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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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That's what I thought. lol. Thanks for setting the record straight.

Happy Holidays
well, as a grad of RMC (99), I'll tell you a few things.

First off, the recruitings don't know anything about RMC, don't listen to them.  Go on the tours, where you eat lunch with Cadets, then you'll know what its about.
It doesn't hurt to apply.  What's the worst that can happen?

And despite what the recuiting office says about your chances, it isn't them who make the final decision on whether you get in to RMC or not.

Good luck
short final said:
well, as a grad of RMC (99), I'll tell you a few things.

First off, the recruitings don't know anything about RMC, don't listen to them.   Go on the tours, where you eat lunch with Cadets, then you'll know what its about.
It doesn't hurt to apply.   What's the worst that can happen?

And despite what the recuiting office says about your chances, it isn't them who make the final decision on whether you get in to RMC or not.

Good luck

wow so kincanucks knows nothing? I'm about to brew a huge pot of tea cause I'm thinking when he sees this post his blood pressure is about to reach boiling. I'm pretty sure recruiters know something and I'll go out on a limb and say they probably know more than something, probably more than a guy who passed in 99. But what do I know? I'm a lowly wannabe ncm. I don't even aspire to your lofty rank. *smacks head on monitor*
Hey! Drew buddy here

  Man, if i was to listen to my carrier counselor back in high school, i would have been dead by now,  I believe 2 things in life, your only going to go as far as you make yourself, and 2 carrer counselors should probally look into a new profession. Get into exercises and .. work hard.. and dont look back..

Proove her wrong.. then enjoy looking back!
to be quite honest, probally not. i applied there with  a ninety one average. i didn't get in but they are always, always looking for female officers. so hey, what the heck, there is no harm in trying.

NavComm, thank you for your support but everyone is allowed their opinion, even if it is wrong.

bringthepain, stay on the meds.

gauci333, 91% average and didn't get in?  Proves that it takes more than academic performance to get in but I am sure there is a lot more to your story.

wow so kincanucks knows nothing? I'm about to brew a huge pot of tea cause I'm thinking when he sees this post his blood pressure is about to reach boiling. I'm pretty sure recruiters know something and I'll go out on a limb and say they probably know more than something, probably more than a guy who passed in 99. But what do I know? I'm a lowly wannabe ncm. I don't even aspire to your lofty rank. *smacks head on monitor*

1)  Breathe.....its christmas

2)  Yes, I'll go out on a limb and say yes, a person who ATTENDED RMC for 4 yrs would probably know a little more about the ins and outs than a recruiting centre would.  My experience at the recruiting was mediocre at best.  Yes, that was 1995, but so what, that's what I experienced.

3)  Don't take it personal.  If you're a recruiter, or if Kincanuk is, I apologise, but I'm just stating an opinion.  When I was applying, I went on the tour 4 times, and I learned more on those tours chatting with the 1st year cadets at lunch, than I did at the CFRC.  And when I was a cadet, I made damn sure I was available at lunch to talk with the "Zoo Tours".

4)   I took the time to read your profile.  Your "Lofty Rank" statement was a pretty bold one coming from someone who was RTU'd from basic, and has yet to complete it (according to your profile).  If that's the case, I suggest you conduct a signifcant self-assesment of your attitiude.  You're not going to go very far in this business if you continue to think that way.

From the sounds of Allie's posts, the RC in her area doesn't sound very enthusiastic about her application, and all I'm saying is don't listen to what they say, go see the place for yourself, and apply anyway.

Allie, from the sounds of your marks and extra-curricular stuff, you sound like a pretty good candidate.   FYI, I got in with an 83 avg for enginneering.   If you're looking for an Arts degree, the mark threshold was a little lower.

merry xmas

I would suggest a better grasp of the English Language in the use of Grammar, Spelling, and Capitals.  ;D  It is a major requirement, that has fallen short, in most institutions of Higher Learning.  It is also a quality that shows what kind of a manager/leader you may become.  Functionally Illiterate, does not take you far in the 'Big World'.
gauci333 said:
to be quite honest, probally not. i applied there with  a ninety one average. i didn't get in but they are always, always looking for female officers. so hey, what the heck, there is no harm in trying.

Whooptie freakin doo. I had a utterly lousy high school record, and I mean lousy. I have a grand total of two university courses under my belt.I put it this way: I wasn't even going to be considered for officer. Fast forward half a year later, and I'm with the RCD and loving it.

Marks - are - not - the - end - all. I was told by my recruiter himself they search out well rounded people. Being a nerd with 100% in everything in no possible way guarantees you'll get in, as they may take that sports jock type guy who plays hockey and football, gets along well with peers and makes

90's over Mr. No Life there.

Even now, after talking to my Adjt about it and subsequently my BPSO, if I were to do a few things and get a few courses, I of all people would have a chance of getting into RMC. That should give anybody the light of hope right there.
Put it this way,

It all depends on what your going for, and don't go for the wrong reasons...They look for competitiveness...Athletic, Smarts, and all depends on demand...If your goin there to be a pilot, Hah! Good luck.  I'm applying for Artillery Officer (Have a year of service in Reserve Artillery, 55 Bty, 5th Fd RCA) and they say I have an excellent chance.  All depends on what you apply for.
I am going for my interview, medical, physical etc etc in the next two weeks, could anyone please offer me some tips for the interview? It's really the only thing that I'm concerned about but it would be very much appreciated.
Hello Kyper, and Welcome to army.ca

Try these two links out:

RMC Interviews


If you have any other questions, please try the search feature on the top right
of the page.

Best of luck,

Thank you very much Old Medic for the links and the fast reply. This calms my nerves some what.  ;) 
NavComm said:
wow so kincanucks knows nothing? I'm about to brew a huge pot of tea cause I'm thinking when he sees this post his blood pressure is about to reach boiling. I'm pretty sure recruiters know something and I'll go out on a limb and say they probably know more than something, probably more than a guy who passed in 99. But what do I know? I'm a lowly wannabe ncm. I don't even aspire to your lofty rank. *smacks head on monitor*

Whoa, don't turn this into a class-warfare "officer cadets are sucky cocky bastards" thing. I think what's trying to be said here is that RMCtends to be very exclusive and self-contained: we have our own uniforms, our own customs, our own rank system and our own curriculum. Good thing? bad thing? Not this thread to decide. The fact of the matter is, htough, that RMC is unique and there are a lot of...shall we say, misconceptions about the College. The picture that I made from the information I got is quite different from the experiences that I have had so far. Not to say that I'm not having a good time - I'm having a great time - but it's really easy to get mislead about the College.
Allie, What trades are looking at going into and what academic program are you looking at studying in? These are important factors to consider as it may affect your chances of getting in or getting what you want.
Look at it this way: If you apply, you have a chance. If you dont, you dont have any chance.

I was considering applying, until I found that they didnt have the courses I wanted...
23007 said:
Allie, What trades are looking at going into and what academic program are you looking at studying in? These are important factors to consider as it may affect your chances of getting in or getting what you want.

Based on that factor what would the chances of someone getting accepted as a MARS officer in an arts degree with a 90% average in high school?
andpro said:
Based on that factor what would the chances of someone getting accepted as a MARS officer in an arts degree with a 90% average in high school?

Well from last I heard, MARS is in need of personnel so it is an area where they need to recruit. If it was a smaller trade like INT and you were only joining if you got it then I wouldn't hold my  breath. But with MARS I would go for it. Go to the recruiting centre and apply. Good Luck.
Infantry is also recruting, as there seems to be a lot us and arty guys around. :warstory:
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