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ResF Medics switching to RegF Medics


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I have been a reserve medic for almost two years now but I would like to join the reg force, how do I do this and do I have to redo my BMQ, SQ and my QL3? Would it be better to wait until I reach Cpl before transfer or just go now?
There might be a delay due to the holiday.
They Reg Medics here are very knowledgable and will be able to help you.

Have you gone through a Search on the Subject?
There also are similar posts for Res to Regs (some might be helpful)

Good luck

Don't take my word for it  but I'm pretty sure that you don't have to take your BMQ again. I'm sure thats a one time deal and once your passed that you passed it. I'm not sure about your SQ and QL3 but I'm sure also if you have takin it already you wouldn't have to take it again. Plus your skills from Pres should be transferable I think.

A medic in the regs should be around to answer for sure soon. You could probably call the CFRC also.

Take Care.
If you are still in the reserves then you want a component transfer.  If you are already out then its re-enrollment.  A component transfer will allow you to transfer to the regular force.  Don't quote me on basic.  That I believe depends on how many days they credit you and what you did for basic.  I take that you haven't done you QL 4 res course (please correct me if I'm wrong).  If so then I expect you will probably have to do reg force ql 3.  But have your reserve courses transcripts and ask for a prior learning assessment done.  If you are employed as a Primary care paramedic or Emergency medical technician ambulance or even a paramedic you probably won't have to do the PCP course out in Chilliwack BC.  If not then you can count on having to do this.  Someone in your chain of command should know about component transfer or call the recruiting center.  One piece of advice,  (this is really important) NO MATTER WHAT THE RECUITERS SAY THEY ARE GIVING YOU GET IT IN WRITING.  I am currently dealing with 4 troops that were all told one thing by the recruiters andsomething else showed  up on the message of enrollment/transfer.  If you don't like what they are crediting you ask for an explanation.  If you really think you deserve something they aren't giving you sometimes its better to just transfer to the regs and fight later.  Hope this helps you. 
Thanks all. I really want to get into the reg as soon as possible. I have one more question, I am doing my driver wheel course this fall should I wait and do it or just transfer now and get it out of the way?
Start your transfer now, it'll take awhile. Also, just because you have a transfer started, doesn't mean you still can't do courses.


Hello Hello!
I have a few questions for anyone that has some expertise on the subject! I am new to the canadian forces (just completed Basic and SQ this past summer). I am also in year one of two in a paramedic program.

Question #1: If I decided to discontinue school and join Reg. Force (which is what i want to do), would I still qualify in civilian world somehwere along the years to work in the medical field? I heard that the army is offering a PCP course that would enable you to challenge the civy PCP exam?

Question #2: Should I wait until I have more courses and experience in the reserves before I switch into Reg Force?

Thanks a bunch
MedicJade :warstory:
To CT to Reg F Medic you a need high school diploma with Biology and Chemistry or Physics and 48 months of service.  If you were to transfer with a completed paramedic program ans completed some Med Tech courses you may not need the high school but you would still need the 48 months.
Either way you will be required to complete part or all of the QL 3 med tech course and still be employed within the set clinical quidelines for that trade level. There currently is a disparity in the levels of training Reg and Res medics recieve.

My opinion: if you want to join Reg F, apply soonest. Carry on with your training as it will give you something to do and will only help you later.

I heard that the army is offering a PCP course that would enable you to challenge the civy PCP exam?

You may be able to achieve the PCP certifcation, but it still does not licence you to be able to be employed as a civilian EMS (Ontario req 400 hrs on car plus EMCA certification). You will have to undergo further specific provincial testing to be able to "moonlight" during your time in the military, or to work afterward.

If you want to be a paramedic. Do it as a civilian. What we really do is nothing as simple as that, as some new medics are learning...

see here:
Thank you very much for your feedback. I have decided to stay in the reserves until I achieve 48 months, and to continue with my Paramedic program. Until then, I will enjoy what I have however, I look forward to joining the regular force. I enjoy being a part of the army and want to take it full-time.

Thanks again for all your great advice!


well I'm in college for pre-health and I'm trying to decide if i want to do the paramedic program or go reg medic i was wondering if when i get out if i will be able to get a job as a paramedic even thou i don't Have a diploma? do you guys think this is a good idea ? what do you guys think of the trade? can you guy give me any hints, tip or any info at all

                                                                                                                          thanks armykat  :cdn:

You will need the college diploma and a successful A/EMCA exam write to get a job as a paramedic in Ontario.

My thoughts would be: if your in college now, finish a program.  It will help you when you go back to civilian life one day.
I love the trade, I wouldn't want to do anything else.

<edit: removed link after merging threads>