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Ricks Napkin Forces Challenge Part 2 BIG Numbers


Army.ca Veteran
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Who is up for a new napkin challenge? Yup, the last napkin forces challenge made you really restrict your numbers.

So now round two.

It is 2025. The Center Thinking Party of Canada has beaten Trudeau and Poilievre both did NOT win. Out of No where, the newly Formed Center CTPC swept into a majority government.

YOU are now tasked as CDS and redesigning the forces from the ground up.

You have these boundaries
1. Total Armed Forces strength of 150,000 (YES thats 150G);
2. Only 50,000 can form the regular forces, the rest are all designated for the P Res;
3. The Federal Government and Provinces have put together a protected frame work to guarantee reservist a total of 35 days off for reserve refreshment training;
4. Their is guaranteed job protection (unpaid by the civy employer) for a reservist to take up to 18 months initial time off to complete their trades training;
5. The government has declared you are limited to only 35 GOFO total, so use wisely; and
6. The government has opened up lucrative trade deals with the global nations, please send them a shopping list for procurement (no worries about made in Canada).

You must design the new Canadian Armed Forces to
1. To Protect Canada;
2. To have a standby force prepositioned in Europe for NATO;
3. To have a brigade size force ready to deploy to the arctic within 12 hours;
4. To ensure proper surveillance of all Canadian coastlines; and
5. To have an Air Defence and Coastal Defence Plan in place as part of protecting Canada

Whats your basic (or detailed outline) for the new forces? What kit? How is your breakdown? What goes to the Reserves and what goes Regular?

3. The Federal Government and Provinces have put together a protected frame work to guarantee reservist a total of 35 days off for reserve refreshment training;
4. Their is guaranteed job protection (unpaid by the civy employer) for a reservist to take up to 18 months initial time off to complete their trades training;

3. Leave with, or without, pay?

Whatever the Ottawa and Queen's Park policy is, this is muni Leave with Pay ( LWP ) policy for military "refreshment" training I used every summer,

If there is a war on.

Military Leave24.09 (a) Leave of absence shall be granted to employees to serve in the Armed Forces during hostilities or during a time of war as declared by the Government of Canada. Seniority will accumulate during such leave.

4. Do not forget to calculate the cost to cover those 18 months time off with OT - at time and a half.

For BMQ and trades training, perhaps more sensible to enrol them in the PRes at age 16 ( with parental consent ), while still in high school. Eliminates the need for job protection laws.
Who is up for a new napkin challenge? Yup, the last napkin forces challenge made you really restrict your numbers.

So now round two.

It is 2025. The Center Thinking Party of Canada has beaten Trudeau and Poilievre both did NOT win. Out of No where, the newly Formed Center CTPC swept into a majority government.

YOU are now tasked as CDS and redesigning the forces from the ground up.

You have these boundaries
1. Total Armed Forces strength of 150,000 (YES thats 150G);
2. Only 50,000 can form the regular forces, the rest are all designated for the P Res;
3. The Federal Government and Provinces have put together a protected frame work to guarantee reservist a total of 35 days off for reserve refreshment training;
4. Their is guaranteed job protection (unpaid by the civy employer) for a reservist to take up to 18 months initial time off to complete their trades training;
5. The government has declared you are limited to only 35 GOFO total, so use wisely; and
6. The government has opened up lucrative trade deals with the global nations, please send them a shopping list for procurement (no worries about made in Canada).

You must design the new Canadian Armed Forces to
1. To Protect Canada;
2. To have a standby force prepositioned in Europe for NATO;
3. To have a brigade size force ready to deploy to the arctic within 12 hours;
4. To ensure proper surveillance of all Canadian coastlines; and
5. To have an Air Defence and Coastal Defence Plan in place as part of protecting Canada

Whats your basic (or detailed outline) for the new forces? What kit? How is your breakdown? What goes to the Reserves and what goes Regular?


In your scenario our recruitment problems don't exist ?
No. People are banging down the doors to get in
As CMP in your fantasy world I can fix that.

50K reg force is doable. Even now.

100k reservist: make all reserve service eligible to count towards all elective courses at post secondary institutions provided you are OFP by the end. Guarantee the option of a three year Class C after you graduate that you can get out of with 30 days notice.

incremental retention bonuses and benefits. (Both reg and reserve)

Linked job portability to the PS in relevant fields. (Both reg and reserve)

Fast tracked citizenship for Perm residents. (Both reg and reserve).

