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ROTP 2010-2011

I just got the call, I'm from the Ottawa region if anyone is curious. I've been accepted for Signals Officer at Carleton University.

Best of luck to those of you that are still waiting, keep your sanity because it could be a long wait.

Best of luck again,

Reid Meyers
I just called CFRC London and my file manager told me she had just got to my file and was actually about to call me, but anyways I was accepted for Air Combat Systems Officer at UWO! ;D I'm so pumped! It's nice to get good news after such a long wait...I think I'm going to go workout now, and I have a feeling it's going to be an amazing one because I just can't stop moving. But best of luck to all those still waiting...stay positive!
Congratulations everyone! Now that people are starting to find out I'm getting nervous! I'm in the Atlantic area, going for ACSO, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! And wishing I had a cell phone...
X2012 said:
Congratulations everyone! Now that people are starting to find out I'm getting nervous! I'm in the Atlantic area, going for ACSO, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! And wishing I had a cell phone...

I wish I had a cell phone too.  Sitting here in the school library reading all these acceptances is crazy.  Hopefully, I get a good call soon!
Hi All

Congratulations to everyone who has heard back positively!

My file has been merit listed for the April selection board, as I missed the initial selection board that has just passed. I was told that all the AERE (Aerospace Engineering Officer) spots were filled, and that my acceptance is dependent on people declining there offer.  I didn't apply to RMC;, I wanted to go to a civilian university, which I have been accepted to already.  I just have a couple of questions: Is anyone else in the same boat as me? Does anyone plan on declining their AERE offer?  How does selection work for Civy U applicants; is there a cap for each program?

Thanks in advance for your help!

And good luck to those still waiting!
I got the call at 12 PM today. I made it in for Land Engineering at RMC (  ;) my first choice). Oh and I'm from Mississauga for those of you trying to figure out when you will be called.

Congratulations to everyone who has made it in and good luck to all those still waiting for the call!
Ahoy-hoy all! good to hear so many positive results overall!

Just wanted to clarify something...

When I called the clerk in charge of my file, he only told me I was accepted, but at that point I was too excited to remember to ask him whether I should be expecting any more documents, joining instructions, information packages, or sessions with a career counselor. Did anyone else receive any more information other than acceptance when you contacted your CFRC? Or is it another waiting period before we discover our next steps?

Thanks in advance all!
Ahoy-hoy all! good to hear so many positive results overall!

Just wanted to clarify something...

When I called the clerk in charge of my file, he only told me I was accepted, but at that point I was too excited to remember to ask him whether I should be expecting any more documents, joining instructions, information packages, or sessions with a career counselor. Did anyone else receive any more information other than acceptance when you contacted your CFRC? Or is it another waiting period before we discover our next steps?

Thanks in advance all!

aahahahhaha I did the same thing, I called back to find out more details. My file manager told me that he will call me next week with details regarding joining instructions and other information.
I too am from Ottawa and got my call earlier today.  I have been accepted into RMC to train to become an infantry officer.  Best of luck to those still waiting!
Smackimus said:
Ahoy-hoy all! good to hear so many positive results overall!

Just wanted to clarify something...

When I called the clerk in charge of my file, he only told me I was accepted, but at that point I was too excited to remember to ask him whether I should be expecting any more documents, joining instructions, information packages, or sessions with a career counselor. Did anyone else receive any more information other than acceptance when you contacted your CFRC? Or is it another waiting period before we discover our next steps?

Thanks in advance all!

When the corporal handling my file called me he asked me about 6 questions relating to my health, understanding of the contract etc. and finally if I accept the offer to go to RMC for such and such a trade. Then he told me to write down important periods that I should book off for the enrollment, two week recruit visit in the summer. He also said I will be shortly receiving an email or letter to officially recognise my acceptance.

I don't think anyone is going to be left in the dust. I'm sure the guys at your RC will give you the proper information when it is needed.
When the corporal handling my file called me he asked me about 6 questions relating to my health, understanding of the contract etc. and finally if I accept the offer to go to RMC for such and such a trade. Then he told me to write down important periods that I should book off for the enrollment, two week recruit visit in the summer. He also said I will be shortly receiving an email or letter to officially recognise my acceptance.

I don't think anyone is going to be left in the dust. I'm sure the guys at your RC will give you the proper information when it is needed.

what dates did he give you, I didn't get those details.
Anyone going for Infantry Officer? And has anyone from the Greater Kingston area gotten their call yet? I'm still waiting but I hope to hear soon :)
b_raakesh said:
what dates did he give you, I didn't get those details.

He didn't give me any exact dates. He gave me general time periods. (Ex. End of May\early June is enrollment, late June\early August is two week recruit visit)
Congrats to all who have been accepted, and to those who are merit listed and don't eventually get in during the April selection; don't fret too much. If this is a career you really really want and feel that you are still a good applicant, re-apply after you start university. I did, had a much stronger interview, CFAT scores hadn't expired, and medical was only an update making it only a question and answer thing.  :)

On the other hand, looking forward to seeing you all in the summer for a few weeks, in with my first choice Inf O. Staying at Carleton.  And I'm Ottawa region.

Good luck stay positive and congrats.
Jourdan said:
He didn't give me any exact dates. He gave me general time periods. (Ex. End of May\early June is enrollment, late June\early August is two week recruit visit)

I was told that the recruit visit to RMC Kingston was during the last three weeks of August. But then again I was pretty excited during the call so I may have misunderstood.
Dou You said:
I was told that the recruit visit to RMC Kingston was during the last three weeks of August. But then again I was pretty excited during the call so I may have misunderstood.

Hmm.  Sometimes recruiters aren't always on the same page, take for example their info on when the selection board would be sitting. Some said Febuary, some said April.
My file manager told me that I would get to return home for one or two weeks after the recruit visit before school actually started. He just wanted me to make sure I don't plan any vacations during that time given that even they don't have exact dates as of yet. However, last year I visited the school on August 23 and saw recruits doing PT and marching around, so I guess we should expect to be there around August 23.
I was told that enrollment for me would be towards the end of July, and training would start 1 August and last until the obstacle course on 3 September.  I will be going to RMC St. Jean and confirmed the training dates on their websites academic calender.  He told me that my enrollment would be as close to the time of training as possible because of how far I am travelling (from Virginia).  He also explained that I have a 13 year commitment, which I already knew about, and that I was told I would be Infantry. 

I hope this helps anyone, but if it doesn't my recruiter said he would be sending out an email to go over some more specific details.
Just a quick question: what exactly does being 'merit listed' mean? My file manager didn't really clear it up for me, she just told me to call again next week.

Never mind, just got a call from CFRC Edmonton. I wasn't selected for this round of applicants, although I'm still in the top-up round in April.
Hi all,

I just wanted to start a thread for people who like me missed the first round of selections, and were told to sit tight until the end of April!

My file was not put forward to the board as my medicals were not completed in time. I have been merit listed for the second round, but I was told that the occupation I had applied for was filled during the first round; my acceptance would depend on the number of people who decline AERE/O.

Well my fingers are crossed! I just thought it would be nice to share the wait with others!

Good Luck to all who are waiting, and congratulations to those of you who have been accepted (any words of encouragement would be much appreciated)!
I am so happy to finally know where I am going in my life.
I got the call this morning and have been offered
Army Logistics Officer (civilian university) . I accepted it without hesitation.
Good luck to everyone else waiting.