The AUKUS program is reputed to now cost $368Billion for 8 boats, and is threatening other programs in the Australian defence long-term reequipment plan. A number of air and land programs have already been cut, or reduced, and they are looking for even more savings, now potentially in the Hunter class. Lunacy. Canada would do well to stay away from this mess and stay focused on conventional boats. Had Australia stayed the course with the Barracudas, they would have seen the first of those 12 large, modern, ultra long range boats in the water by 2030. Now, they will be lucky if they get the first of 8 AUKUS boats by "early 2040s". Yes, nuclear is awesome, but not at any cost. The Aussies have bit off more than they can chew, IMHO, and as a result, their entire ship building plan is in shambles. We simply cannot afford such a massive distraction.
Some interesting reading
Some interesting reading
Navy firepower boost: Review wants more destroyers, fewer frigates
Three heavily armed air warfare destroyers would be added to the national fleet under a plan being considered by the federal government

What is the Aukus submarine deal and what does it mean? – the key facts
The four-phase plan has made nuclear arms control experts nervous … here’s why

AUKUS Submarine Agreement: Historic but Not Yet Smooth Sailing
This week, the United States, Britain, and Australia announced the path forward for AUKUS, the trilateral defense partnership between the three nations. This commentary explores the details of the arrangement and the challenges in implementing AUKUS Pillar 1.