Leading change mastered and letter of appreciation or a coin for Remius.
It is 2025. The Center Thinking Party of Canada has beaten Trudeau and Poilievre both did NOT win. Out of No where, the newly Formed Center CTPC swept into a majority government.

YOU are now tasked as CDS and redesigning the forces from the ground up.

You have these boundaries
1. Total Armed Forces strength of 150,000 (YES thats 150G);
2. Only 50,000 can form the regular forces, the rest are all designated for the P Res;
3. The Federal Government and Provinces have put together a protected frame work to guarantee reservist a total of 35 days off for reserve refreshment training;
4. Their is guaranteed job protection (unpaid by the civy employer) for a reservist to take up to 18 months initial time off to complete their trades training;
5. The government has declared you are limited to only 35 GOFO total, so use wisely; and
6. The government has opened up lucrative trade deals with the global nations, please send them a shopping list for procurement (no worries about made in Canada).

You must design the new Canadian Armed Forces to
1. To Protect Canada;
2. To have a standby force prepositioned in Europe for NATO;
3. To have a brigade size force ready to deploy to the arctic within 12 hours;
4. To ensure proper surveillance of all Canadian coastlines; and
5. To have an Air Defence and Coastal Defence Plan in place as part of protecting Canada

Whats your basic (or detailed outline) for the new forces? What kit? How is your breakdown? What goes to the Reserves and what goes Regular?

A) Army - 18, 000 men - 9 GOFO
-18,000 troops split between 3 Divisions (5,000 each with 4 distinct battalions + 1200 support troops), 2000 in special forces, 1000 General staff/planning support. 4 GFO for each Division and head of Army, 1 Special forces, 1 Support. 1 GOFO for training. 1 NATO. 1 Spare for NATO
  • One division will be Fully Mechanized. Two tank battalions, rest APC. Mobile artillery units (HIMRIS)
  • All divisions will be fully equiped with LAV6 (I only know them and made in Canada) with Artillery HIMIRS. MANPAD at Platoon level, Anti-tank at Squadx2. Designated sniper and drone operator per platoon.
  • Emphasis is on company and squad level movement tactics with higher command concentrating on organizing distributed resources rather than a "thin red line" of troops to operate.
  • NATO Force of two battalions plus heavy support (artillery, comms, field hospital, transport) of roughly 2000 troops on two year deployment cycle. Dependents welcome.
  • two major supply centers with maintenance capacity centered near trades schools and major center. Must have rail and runway access. 1000 men
  • Training school estimating 1500 men

B) Air Force -8000 - 10 GOFO
  • at 500 per squadron? (really don't know and rough here) and 15 planes per squadron = 5 F-35 squadrons
  • Minimum of two medium/Heavy lift squadrons - C-17 or Airbus alternative. Yes I want 30 airframes available because if you need to deploy long distances you need heavy lift and not just C-130's. Also transport lift is a big issue with many jurisdictions and it's an area we could excel enabling other countries.
  • Minimum of 4 C-130 squadrons. I want them used not just for northern missions but also transport of Reserve forces to and from training if appropriate.
  • 2 long range patrol aircraft squadrons for coastal/naval operations. P-8 works fine
  • Minimum of 10 Companies (100 per) Drone units spread around the country with 4 long range drones each. Half are to be long range intelligence platforms to be used for signals/mapping updates....can start with mapping Canada with LIDAR for practice flight hours. Second half are long range strike platforms.
  • 2 Heavy lift Helicopter squadrons - Chinnoks are fine
  • 6 Medium lift Helicopters. Blackhawks at minium..the Bell 212 is not enough any more.
  • 1 GOFO per grouping of tasks + Training + 1 NORAD, + 1 NATO + 1 Exchange
  • Missing a manpower estimate for training schools but will be significant. Estimating 1500
  • Want a minimum of two overhaul facilities, near major centers, estimating 1000

