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RMC Officer Sues to Avoid Saluting, Toasting Queen?

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Teddy -- I agree with you -- I worded my comment poorly -- but I do feel the CF should be proactive in seperating him from the service.
Bring back the military of the 60's and early 70's.

This BS would not have happened.

In those days they weeded out the jerks before they got out of Basic Training.

This may shock you young ones but in the old army we were yelled at, abused(compared to today's standards) ,embarrassed and made into soldiers.

We never complained, never reported being abused and would do it all over again.

Today's military is to wrapped around " political correctness" .

that felt good.
Infidel-6 said:
-- but I do feel the CF should be proactive in seperating him from the service.

Only to face a second suit for wrongful dismissal based on politicial discrimination.  Recreational litigation at it's best!
Just stirring up the hornets nest.

Infidel-6 THAT is exactly what I was trying to say ;)

I wasn't bashing the RC religion. I assume the guys pro Irish and anti Royal stance is him playing off the stereotypical Irish/English conflict. Hence I assumed he was RC.

Even some guy doesn't believe in the queen or God. He should do what the rest of us do. Just go through the motions and drink your booze.
we all have to recognise things we don't believe in. IE Chrismas, Easter, Wedding Anniversaries.....

GUNS said:
Bring back the military of the 60's and early 70's.

This BS would not have happened.

In those days they weeded out the jerks before they got out of Basic Training.

This may shock you young ones but in the old army we were yelled at, abused(compared to today's standards) ,embarrassed and made into soldiers.

We never complained, never reported being abused and would do it all over again.

Today's military is to wrapped around " political correctness" .

that felt good.

I can appreciate that it felt good but it has no relevance .........the clock does not turn back and 'the good old days' really weren't all that good if you weren't a male WASP.
So all must serve without question? Has the article pointed out where he has failed to carry out his duty?

Without all the emotion of others, this member has a point he would like addressed and he has utilized the system for what it is there for. He could be like countless others who just don't go to mess dinners because of the 'inconvience' or bitch day in and day out never doing anything about it.

I, for one, wish that they remove the bathroom breaks at mess dinners - It just allows the speakers to empty their bladders and speeches go on for ever.

...and when you run that through the system and get turned down all the way to the top, you would then sue to get your way?

He didn't get the answer he wanted so he's having his tantrum.  It went up the chain to the very top and got what I would say was a reasoned response.  He didn't like it so now he's suing?  C'mon.

And going to the press or discussing this with the press might not be appropriate as well.
rifleman -- Uhm your kidding right?

He is failing his duty daily -- worse as a leader and educator his treachery is magnified
mover1 said:
Just a question. Is this dude one of those guys who con sideres himself and IRISH Canadian. Who puts his allegiance to his ancestral past above his present nationality.
As a Canadian of Irish descent, I pull off that "Irish Canadian" thing around the 17th of March every year, I drink whiskey and really do like potatoes.  I am also Roman Catholic.  But, you know what?  I signed my oath, took it, or whatever.  I can't remember much now (I am forty now, after all!). 
I really REALLY like hockey (being Catholic, I guess I was supposed to be a Habs fan, but I went with the 'protestant' Maple Leafs), I really REALLY like three-down football (Go Argos!  Go Mustangs!) and most of all, I adhere to the rules, traditions and regulations of Her Majesty's Canadian Armed Forces!  I consider it an honour and a privelage to have been accepted into this mob.
I enjoy researching my heritage, a bit anyway.  It just grinds my gears that this guy wants to take the "Royal" out of the "ROYAL Military College"
All I can say is I remember this clown when I was working at the College - I even remember when he had his name changed.  He'd get somewhat upset that nobody could pronounce his name.  All I can say is this - if he is so up in arms, go back to the homeland and see if they accept him there.  I'm sure the collective IQ of both RMC and Eire may go up a few points.


PS - I'm about 1/3 Irish, and still have no problems slagging someone down over this.  I'm Canadian - he obviously thinks he should be a hyphenated one.

Good Point Von, I wonder if the Officer in question included a demand to remove the Royal too? If he didn't, quite the irony, is it not?
Von Garvin has a good point,

 If he disagrees working for the Queen, why is he still at ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE. If you object that much to the queen , you should go find tenure at a different university/college.
charlesm said:
Von Garvin has a good point,

 If he disagrees working for the Queen, why is he still at ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE. If you object that much to the queen , you should go find tenure at a different university/college.

Like going down the street to work at Queen's University or better yet - go to Belfast and work at Queen's University there.  He could also go to Dublin to teach physics at the ROYAL College of Surgeons...we could really have a bit of fun offering career advice couldn't we?

Crantor said:

He didn't get the answer he wanted so he's having his tantrum.  It went up the chain to the very top and got what I would say was a reasoned response.  He didn't like it so now he's suing?  C'mon.

And going to the press or discussing this with the press might not be appropriate as well.

rifleman said:
So all must serve without question? Has the article pointed out where he has failed to carry out his duty?

Without all the emotion of others, this member has a point he would like addressed and he has utilized the system for what it is there for. He could be like countless others who just don't go to mess dinners because of the 'inconvience' or bitch day in and day out never doing anything about it.

I, for one, wish that they remove the bathroom breaks at mess dinners - It just allows the speakers to empty their bladders and speeches go on for ever.

He failed in his duty when he (1) brought a political question into the public arena; (2) disregarded the decisions of the chain of command; and (3) brought a lawsuit against the CF for such a trivial reason.

He MUST go.
This guy's whole carreer has bee based on a lie.
"He was 16 years old when he enlisted and begrudgingly swore loyalty to the Queen."

Therefore his first act as an officer in the CF was to tell a lie.
He lied at his interview. He has lived a lie all these years and been paid handsomely for it.
I really think the CF has to reighn this guy in and discipline the bejesus out of him, and RMC should take the lead by ending his gravy train teaching career, with pay for now...  He has broken many rules by doing this and should be charged. 
He will become a poster boy for some but we have to make sure the T's are dotted and I's crossed...you know what I mean.

I really hope the CF doesn't drop the ball on this...Its great time to do justice and be seen doing justice.
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