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Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Travis Silcox
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Gingey222 said:
I really want to be in the ROTP program and hopefully RMC. Im starting grade 11 next year and i'm starting to take my grades more seriously. I'm signed up for all the courses i need for a general arts degree but i don't know the minimum  percent average to get into the ROTP program as well as RMC. What is the minimum percent average for RMC and ROTP?

I don't know the answer to your specific question but I'm sure someone here does and will chime in. However, let me just say that perhaps you're going about this all wrong. I know you're probably just curious, but suffice to say that the better you do academically, the better your chances are of being accepted to RMC. So instead of wanting to know what the minimum requirement is, I'd recommend you not worry about that and instead just focus on doing the best you can this year and next. Oftentimes, knowing the minimum requirement tends to make that the target, which it shouldn't be. If you really want it, go get it!

Just my  :2c:
Read this: http://www.rmc.ca/adm/pp-mep-eng.php

75 is the official "minimum" but unless you have OUTSTANDING extracurriculars that will not get you in. Don't focus in the minimum. Work on getting the best marks you can as well as volunteering and extracurriculars.
I'm a 16 year old in grade 10 and i really want to go to RMC for a general arts degree. Im starting grade 11 next year and i've already picked my courses. For my elective courses i picked,

-World History,
-Understanding Canadian Law,
-Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity,
-Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology
-Grade 11 gym 
so i was wounding if elective courses have any effect on getting in the program you want?
Gingey222 said:
I'm a 16 year old in grade 10 and i really want to go to RMC for a general arts degree. Im starting grade 11 next year and i've already picked my courses. For my elective courses i picked,

-World History,
-Understanding Canadian Law,
-Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity,
-Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology
-Grade 11 gym 
so i was wounding if elective courses have any effect on getting in the program you want?

Read this: http://www.rmc.ca/adm/ap-cpa-eng.php

On top of the requirements: study hard and make good grades, have good extracurriculars, as well as good work/volunteer experience.
Hello there, i am 21 years old and i am very undergrade for my age and i feel uncertain for my future, grade 9 in french, 10 in math and 11 in english, there was so many BS that happend in high school so i got extremly unmotivated and left school for 3 years... With no goal in mind, but i willing to go back in school to get the requirement to get in RMC for space science, but i was wondering if i have to be a genius to get a chance to get in RMC? Accept rate? ???

1) Fix your grammar.

2) If you are willing to get the requirements, do it.

3) They are looking for well-rounded people. So study hard but also volunteer and join a sports team. Also, try to get leadership experience.

4) Acceptance rates are simply numbers to scare off the weak.

5) Do some searching. Your question has been asked and answered.

You're welcome and good luck.
1) you have to be able to communicate effectively in either French or English.
2) you need to have completed whatever the minimum requirements are, listed on the recruiting website (usually a highschool diploma), with fairly competitive (ie high) marks.
3) you need to search more and post less.  We will not hold your hand, and there is more than enough information available here and on official sources.

Hey, there. I was wondering, for all those who've applied and been merit-listed for ROTP, have you received your full acceptances? Is it too late for more people to get accepted now? I'm still waiting on mine and I was just wondering if I'm not in or if there is still time.

Apparently the second round of selection was on Monday (May 5th). What's left are the "top-ups" that occur later on. I've been merit listed but haven't heard anything as of yet. Sometimes people who have received ROTP offers turn them down for whatever reason, so there is some hope.
I called my file manager yesterday. The selections haven't trickled down from Ottawa yet and she doesn't expect to have any word until late this week, in to early next week at the earliest. It will take some time to be contacted from this round.
Please, for the love of God; if you are trying to apply for acceptance to a school of higher learning, at the very least spell correctly.  Why would any university want to accept someone who spells like they are in Grade 2?
Im 20 years old, graduated high school in 2011, with an average of 70, took 2 years off, went to college for half a semester before realizing that my program wasnt what i wanted. Personal circumstances over the past month have made me realize that becoming part of the Canadian Military is what would make me the happiest as well as the proudest.

