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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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I will have completed my vocational training as an electronics technician this July, it's a 4 year program part time school and part time work, where I am working as a technician for RUAG Aviation...now here's the thing, I'm in Switzerland! I have dual (Canadian and Swiss) citizenship and now I just sent in my application to the forces as I plan to return to Canada after I get my certificate this July. I'm 22 and will be 23 this November in case you're wondering. Been in Switzerland the past 6 years now but before that I was in Canada where I also attended the Air Cadets program for 3 years.

I applied for the following positions: Pilot, Air combat system officer, and intelligence.

You may ask why Pilot? Well my Dad is a civilian Pilot and although I don't have my license yet (lack of funds and time to do it officially) I can fly and do have a pretty good background in the topic.

I am fit and quite active, so not worried there, I also speak English, French and German (only it's a pity I couldn't include that on the application...). My main concern is that although I have a post secondary education, I don't have a certificate showing completion of secondary school as I moved here after my completion of grade 10 in BC then finished my secondary here, but you don't get a certificate for it here in Switzerland. Instead, when completed, you are allowed to write a test and then enter into your chosen post secondary education program. In almost every technical field one goes through the vocational schooling system as they want you to have both theory and practical knowledge in case you're wondering why I didn't just get my BA from the start.

So with this in mind, what are my chances of being selected for the ROTP? I know it's hard to say, but being currently in Switzerland...and the vocational schooling....will they just throw the application aside because of this?
50/50 same as everyone else.  You will either be sucessful or you won't.  The only way to find out is roll the dice.  If you want further information, read Scott's post about unique snowflakes.


Hatchet Man
Just one quick comment, from someone who both graduated from military college (a classified number of years ago) and has written a couple of reference letters for young people who successfully got into RMC: over and above the (quite sound) recommendations about an academic letter of reference in the posted link, remember that an ROTP application is a *military* application -- they are looking for military appitude as well as academic, in particular, leadership potential.

The more you can include upon military potential in general, and leadership potential in particular, the better.  As always, the more specific you can be, with supporting examples, the more convincing you will be.
Hey everyone, hope everyone is rocking out! I am just posting this as to get opinions from everyone. I know that when it comes to extracurricular activities, everyone is different. That being said, is there such a thing as a "preferred" extracurricular activity. The reason I say that is because most of mine are involved with working part time and leisure sports. I did volunteer a lot, but that was a while back, like 4 years ago, so does it even count anymore. I have some leadership experience as i was a supervisor once at a theme park, responsible for  a 30 odd crew, but that job was seasonal and finished up 2 years ago. I guess what I am trying to ask is are there any extracurricular activities that "shine" more than others. My main concern is that I don't wanna come across as superficial, by signing up on a bunch of different extracurricular activities just before as I apply, so as to try and beef up my application. So any and all insight is appreciated and welcome.

Thanks in advance, and until then keep at it!
As long as you are signing up for something because you want to help and/or truly enjoy it, that is not superficial. Do what you enjoy and/or believe in and not what you believe "will just help your application" and you will be just fine.
topgear said:
Hey everyone, hope everyone is rocking out! I am just posting this as to get opinions from everyone. I know that when it comes to extracurricular activities, everyone is different. That being said, is there such a thing as a "preferred" extracurricular activity. The reason I say that is because most of mine are involved with working part time and leisure sports. I did volunteer a lot, but that was a while back, like 4 years ago, so does it even count anymore. I have some leadership experience as i was a supervisor once at a theme park, responsible for  a 30 odd crew, but that job was seasonal and finished up 2 years ago. I guess what I am trying to ask is are there any extracurricular activities that "shine" more than others. My main concern is that I don't wanna come across as superficial, by signing up on a bunch of different extracurricular activities just before as I apply, so as to try and beef up my application. So any and all insight is appreciated and welcome.
Thanks in advance, and until then keep at it!

Everything on the RMC Academic Questionnaire counts, no matter how long ago it occurred!  Just remember, that questionnaire is submitted directly to RMC and is intended for their use.  So should you happen to embellish a bit or sign up for extracurricular's for the sake of signing up and then later on down the road, you happen to receive an ROTP offer and end up attending RMC. 

Guess what may very well come back to bite you?
Hmm, good call. I guess the best thing to do is sign up for things I enjoy and stick with them, rather than doing something that will just be a waste of everybody's time. I think I will rather sign up for fewer activities that I would enjoy, rather than a bunch which I won't.

Thanks again guys!
Hello i am looking in to joining the military and i am wondering what are the requirements to go to rmc and if i do go to rmc can i become a Army communication and information specialist. :cdn:
TheCanadian said:
Hello i am looking in to joining the military and i am wondering what are the requirements to go to rmc and if i do go to rmc can i become a Army communication and information specialist. :cdn:

Excellent questions that you should be asking a councillor at a CFRC.

