I personally don't like the good for some but not for others mentality (and isn't it ilegal?).

Nothing but smoke pit talk. One person's troubles are rarely the same as the other's.

None of this DUI stuff has anything to do with your PDR.
I am a 5 year Cpl in the Infantry. I have nod PLQ mods to speak of, and am employed outside the regiment.  I have asked to go on Mods 1-5 and have gotten the answer from my training NCO (PPCLI) who says he doesn't know how to put me on the new distance learning mods. However another soldier from a different trade was just place on their Mods. My question is... Am I able to file a grievance through my chain of command?
Before you grieve, maybe try and figure out what he means by "doesn't know how"?  Maybe ask your chain of command to look into it and see if the OPS WO or another member can do the task?  This should not jump to a grievance yet.  I find it hard to believe that your unit has no one able to load people on course.
I find it very hard to believe myself that he doesn't know how to do it. I have spoken to the training NCO and he says he doesn't know how. I have spoken to my Ops WO, and he refered me back to the training NCO. I wrote a memo asking to speak to the career manager, which never reach him. So I waited months until the career manager arrived in Edmonton to speak with him. He said the decision to place me on mods 1-5 rests with my CoC. I then returned to my Sgt, who then went to the RSM and surprise, surprise.. Refered back to the training NCO. It's for a lack of trying on my part. I basicaaly ran out of options?
sieran said:
He said the decision to place me on mods 1-5 rests with my CoC. I

Yup, it does.

Now what is it you wish to grieve ?, Is there some sort of entitlement to be placed on PLQ that i have missed ?
I am pretty sure that you can merely let people know you want to go on the course but it's not something you can grieve.  There are many reasons why you wouldn't be course loaded.  It could be that something is holding you off the course and you are not being told? 

What do you intend to grieve?  Take a look here and follow the procedures.  Note Step #1.