C) Navy - 14600 - 8 GOFO
- at 200 per vessel? (again not something I know well)
-6 support vessels - 3 per coast
  • 12 Frigates - 6 per coast
  • Icebreakers - 6 - Tutuyuktuk, Churchill, Baffin Island
  • Coastal Patrol Vessel - not sure term but thinking a Corvette type vessel than can be used for Coastal work, security, Caribbean. Want a dozen due to E/W coast and then split between artic ports for summer. These will be primarily RCNR crewed due to artic conditions in north but serviced and maintained by regular forces/training platforms.
  • There is still a need for a longer range strike force - i.e. Submarines. Needs to be long range - mostly like a nuclear based unit - and to have a couple in the water means to me a minimum of 8 (2x training, 2x service, 4 available).
  • 5 GOFO + 1 Training + 1 US Liason + 1 NATO
  • Missing training schools which should be near major centers/Great Lakes - estimating 1500
  • Have no replacement crews. X2 starting point for manpower on vessels. - 6800 more.

Armed Forces as a whole:
1 GOFO as head
1 GOFO as Training Lead. Must have publish training schedules 1 year in advance for employers for Reservists.
1 GOFO as HR which includes recruitment

At this point I have 30 GOFO accounted for and 43,100 troops. Aware I'm probably short on the "purple trades", Support (medical/chaplins), infrastructure so have not tried to account for all troops. 5 GOFO free for assignments either within branch or Armed Forces or exchange or in charge of reservists. SAR and Rangers not accounted for yet.

  • Mix of F550 upgraded pickups for local armoury use/transport and a second vehicle allotment at central training school for division level exercises. Must have sufficent for each fully manned unit to be fully equipped.
  • Four year training rotation of artic exercise/division large scale/ Local training (i.e. mountain/coastal assault/urban exercise)/NATO or Division
  • Reserve unit is authorized up to 250 troops - 2 companies - and commanded by a Major from Reg force for 4 years. Reserve rank tops out at Captain for officers unless transferring from Regs to Reserve.

Air Force:
- RCAF reserve squadrons will be set up to provide both training and practical flight hours.
-Civilian employers who have members part of RCAF are eligible for Government bulk financing options for air frames
  • Focus upon Multi-engine skill, and rotary pilots. Jets are Regforce only.
  • Drone units eligible.

  • Coastal patrol vessels will be manned through artic and coastal waters dependent upon ice conditions.
  • ship handling and handling simulators needed.
  • damage control school
  • navigation/charting/small boat (RHIB) handling for all PO and up regardless of trade.

Armed Forces as a whole
- Mobile field hospital to fly and deploy to First Nation Communities in the north for exercise. Up to and including minor surgery done on site if appropriate.

You must design the new Canadian Armed Forces to
1. To Protect Canada;
- 3 division Army with majority of troops Reserves and distributed across Canada.​
- Mission to deploy. Either NATO or within Canada as an intact force similar to Cold War REFORGER​
- Multiple training bases/prepositioned gear depots. Not just schools but also Baffin Island, Yellowknife, Tutytuktuk, Churchill​
- mix of transport and strike capacity. Heavy emphasis on East and West Coast with constant exercises to north.​
- Must be able to handle movement of large number of troops on regular basis on low notice. Practice via annual training schedule and REFORGER type exercise.​
- Must be able to deploy multiple ship units + support vessels worldwide​
- emphasis upon smaller vessels in artic as ice conditions allow based out of northern ports​
2. To have a standby force prepositioned in Europe for NATO;
  • Primarily an Army mission but heavy reliance on RCAF for transport. RCN may be heavy slow lift.
  • Full set of spare gear available for deployment via REFORGER in addition to current issuance for back up.

3. To have a brigade size force ready to deploy to the arctic within 12 hours;
- Emphasis on all branches to be deploying to north on regular basis. Includes pre-positioned depots with gear at multiple locations.

4. To ensure proper surveillance of all Canadian coastlines; and
- Mix of long range patrol aircraft, drone intelligence, and small boat work.

5. To have an Air Defense and Coastal Defense Plan in place as part of protecting Canada
  • Need a Canadian satellite network dedicated to Armed Forces
  • Long range drone + strike fighters + submarines + patrol aircraft for interception
  • Unclear on the Air Defense radar set up systems as it's advance since the DEW line/PINETREE of my youth. Need both weather information (key for operations) but also detection and should not be single point of failure items.

