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ROTP 2011-2012

If I had a penny for every DND letterhead I've received that had a spelling mistake, I'd own a Breitling watch.  ;D

I have previously viewed the spell check button as many in my neighbourhood view the clearly posted 50km/h sign outside my apartment. Lesson learned, and my erring ways have been altered!

Back on topic: You'll drive yourself crazy refreshing the forum every 5 minutes to check for updated news. Talking from personal experience, I wish I had done push-ups instead! That first Express Test would have been a joke after the few hundred a day I would have done.

P.S. I cannot believe the spell check fails to recognize the prestige of Breitling. My new found faith in it has been shattered.

ringknocker82 said:
:rofl:  This is the future generation of leaders. They should hand out dictionaries along with our commissioning scrolls. Or better yet, a spell check button.

It's funny that you mentioned spell check button...there's one available when you draft a post on this forum, right beside the Preview and Post buttons.  :nod:
Sadly it would seem that too many people are too incompetent to click the spell check button or to recognize that they may have made an error. The forums need the spell check integrated like MS Word, but even then I'm sure people would just ignore it.
ringknocker82 said:
:rofl:  This is the future generation of leaders. They should hand out dictionaries along with our commissioning scrolls. Or better yet, a spell check button.

I'd say that is a little harsh. It was an obvious case of a fat-finger mistake. Now if he spelt it "recroot", then you would have a case....
newbie you have seen your fair share of spelling errors on this site too.  I'm surprised that you sympathize.
Rogo said:
Sadly it would seem that too many people are too incompetent to click the spell check button or to recognize that they may have made an error. The forums need the spell check integrated like MS Word, but even then I'm sure people would just ignore it.


That may be a bit of an improvement for some, but it still would not recognize the problem that many have with knowing the difference between such words as:

  1.  There, They're, Their;
  2.  Which, Witch;
  3.  Weather, Whether;
  4.  Wear, Where, Were, We're;
  5.  In, Inn;
  6.  So, Sow, Sew;
  7.  To, Too, Two;
  8.  Your, You're;
  9.  You, Ewe;
  10. Here, Hear;
and so many other words.  Even dealing with a big word and book like "Thesaurus" may be too large a task for them to handle.  We all do make mistakes from time to time.  Even I have spelled words wrong and still do have a habit of adding or dropping a letter here and there periodically.  Heck.  If I type too fast, I often spell my name wrong.  I guess it comes down as to how our brains function, but it leads us to wonder why and how some expect to achieve lofty heights if they can't equate their lack of communication skills (written) as a demonstration of their less than stellar educations.  Yes!  Our Education System has let us down, by not failing these people, instead passing them on to others to deal with their inadequacies.......Guess we reap what we sow.

Time for the Spelling Sergeant Majors out there to give some drill.

PS.  Even I used Spell Check on this post.  ;D

Rogo said:
newbie you have seen your fair share of spelling errors on this site too.  I'm surprised that you sympathize.

We all make mistakes and accusing someone of not being capable of being a "future leader" because a forum post had a fat-fingered typo is a little much. I do not sympathize with users posting messages with egregious spelling mistakes and poor grammar. Incorrect usage of words as Mr. Wallace pointed out is the one that probably irks me the most though.
2010newbie said:
We all make mistakes and accusing someone of not being capable of being a "future leader" because a forum post had a fat-fingered typo is a little much. I do not sympathize with users posting messages with egregious spelling mistakes and poor grammar. Incorrect usage of words as Mr. Wallace pointed out is the one that probably irks me the most though.

Have to agree.  There is a huge different between a simple typo (especially when a typo ends up actually becoming a real word, if not the word intended but correctly spelled so it slips through spell check) and blatant disregard for proper written communication conventions.  When I see typos, I move on and assume it was simply that- a typo. 

wen i see dis kind of writing, i start 2 get a lil frustrated.