However I realize that there are prerequisites before I do apply, which are my current goals, before the deadline of Jan 2015. I would like it if you guys could help me achieve my goals, and give me as much constructive feedback as possible it would be really appreciated.

I do realize academics are critical, which is why ive been taking online courses to increase my overall average as well as getting my final 3 university credits. However from what i understand, extracurriculars where leadership has been exercised also greatly improves my chances of being accepted even though my academics are far from perfect.

My credentials are as follows.

- Organizing Weight Training club at my High School
- Volunteer coach for the Special Olympic Powerlifting team since March 2014
- Volunteering at a Hospital since March 2014
- Captain of my AA Hockey Team for 4 Years
- Own and operate a successful Exterior Painting business
- Certified Personal Trainer

Its far from impressive but its a start, I will be updating this thread until I am accepted, not so much as to ask questions but to keep me focused and on track. I am currently living on my own, with 2 full time jobs and 1 part time job so time is stretched a bit hahaha ill try to update it as often as possible.

I think your profile is good! The only thing is your marks... I think you need minimum 75% of average to even be considered...And with an average of 75% i think your chances are still low... As an example, I am currently in High School, I live on my own -3000 km away from family-, I work full time and I have an average of 95.  I was captain of my hockey teams for a few years, and  I did some volunteering for a few organizations as well as being part of the student council for 4-5 years in a row... I learned english in about a year and i did some other stuff too...

And I didn't make the first round of selection, I am currently waiting for the second round...

Anyway keep working hard and I believe you have some potential!
I was a bit of an outlier I guess. I was 24 had done one semester of university. Had done my pilots license. I had an avg of 85 in high school, but terrible marks in university. I made it in first round selection. I had no student council, or varsity team captain or any of those sought after high school credentials. Just a bit of life experience. Do everything you can to make yourself competitive, I'm not suggesting otherwise, but don't sell yourself short or assume you aren't going to make it. Its not just about high school marks its about suitability for the job you are applying for. You are applying for a job not just a slot in a university.
yoaa2 said:
I think your profile is good! The only thing is your marks... I think you need minimum 75% of average to even be considered...And with an average of 75% i think your chances are still low... As an example, I am currently in High School, I live on my own -3000 km away from family-, I work full time and I have an average of 95.  I was captain of my hockey teams for a few years, and  I did some volunteering for a few organizations as well as being part of the student council for 4-5 years in a row... I learned english in about a year and i did some other stuff too...

And I didn't make the first round of selection, I am currently waiting for the second round...

Anyway keep working hard and I believe you have some potential!

awesome man! where are you from? good luck
DexOlesa said:
I was a bit of an outlier I guess. I was 24 had done one semester of university. Had done my pilots license. I had an avg of 85 in high school, but terrible marks in university. I made it in first round selection. I had no student council, or varsity team captain or any of those sought after high school credentials. Just a bit of life experience. Do everything you can to make yourself competitive, I'm not suggesting otherwise, but don't sell yourself short or assume you aren't going to make it. Its not just about high school marks its about suitability for the job you are applying for. You are applying for a job not just a slot in a university.

great input thanks
You're a product. If the market is saturated then you need to stand out. Best bet would be to get into an 'in demand' trade.

Think about what every other recruit would be bringing to the table then beat them.
123 said:
You're a product. If the market is saturated then you need to stand out. Best bet would be to get into an 'in demand' trade.

Think about what every other recruit would be bringing to the table then beat them.

Best bet would be to keep your mouth shut seeing how you haven't written the CFAT and sure as hell have no knowledge of the inner workings of CAF recruiting.

OP don't pick an "in demand" trade just because you think it will get you in faster. Pick something you see yourself doing in 5-10 years time and being happy. If ROTP doesn't work out there are other avenues available, RETP, DEO etc, so just keep trying to improve yourself. 
For those still waiting, I am aware of two people who received acceptance at RMC this week. The first was accepted onto ROTP at RMC St-Jean (move to RMCC at Kingston for years 2-4) and the other was initially ROTP at Civ-U but then changed to ROTP at St-Jean too.
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