Gear List:
M1 Abrams x300. Use plus two sets for depot
LAV 6 - 5,000? Enough for every unit in Army + Reserves + Depot spares
HIMRIS - reach out and touch somebody far away. Many and spares and depot needed

Heavy lift - need 30 airframes to acocunt for spares
Medium lift - need a bunch more C-130's to account for squadrons + reserves
Heavy Helicopter - 20 chinnoks
Medium Helicopter - 100 Blackhawks
More P-8's
Need spares for F-35's - at least 35 more

Need the coastal vessel
couple more frigates
more support ships
8 subs

Aware I'm missing some big pieces but what the heck...was a good way to spend an hour thinking it over. Exact allocation to be worked out as I'm really not clear as a civilian how the training and/or manpower rotation would all work out. Especially in the reserve world.
guarantee reservist a total of 35 days off for reserve refreshment training;

That reserve refreshment guarantee reminded me of something.

It took place during late summer "prime time" vacation, which was booked by seniority.

That meant me taking a bite out of a senior man's - who happened to be my partner - summer vacation.

Which led to the annual, "I can't take my kids to the effing cottage, because you want to go play soldier!"
My napkin forces summary is really short: I'd take the current defence budget and pay the US to provide all military support to Canada and allow Canadians to serve in any of the armed forces of the US. I think I'd get more bang for buck that way.
My napkin forces summary is really short: I'd take the current defence budget and pay the US to provide all military support to Canada and allow Canadians to serve in any of the armed forces of the US. I think I'd get more bang for buck that way.
Your fired.
My napkin forces summary is really short: I'd take the current defence budget and pay the US to provide all military support to Canada and allow Canadians to serve in any of the armed forces of the US. I think I'd get more bang for buck that way.
There are foundational differences between CAF and US military employment that would render this a non starter.
It is 2025. The Center Thinking Party of Canada has beaten Trudeau and Poilievre both did NOT win. Out of No where, the newly Formed Center CTPC swept into a majority government.

YOU are now tasked as CDS and redesigning the forces from the ground up.

You have these boundaries
1. Total Armed Forces strength of 150,000 (YES thats 150G);
2. Only 50,000 can form the regular forces, the rest are all designated for the P Res;
3. The Federal Government and Provinces have put together a protected frame work to guarantee reservist a total of 35 days off for reserve refreshment training;
4. Their is guaranteed job protection (unpaid by the civy employer) for a reservist to take up to 18 months initial time off to complete their trades training;
5. The government has declared you are limited to only 35 GOFO total, so use wisely; and
6. The government has opened up lucrative trade deals with the global nations, please send them a shopping list for procurement (no worries about made in Canada).

You must design the new Canadian Armed Forces to
1. To Protect Canada;
2. To have a standby force prepositioned in Europe for NATO;
3. To have a brigade size force ready to deploy to the arctic within 12 hours;
4. To ensure proper surveillance of all Canadian coastlines; and
5. To have an Air Defence and Coastal Defence Plan in place as part of protecting Canada

Whats your basic (or detailed outline) for the new forces? What kit? How is your breakdown? What goes to the Reserves and what goes Regular?

A) Army - 18, 000 men - 9 GOFO
-18,000 troops split between 3 Divisions (5,000 each with 4 distinct battalions + 1200 support troops), 2000 in special forces, 1000 General staff/planning support. 4 GFO for each Division and head of Army, 1 Special forces, 1 Support. 1 GOFO for training. 1 NATO. 1 Spare for NATO
  • One division will be Fully Mechanized. Two tank battalions, rest APC. Mobile artillery units (HIMRIS)
  • All divisions will be fully equiped with LAV6 (I only know them and made in Canada) with Artillery HIMIRS. MANPAD at Platoon level, Anti-tank at Squadx2. Designated sniper and drone operator per platoon.
  • Emphasis is on company and squad level movement tactics with higher command concentrating on organizing distributed resources rather than a "thin red line" of troops to operate.
  • NATO Force of two battalions plus heavy support (artillery, comms, field hospital, transport) of roughly 2000 troops on two year deployment cycle. Dependents welcome.
  • two major supply centers with maintenance capacity centered near trades schools and major center. Must have rail and runway access. 1000 men
  • Training school estimating 1500 men