EDIT##: Ironically, fixed a typo.
I've taken my share of flak just for forgetting to use a semi-colon, so forgive me for taking my turn at bat. The high school bully usually only starts bullying after having been bullied. I apologize for the bullying.  I just think this is a good place to start taking pride in your grammatical abilities and the more veteran forum users are only trying to instill this in us, which I appreciate. And yes, I felt the need to put my  :2c: in, couldn't help myself. :D Remember, a number of CF members think we're only useful for pushing around pens, what are they going to think when we can't even do that right? Just saying!! Plus, "recruti" was funny, it made them sound like cute little green bunnies hopping around.
ringknocker82 said:
I've taken my share of flak just for forgetting to use a semi-colon, so forgive me for taking my turn at bat. The high school bully usually only starts bullying after having been bullied. I apologize for the bullying.  I just think this is a good place to start taking pride in your grammatical abilities and the more veteran forum users are only trying to instill this in us, which I appreciate. And yes, I felt the need to put my  :2c: in, couldn't help myself. :D Remember, a number of CF members think we're only useful for pushing around pens, what are they going to think when we can't even do that right? Just saying!! Plus, "recruti" was funny, it made them sound like cute little green bunnies hopping around.

Man.. Using And after a period, that is the worst.  ;D Some of the spelling mistakes on these forums are pretty innocent enough. I am a TA at my university and believe me.. Despite some of the awful spelling and grammar on this forum, you can tell when the paper was started the morning of the specified due date and not indented or spellchecked with accuracy.

*Edit.. Fail forgot a word. Maybe everyone should just proof-read their posts before they post and then they can even review the content so they don't take flak. :P
ringknocker82 said:
Plus, "recruti" was funny, it made them sound like cute little green bunnies hopping around.
It was "Recruti Camp"....where mom sends those little bunnies for the summer.  ;D
George Wallace said:
Yes!  Our Education System has let us down, by not failing these people, instead passing them on to others to deal with their inadequacies.......

You deserve a Wisers slow clap for that good sir!    :salute:
George, based on recent use of the word within this thread, consider adding:

11.  spelled, spelt  (past participle vs. triticum spelta, a grain)

As an aside, if the cadet is of Romanian descent, then recruti is an understandable mistake as that is the proper spelling for the plural of recruit in Romanian.  ;)
Good2Golf said:
As an aside, if the cadet is of Romanian descent, then recruti is an understandable mistake as that is the proper spelling for the plural of recruit in Romanian.  ;)
So that's what they mean by "clutching at straws."  ;D
jwtg said:
Have to agree.  There is a huge different between a simple typo (especially when a typo ends up actually becoming a real word, if not the word intended but correctly spelled so it slips through spell check) and blatant disregard for proper written communication conventions.

Everybody chill, have a juice (if you are 19 and older, 18 where applicable) and realise that ringknocker was not malicious.  On a totally unrelated note.

Who's excited for the Toronto Stanley Cup run for next year?  ;D

Yes mods, I know this is not related to the thread. It will hopefully provide us a full day of hockey discussion rather than the last two weeks of drabble about waiting for the phonecall from the CFRCs.
Good2Golf said:
George, based on recent use of the word within this thread, consider adding:

11.  spelled, spelt  (past participle vs. triticum spelta, a grain)

That is a little tricky. Being a member of the Commonwealth, should we also accept the British definition of spelt - past participle?


I hope so because that is how I spell it!  ;D
I use spelt.  To me I feel like I hear it more frequently than "spelled". At least in conversation maybe.   
I have always learned to use "spelled" but I do know some people who have learnt to use "spelt."
It's a bit like using 'whilst' instead of 'while.'  You can use it, but some think its use seems out of place compared to the more common usage.
OneMissionataTime said:
Despite some of the awful spelling and grammar on this forum, you can tell when the paper was started the morning of the specified due date and not indented or spellchecked with accuracy.

A TA position does not an English guru make. Using an 'and' to start a sentence is acceptable after elementary school as long as it is used correctly. Open a book or a newspaper and try NOT finding 'and' as the start of a sentence. If I use incorrect English, correct me, but don't correct my proper use of the English language because you don't know what you're talking about. Also, your sentence above makes little sense, so I wouldn't be throwing stones if I were you. You shouldn't start with one subject (ie., the forum), then switch to another subject (ie., assignments from students), without connecting the two somehow. Ok, I'm done being petty :)