Hello everyone!
I have just submitted my application, and I eagerly await the transcript submission process. (I fear it a little, too. :blotto
Just a little about myself,
I have been a member of these forums for the past year or so, but have been "observing" for the past 6 years. I was a member of the Royal Canadian Dragoons as a Crewman from 2010 to 2013, and these forums were a great resource throughout my application process at that point.
When my contract was nearing expiry, I made the decision to head back to school and start another adventure. I loved all of my time in the forces, but I was young and had little other life experience. I wanted to experience the non-military life for a while and knew the military would always be there if I wanted to apply to serve again.
Fast forward 3 years and I am a little older, married, and nearing completion of a 3 year advanced diploma in Software Development. (The program is called "Computer Programmer Analyst".)
I have worked multiple jobs as a software developer through co-ops, and remained employed today on a part-time basis by an employer who hired me on after a co-op.
After a few years of working in the software industry (and working in general beforehand), I truly miss the military. The lifestyle, the challenges, and the knowledge that at the end of the day, you are serving the people of this wonderful country, and that every ounce of effort that you put into your role, is ultimately for the benefit of many.
With my wife's full support, I have decided that a career within the military is the right fit for who I am, and who I want to continue to be. (Hopefully others feel that way too throughout the process!

I have applied for the positions of Pilot and Air Combat Systems Officer.
I did very poorly in high school, and lack the high school marks required. However, after searching and reading the forums for many hours, I have found a glimmer of hope in a few examples of applicants in a similar situation that had previous service (and other relevant life/work experience), fantastic post-secondary marks, and were approved. I have maintained a high GPA and have made deans honor role each semester for the last 3 years, so I am hoping that the selection board will find me to be sufficiently academic, and will overlook my high school shortcomings. Furthermore, my college program has many articulation agreements with various universities that allow me entrance with advanced standing into 2nd year with no additional admission requirements. I'm not sure if that counts for anything in their eyes as I am first and foremost applying to RMCC, but at least I know I can gain admission to civilian universities from this diploma alone. I do also volunteer at my college, and have worked as a peer tutor to help mentor other students.
If worst comes to worst and my high school grades shut me down, I will just continue to work for a year and upgrade those required courses and try again!
Wrapping up, I wish everyone the absolute best in their applications and (hopefully) subsequent military careers.
If anyone wants to chat about, well, anything really, feel free to shoot me a PM!
I will post updates of my progress (or lack thereof) as I go.
Cheers everyone and good luck!