B) Air Force -8000 - 10 GOFO
  • at 500 per squadron? (really don't know and rough here) and 15 planes per squadron = 5 F-35 squadrons
  • Minimum of two medium/Heavy lift squadrons - C-17 or Airbus alternative. Yes I want 30 airframes available because if you need to deploy long distances you need heavy lift and not just C-130's. Also transport lift is a big issue with many jurisdictions and it's an area we could excel enabling other countries.
  • Minimum of 4 C-130 squadrons. I want them used not just for northern missions but also transport of Reserve forces to and from training if appropriate.
  • 2 long range patrol aircraft squadrons for coastal/naval operations. P-8 works fine
  • Minimum of 10 Companies (100 per) Drone units spread around the country with 4 long range drones each. Half are to be long range intelligence platforms to be used for signals/mapping updates....can start with mapping Canada with LIDAR for practice flight hours. Second half are long range strike platforms.
  • 2 Heavy lift Helicopter squadrons - Chinnoks are fine
  • 6 Medium lift Helicopters. Blackhawks at minium..the Bell 212 is not enough any more.
  • 1 GOFO per grouping of tasks + Training + 1 NORAD, + 1 NATO + 1 Exchange
  • Missing a manpower estimate for training schools but will be significant. Estimating 1500
  • Want a minimum of two overhaul facilities, near major centers, estimating 1000

C) Navy - 14600 - 8 GOFO
- at 200 per vessel? (again not something I know well)
-6 support vessels - 3 per coast
  • 12 Frigates - 6 per coast
  • Icebreakers - 6 - Tutuyuktuk, Churchill, Baffin Island
  • Coastal Patrol Vessel - not sure term but thinking a Corvette type vessel than can be used for Coastal work, security, Caribbean. Want a dozen due to E/W coast and then split between artic ports for summer. These will be primarily RCNR crewed due to artic conditions in north but serviced and maintained by regular forces/training platforms.
  • There is still a need for a longer range strike force - i.e. Submarines. Needs to be long range - mostly like a nuclear based unit - and to have a couple in the water means to me a minimum of 8 (2x training, 2x service, 4 available).
  • 5 GOFO + 1 Training + 1 US Liason + 1 NATO
  • Missing training schools which should be near major centers/Great Lakes - estimating 1500
  • Have no replacement crews. X2 starting point for manpower on vessels. - 6800 more.

Armed Forces as a whole:
1 GOFO as head
1 GOFO as Training Lead. Must have publish training schedules 1 year in advance for employers for Reservists.
1 GOFO as HR which includes recruitment

At this point I have 30 GOFO accounted for and 43,100 troops. Aware I'm probably short on the "purple trades", Support (medical/chaplins), infrastructure so have not tried to account for all troops. 5 GOFO free for assignments either within branch or Armed Forces or exchange or in charge of reservists. SAR and Rangers not accounted for yet.

  • Mix of F550 upgraded pickups for local armoury use/transport and a second vehicle allotment at central training school for division level exercises. Must have sufficent for each fully manned unit to be fully equipped.
  • Four year training rotation of artic exercise/division large scale/ Local training (i.e. mountain/coastal assault/urban exercise)/NATO or Division
  • Reserve unit is authorized up to 250 troops - 2 companies - and commanded by a Major from Reg force for 4 years. Reserve rank tops out at Captain for officers unless transferring from Regs to Reserve.

Air Force:
- RCAF reserve squadrons will be set up to provide both training and practical flight hours.
-Civilian employers who have members part of RCAF are eligible for Government bulk financing options for air frames
  • Focus upon Multi-engine skill, and rotary pilots. Jets are Regforce only.
  • Drone units eligible.

  • Coastal patrol vessels will be manned through artic and coastal waters dependent upon ice conditions.
  • ship handling and handling simulators needed.
  • damage control school
  • navigation/charting/small boat (RHIB) handling for all PO and up regardless of trade.

Armed Forces as a whole
- Mobile field hospital to fly and deploy to First Nation Communities in the north for exercise. Up to and including minor surgery done on site if appropriate.

