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ROTP 2010-2011

If anyone is interested, they also have the same program for sit ups called 200 sit ups.
Do try these programs if you do not have a training program yet.
It does work. I could barely do 10 at the beginning. Now I can do over 35. Its just
something that you have to stick with.
So, I'm just wondering if there is anyone else other than myself on here that will be heading to ASU London this Saturday for enrollment?...I feel lonely haha. Also is there anyone else on here who will be attending UWO through ROTP?
I'm sure there likely are people, I will be at CFRC Kitchener tomorrow though for admin and the following day for swearing in.
Rogo said:
I'm sure there likely are people, I will be at CFRC Kitchener tomorrow though for admin and the following day for swearing in.
I was told there's actually quite a few people who are going through ROTP and dealing with the London CFRC. So I figured at least one more person would be on here...but I guess not haha. Enjoy your next couple days though Rogo.
Thanks and you too,  even if someone responds its not like we'll be wearing Nametags anyways so our identities will remain a mystery.  Ooohhoooaooo!  Except for mine...my nickname on here will give it away  ;D
If the is any one who has all ready gone through the 2 week intro course i was wondering if you could enlighten me on what I might be doing when there. I read the joining instructions and all they gave me was 1) rules/regs, 2) dress. 3) physical activity, and 4) intro to military life. But what does that mean, can anyone shed a little more light on the course?
Check in this thread, which a Google search of "RMC recruit camp" turned up for me:

ROTP 2010-2011 - note reply #618 on page 42.

Mods, might I suggest a merge?
anenggcam said:
If the is any one who has all ready gone through the 2 week intro course i was wondering if you could enlighten me on what I might be doing when there. I read the joining instructions and all they gave me was 1) rules/regs, 2) dress. 3) physical activity, and 4) intro to military life. But what does that mean, can anyone shed a little more light on the course?

I'm going to be on the course this year, but from reading last year's ROTP thread it seems as though we are going to go through "death by powerpoint", with some drill, PT, and inspections thrown in there as well  ;). Should be fun!
Hey guys,

It looks like most of you are getting ready to start the journey as Officer Cadets. I, too, have been posting my ROTP application updates in earlier pages of this thread(actually since the 2009-2010 year thread) but unfortunately I didn't get the call. Instead, a new door opened for me in the NCM career path and I will be leaving this November for BMQ.

I just wanted to say congratulations to everyone that received the offer this year, and best of luck. It certainly was great getting to know most of you, as well as sharing information and stories as we were going through the application process. I hope you make the best out of the 4 years you will go through.


I'm currently finishing up my paperwork for when I meet my ULO. My will currently has me stumped and I'll ask this question assuming everyone's will is in the same format as mine. On the second page where it says SWORN BEFORE ME AT and then has the curly brackets, who is supposed to fill in that spot. At first it seemed obvious that it was one of the witnesses but then it asked for a rank and unit to be filled in. I don't want this left blank for when I get to my ULO but I don't want it to be filled in if it wasn't supposed to be.

Any help would be most appreciated,

Reid Meyers
The way I read it was, (because of the rank and unit part), that the witnesses are supposed to be military personnel. Probably ULO folks? However, I can't be sure of this. So, I was going to leave section 8 and beyond blank, to be filled in when I'm there.
ReidMeyers said:
I'm currently finishing up my paperwork for when I meet my ULO. My will currently has me stumped and I'll ask this question assuming everyone's will is in the same format as mine. On the second page where it says SWORN BEFORE ME AT and then has the curly brackets, who is supposed to fill in that spot. At first it seemed obvious that it was one of the witnesses but then it asked for a rank and unit to be filled in. I don't want this left blank for when I get to my ULO but I don't want it to be filled in if it wasn't supposed to be.

Any help would be most appreciated,

Reid Meyers

Leave it blank.  That part of the affidavit is for the officer who is taking your declaration regarding the will.
So just to make sure, I filled in sections 1 - 9 and first half of the affidavit and should leave the rest blank?
ReidMeyers said:
So just to make sure, I filled in sections 1 - 9 and first half of the affidavit and should leave the rest blank?

Yes, the staff will take care of that part.
So what do you guys think about taking your computer to your ULO visit and ROTP Orientation?
anenggcam said:
So what do you guys think about taking your computer to your ULO visit and ROTP Orientation?

Don't believe me you won't see it for the entire time your on orientation.  Same goes for pretty much any other electronics(DS, ipods etc etc).
I'm leaving mine at my university house, we will be transporting enough clothing there and all our uniform parts back with us after. Space will be minimal.
Ya i was planing on leaving mine at home. But i am going to bring my ipod and cell, need something to do while travelling to ottawa.
Anyone know if we can bring supplements to RMC? Products like creatine, nitric oxide, protein, etc? On the instructions it says no "Illegal substances (including caffeine concentrates wake-up)" NO-xplode has about 100mg per scoop, which is the same as a cup of coffee. As well I do know space is limited......but these products are not cheap lol. So I hate to let them go to waste. I don't use them anymore, just want to take them with me just in case I fell like I need to use them again. My friend who is going onto his 2nd year at RMC said he and a lot of others take creatine/protein to keep up with the rigorous physical training.

Any feedback is welcome :)

PS. I do know all natural is the way to go with maybe protein. But I was inactive for about a year (had 2 jobs, AP courses, cadets) and when I got that call for RMC, I was like "Holy $%#, I'm out of shape." I needed a boost and creatine/protein/Nitric Oxide provided that.