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Religious/Extremist Terrorism: Non-Muslim edition

If a White guy is pulling the trigger, they're a "lone wolf," or misunderstood, or have some extremely rare mental disorder.
If a Black or Hispanic is the shooter, they must have a Democrat mayor.  :pop:
Journeyman said:
If a White guy is pulling the trigger, they're a "lone wolf," or misunderstood, or have some extremely rare mental disorder.
If a Black or Hispanic is the shooter, they must have a Democrat mayor.  :pop:

The manifesto allegedly published by the El Paso shooter makes it explicitly clear what his political grievances are. And much of the language is very recognizable, and awkwardly attributable. Kind of uncomfortable when he lights up a Wal Mart, apparently targeting as many hispanics as possible, and has published a shrill screed on the ‘Hispanic invasion’ of Texas, and the evils of mixed-race breeding. Again, if the manifesto is in fact attributable to him (which seems to be the working LEO theory right now), then every aspect of that shooting was generally predictable. Words matter. Political discourse matters. The things people say to gain and hold power matter.

RomeoJuliet said:
Hear hear. I will state the obvious and there are very, very serious problems with mass shootings and gun violence in the USA. As others have stated here if Sandy Hook did not change anything I don’t know what will...

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An unfortunate logical extension of what I wrote a bit earlier about America being ok with mass shootings is unfortunately that, yes, America is ok with a bunch of dead kids. It’s the cost of freedom or something.
Brihard said:
The manifesto allegedly published by the El Paso shooter makes it explicitly clear what his political grievances are. And much of the language is very recognizable, and awkwardly attributable. Kind of uncomfortable when he lights up a Wal Mart, apparently targeting as many hispanics as possible, and has published a shrill screed on the ‘Hispanic invasion’ of Texas, and the evils of mixed-race breeding. Again, if the manifesto is in fact attributable to him (which seems to be the working LEO theory right now), then every aspect of that shooting was generally predictable. Words matter. Political discourse matters. The things people say to gain and hold power matter.

An unfortunate logical extension of what I wrote a bit earlier about America being ok with mass shootings is unfortunately that, yes, America is ok with a bunch of dead kids. It’s the cost of freedom or something.
Concur with all that you’ve said.

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The rhetoric here is unnecessary. These tragedies did not happen in Canada. The Texas shooter WAS NOT a religious extremist but a guy who hated Mexicans. I guess his manifests still available online but it should be taken down. As yet we have not been informed what triggered the Ohio shooter, maybe a copycat.El Paso and Dayton are home to large military communities. Sadly the Democrats are calling for the banning of assault type weapons. We used to have a ban now many places limit magazine capacity. There has been alot of discussion about mental health awareness and these troubled folks post online on facebook or twitter. If they are a threat then someone should notify police. Sorry for the rant.
The shooter has been identified as 24 year old Connor Betts. There are alot of images online but his motives are unknown. Thankfully police got to him in a minute or so.

tomahawk6 said:
The shooter has been identified as 24 year old Connor Betts. There are alot of images online but his motives are unknown. Thankfully police got to him in a minute or so.


Think about that for a second. Trained and equipped officers got to and stopped the threat in about a minute- they were already on the ground.

He was STILL able to kill nine and wound more than twenty, some of whom will have life altering physical injuries. Then there’s the undoubtably pathological injuries to victims, responders, and their families.

And that was from being able to unload a gun into a crowd for less than a minute.
>Words matter. Political discourse matters. The things people say to gain and hold power matter.

Maybe.  All of those have been around for a long time.  What sets our time apart is publication.  The words that matter most are the ones that grant publicity to killers.

I doubt Americans are OK with mass shootings.  In the past 25 years the old political centre has emptied out, so it's difficult to agree on a mix of solutions.  The resulting lack of []action might be mistaken for indifference.
Perhaps getting rid of the publicity would help.  |If no one wrote about it other than as a simple statement with no names, I wonder if it would reduce the number of thrill seekers.  Simple question, no hidden agenda
I'll go a step further in some cases ...
dapaterson said:
If ISIS members people with certain foreign-sounding names had shot up Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton the discussion would be very different.
Journeyman said:
If a White guy is pulling the trigger, they're a "lone wolf," or misunderstood, or have some extremely rare mental disorder.
If a Black or Hispanic is the shooter, they must have a Democrat mayor.  :pop:
Or, put in more graphic format ...


  • lone-wolf-mental-illness-thug-terrorist-rubric.jpg
    19.6 KB · Views: 106
Brad Sallows said:
>Words matter. Political discourse matters. The things people say to gain and hold power matter.

If what you're trying to underhandedly say is this is Mr. Trumps fault, then its a fail...…I don't believe this just started 3 years ago.

Media is the number one problem.....even the most pathetic loser gets to think he can have his face plastered all over the TV like some kind of star.  If you're cute maybe even the cover of People.  Second is some parts of the Constitution is tired, old, and frail.  Written when it took everybody a minute or so to reload, not when you can fire off hundreds of bullets in a minute. 
If it matters, I quoted "Words matter. Political discourse matters. The things people say to gain and hold power matter."; I did not first write it.
This suggestion is worth considering, thus:

"there are now SEVERAL KINDS of mass attacks these days:
1) political terrorists
2) crazy people
3) shitposting nihilists"

How they break down across racial or ethnic boundaries isn't the most important factor.  And the best solutions for each are unlikely to be equally useful for all.
Brad Sallows said:
If it matters, I quoted "Words matter. Political discourse matters. The things people say to gain and hold power matter."; I did not first write it.

Sorry quoted wrong post
The El Paso shooter is looking at the death penalty if Texas prosecutes. Federally we and State level we now have hate crime laws. This incident has me re-evaluating my own safety when I am out and about. I have a firearm carry license but rarely go out in public armed. That will change because if you run into one of these nuts you come to the fight as you are without the time to run to the car.
tomahawk6 said:
The El Paso shooter is looking at the death penalty if Texas prosecutes. Federally we and State level we now have hate crime laws. This incident has me re-evaluating my own safety when I am out and about. I have a firearm carry license but rarely go out in public armed. That will change because if you run into one of these nuts you come to the fight as you are without the time to run to the car.
This exactly what I don’t want to happen in Canada. People fearing so much for their own safety that they feel compelled to carry a gun in public.

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When police come out to respond to these incidents, having a weapon in your hand means the cops will assume you are an active shooter and neutralize you.
Yeah.  That happens all the time in the US.  Shoot-on-sight is the prevailing doctrine.
Brad Sallows said:
Yeah.  That happens all the time in the US.  Shoot-on-sight is the prevailing doctrine.

In some places you might be right but I don't show off my weapon. I have been stopped by police and they have asked if I had anything that might hurt them.I reply no officer. On those occaisions I wasnt armed and the police didnt ask to search my vehicle or my person they just took me at my word. I think having the right attitude is best if you have to deal with the police.
dapaterson said:
When police come out to respond to these incidents, having a weapon in your hand means the cops will assume you are an active shooter and neutralize you.

I'd like to see your stats on that. I've held concealed carry, for a few states and your assertions don't square with the occurrences.
tomahawk6 said:
In some places you might be right but I don't show off my weapon. I have been stopped by police and they have asked if I had anything that might hurt them.I reply no officer. On those occaisions I wasnt armed and the police didnt ask to search my vehicle or my person they just took me at my word. I think having the right attitude is best if you have to deal with the police.

I think Brad was being sarcastic :dunno: but I agree with you.