You must design the new Canadian Armed Forces to
1. To Protect Canada;
- 3 division Army with majority of troops Reserves and distributed across Canada.​
- Mission to deploy. Either NATO or within Canada as an intact force similar to Cold War REFORGER​
- Multiple training bases/prepositioned gear depots. Not just schools but also Baffin Island, Yellowknife, Tutytuktuk, Churchill​
- mix of transport and strike capacity. Heavy emphasis on East and West Coast with constant exercises to north.​
- Must be able to handle movement of large number of troops on regular basis on low notice. Practice via annual training schedule and REFORGER type exercise.​
- Must be able to deploy multiple ship units + support vessels worldwide​
- emphasis upon smaller vessels in artic as ice conditions allow based out of northern ports​
2. To have a standby force prepositioned in Europe for NATO;
  • Primarily an Army mission but heavy reliance on RCAF for transport. RCN may be heavy slow lift.
  • Full set of spare gear available for deployment via REFORGER in addition to current issuance for back up.

3. To have a brigade size force ready to deploy to the arctic within 12 hours;
- Emphasis on all branches to be deploying to north on regular basis. Includes pre-positioned depots with gear at multiple locations.

4. To ensure proper surveillance of all Canadian coastlines; and
- Mix of long range patrol aircraft, drone intelligence, and small boat work.

5. To have an Air Defense and Coastal Defense Plan in place as part of protecting Canada
  • Need a Canadian satellite network dedicated to Armed Forces
  • Long range drone + strike fighters + submarines + patrol aircraft for interception
  • Unclear on the Air Defense radar set up systems as it's advance since the DEW line/PINETREE of my youth. Need both weather information (key for operations) but also detection and should not be single point of failure items.

Gear List:
M1 Abrams x300. Use plus two sets for depot
LAV 6 - 5,000? Enough for every unit in Army + Reserves + Depot spares
HIMRIS - reach out and touch somebody far away. Many and spares and depot needed

Heavy lift - need 30 airframes to acocunt for spares
Medium lift - need a bunch more C-130's to account for squadrons + reserves
Heavy Helicopter - 20 chinnoks
Medium Helicopter - 100 Blackhawks
More P-8's
Need spares for F-35's - at least 35 more

Need the coastal vessel
couple more frigates
more support ships
8 subs

Aware I'm missing some big pieces but what the heck...was a good way to spend an hour thinking it over. Exact allocation to be worked out as I'm really not clear as a civilian how the training and/or manpower rotation would all work out. Especially in the reserve world.
OK. I must admit, very impressive and I think I really see where your thinking takes us. I agree on HIMARS, Abrams (Hey big bro america is next door)

I assume the LAV6 feet expansion is due to familiarity of it being in the CAF already?
There are foundational differences between CAF and US military employment that would render this a non starter.
I believe your a logistics officer? Can you offer what sort of "tail" we need for this dog to keep biting?
That reserve refreshment guarantee reminded me of something.

It took place during late summer "prime time" vacation, which was booked by seniority.

That meant me taking a bite out of a senior man's - who happened to be my partner - summer vacation.

Which led to the annual, "I can't take my kids to the effing cottage, because you want to go play soldier!"
Lets wave a magic wand and assume everyone in the unions are happy. I am trying to remove constraints people look at it from reserves and view it as the P Res is available and for arguments sake, we assume no drama.
Lets wave a magic wand and assume everyone in the unions are happy. I am trying to remove constraints people look at it from reserves and view it as the P Res is available and for arguments sake, we assume no drama.

Oh, I got my Leave with Pay for refreshment training every summer.

There were no constraints from the union. The union negotiated it.

Employees are paid their regular pay provided they submit any compensation received for military service to the city treasurer, unless this compensation is paid for days they are not scheduled to work.

3. The Federal Government and Provinces have put together a protected frame work to guarantee reservist a total of 35 days off for reserve refreshment training;

What is the policy at the federal / provincial level?
My own breakdown
Man power wise
CAF HQ-2,000

RCAF Reg - 15,000
F35s for sure (Not sure how much we can get)
Refueling Tankers
Expand to 10 C17s
get Global Hawk UAS
Reaper UAS
120 x UH1Y Venom (USMC hel)
40 x AH1Z Viper (USMC Hel)
up the Herc fleet to latest model and get 30 at least
ASW Fleet
Navay helicopter fleet

Cdn ARmy Reg - 12,000
Training Centers
1 full mech brigade canada
1 full mech brigade Europe NATO
1 full Arty Brigade (HIMARS, UAS, Etc)