You can find more info by reading the posts in the RMC, CMR, ROTP  Threads:  http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?board=56.0

Hello, this is my first time posting on the site and I was wondering if anyone could answer a few questions I have about the ROTP program with which I have applied for (sent my academic questionnaire and transcripts in).  I had a 75% average in high school (gr.10-gr.12) and am currently in my first year of University with roughly a 70% average.  I have however played sports at the Team Alberta level, coached numerous teams and been given numerous commendations as a result of my excellence in athletics.  I also had a full time Job during the work week in my summers during high school, along with a part-time job on the weekends that I worked at during both school and summers.  Beyond that I have done 40 hours of volunteer service.  Clean record (no criminal record or anything like that). 

My questions are..
1. Are my grades going to kill me or will my athletics/ leadership and work experience make up for it?
2. Are there ways for me to boost my chances now that I have already applied? for example if I get to the physical test and interview, if I do particularly well during those phases will that help?
3. How long does it take/ how does RMC contact you? and do they contact you to inform you that you have been denied acceptance?
Thanks for your time!
Forgot to add that I applied for bachelor of Arts and Sciences.  the trades were Infantry, Armour and Artillery officer, in that order.
1. It's hard to say, but grades are definitely a big part of what they look at. That said, it's not everything.

2. I would really really strive for improving my average, you start with a clean slate in university, make use of it. Not to mention that by working hard, A- average is within reach of most people. The physical test is actually more of a medical, so you can't really "do well" on it, but it's no secret that the interview is the most important part of the evaluation process in terms of your position on the merit list.

That said, if your marks are judged "non competitive" they might not even put you through the process, so again, bring up your average. I got selected with a 75% average in high school and a bad history in college, but before I applied I had managed an A average for a year, which definitely helped me out.

3. There's a whole process, first they evaluate your file to see if you're eligible for either civilian or RMC ROTP, then if your file passes the preliminary examination, they'll send it to your local CFRC who will take over for testing. You'll have to write the CFAT (an aptitude test), then pass a medical exam and then finally pass an interview, and depending on how you do in each category, you'll get placed on the merit list somewhere, which is where they pick people according to their trades and competitiveness for job offers.

So in short, as far as time goes, when I went through the process it took about a week for the preliminary assessment of my file to come back, then over the next 2 months or so I appended a bunch of necessary documents to my file. They usually try to schedule the CFAT in the morning, with medical and interview in the afternoon, so testing can take as little as one day (though you might wait for it) under optimal circumstances. From there it's hurry up and wait. I do believe they contact you if your file is deemed non-competitive, but not if you get merit listed and don't get a job offer.
mdawson0709 said:
1. Are my grades going to kill me or will my athletics/ leadership and work experience make up for it?
Thsi year grades are more important then ever. I finished high school with an overall 81% average, have two years of Uni experience with my average being at about a 74%. I have tons of sport, hockey all my life, provincial level football etc. and when doing the academic suitability my application was killed because of one grade 11 mark (math) that was too low. So no sport does not make up for grades. At least not this application year.
2. Are there ways for me to boost my chances now that I have already applied? for example if I get to the physical test and interview, if I do particularly well during those phases will that help?
Not really, to get a medical and interview you have to pass the first hurdle being the academic suitability. If they do not deem you academically suitable for ROTP your SOL.
3. How long does it take/ how does RMC contact you? and do they contact you to inform you that you have been denied acceptance?
It took them about a month to send me an email saying I was declined for this year.

Good luck 
my application was killed because of one grade 11 mark (math) that was too low.  [/quote]

I am really surprised you are not suitable becos of grade 11 math. I always thought if your  grade 12 marks are good enough, then it supersedes the low marks and with strong EC, you get through.
I am really surprised you are not suitable becos of grade 11 math. I always thought if your  grade 12 marks are good enough, then it supersedes the low marks and with strong EC, you get through.

Its apparently new this year for uni transfer students, I think Goose has some insight as well as DAA.
my application was killed because of one grade 11 mark (math) that was too low. 

I am really surprised you are not suitable becos of grade 11 math. I always thought if your  grade 12 marks are good enough, then it supersedes the low marks and with strong EC, you get through.

Gr 11 Academic/Applied Math is pretty much a "core" requirement for all degrees.  If you don't achieve a 75% average for the Gr 11, then they will look for an equivalent or higher level Math at the Gr 12 level or an Advanced type of Math at the College/University level.  So if your mark is borderline (ie; low 70's) but the remainder of your core subjects are stellar (ie; high 80's and up) and you have strong EC, they might push you through.

So my guess would be that your Math mark, was probably somewhere in the 60's or lower.....and the other required core subjects may have been high 70's, low 80's.
I really want to be in the ROTP program and hopefully RMC. Im starting grade 11 next year and i'm starting to take my grades more seriously. I'm signed up for all the courses i need for a general arts degree but i don't know the minimum  percent average to get into the ROTP program as well as RMC. What is the minimum percent average for RMC and ROTP? 
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