RCN Reg - 18,000
Sailors with 18,000 is it possible to man
-8 x modern missile destroyers
-16 x Multi-mission frigates
-8 x nuclear powered submarines
-4 x replenishing ships
-4 x troop/equipment transports

RCAF Reserve -20,000
Lots of chinooks, viper and venom helicopter
a few squadrons of A29 super tucano very CAS
many, many Reaper UAS squadrons
a few Airfield Defence Squadrons (like the RAF Regt)

CDN Army Reserve-60,000
Lots of Infantry (Fully manned battalions)
Lots of Field Engineers (Top up manning)
All Armoured Reserve convert to Reconnaissance and security roles
Lots of canon arty (155mm M777)
Big time investment in Long Range Air Defence Arty (NASAAM or Patriot) for Airfield defence and protecting the army
On Logistics emphasis on truckers and transport assets for moving huge amounts of troops and materials across the nation

RCN Reserves-20,000
Buy lots of CB90 Combat Boats and have a brown water littoral asset for the coast, St Lawrence, Hudson Bay, islands, great lakes
Lots of clearance divers to back up the navy
some Landing Craft utility manned as well
Is there an unmanned submersible? If there is, make it a NAVRES asset

I feel confident in my army numbers as doable. I need Navy and Air Force guys to look at my wish list and let me know if the service support capabilities are there or do I need a down size?
OK. I must admit, very impressive and I think I really see where your thinking takes us. I agree on HIMARS, Abrams (Hey big bro america is next door)

I assume the LAV6 feet expansion is due to familiarity of it being in the CAF already?
I used the LAV6 mostly because it's what I've seen. I don't know enough to argue the merits of CV-90 vs. Bradley for example and tracked vs. wheeled. Preference is for wheeled due to speed (I think?) but more important is having enough units purchased to cover not just deployed units but those in repair, upgrades, and training + forces back in Canada. I don't expect gun barrels to be done at the CAF level repairs but they should be able to swap them out at a depot. Preference is for American just due to proximity to their depots but there are some great European products out there (Haagglunds anyone for artic use) that should be examined as well.
Is there anything out there that is similar to our old ADATS? I believe it was 10 KM Range?

I ask because the USA seems to go from Stinger right up to like Patriot. No in between. I know Stryker SHORAD exist bit it fires stinger (very short range)
My own breakdown
Man power wise
CAF HQ-2,000

RCAF Reg - 15,000
F35s for sure (Not sure how much we can get)
Refueling Tankers
Expand to 10 C17s
get Global Hawk UAS
Reaper UAS
120 x UH1Y Venom (USMC hel)
40 x AH1Z Viper (USMC Hel)
up the Herc fleet to latest model and get 30 at least
ASW Fleet
Navay helicopter fleet
I can agree with with the UH1Y as part of the Bell fleet...heck that aligns well with a lot of the civilian users that still use variants of the 212 simplifying cross training. Does not still to be in production though which raises a question about currency of airframes and future support which is why I picked Blackhawks.

I thought about Attack Helicopters...and 5 years ago I would have been all over it. But with the way drones have taken over, at lower training cost, lower manpower, and while not offering the same payload per lift...I'd rather invest in more armed drones vs. attack helicopters. Troops on the line will needs some form of CAS though and I'm not sure what that is...HIMIRS seems too much and F-35s will not always be on call/available.
I can agree with with the UH1Y as part of the Bell fleet...heck that aligns well with a lot of the civilian users that still use variants of the 212 simplifying cross training. Does not still to be in production though which raises a question about currency of airframes and future support which is why I picked Blackhawks.

I thought about Attack Helicopters...and 5 years ago I would have been all over it. But with the way drones have taken over, at lower training cost, lower manpower, and while not offering the same payload per lift...I'd rather invest in more armed drones vs. attack helicopters. Troops on the line will needs some form of CAS though and I'm not sure what that is...HIMIRS seems too much and F-35s will not always be on call/available.
I wouldn't be surprised if army companies start coming up with counter drone detachments for early warning/neutralization. This is important as we see drones having a larger influence, Especially in The Ukraine where Russians use drones to drop grenades on Ukrainian troops.
@KevinB serious question. With such proliferation of drones in every size, is old school infantry recce patrols even possible without 100% compromising and en arty/air assets zeroing in?