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ROTP 2011-2012

Congrats on that. I am still waiting for the CFRC to make an initial contact with me, but I can't wait until my CFAT and interview. I figure my interview won't be for a while though, because when I spoke to the CFRC last they said that they would come to my hometown for my interview (because my town doesn't have a CFRC), as well as interview other CF applicants. So I figure they may wait until there are more ROTP/General applicants from my town before they decide to come up here. Hopefully they don't wait too long though, I want to get in on that first selection hearing.
Hey guys
I got my Academic Admission Questionnaire from CFRC in hamilton about 2 weeks ago..
I havnt decided if i want to go in to Arts or Science yet, do you think it is at my disadvantage if
i choose Air Combat Systems Officer, or Pilot as my career but apply for Arts degree?
Because i am guessing it would make more sense for pilots and ACSO's to have a sceince or engineering degree right?
thanks guys and good luck
There aren't any degree discipline requirements for ACSO or Pilot; you can take arts or science. I am taking Commerce for instance.
2010newbie said:
There aren't any degree discipline requirements for ACSO or Pilot

But you can't take Kinesiology  >:(...oh well, Geography is treating me well so far.
Jayseo, take what you please. If those are your choices for career in the CF, it won't matter which degree program you choose to follow. So I suggest you choose an education that you think you will enjoy more, or be able to make better use of. Choose something you perform well at! One of the major traits that they look for in Pilots and ACSO's is the ability to learn lots fast, so do your best to perform well academically.
Dou You said:
But you can't take Kinesiology  >:(...oh well, Geography is treating me well so far.

I thought you had that straightened out already?!? They looked into it and Kin isn't an acceptable degree?
2010newbie said:
I thought you had that straightened out already?!? They looked into it and Kin isn't an acceptable degree?

Umm, did you read where Dou You posted you can't take it?  ???
PMedMoe said:
Umm, did you read where Dou You posted you can't take it?  ???

Since Dou You and I had discussed this previously outside of the forum, maybe I should have made my question/statement a little clearer for the other members here.

Here's some background: When the issue was raised at Recruit Camp, the SEM was going to look into it because he didn't think there was any restriction on the degree and that Kin was acceptable for ACSO.

Rephrased questions for Dou You: Did you hear a response back from the SEM since Recruit Camp that it is not an acceptable degree or are you still going by what the recruiting centre told you during your enrolment?

Does anyone know what dates the first selection hearing is, and what dates they send out the first round of acceptances?

2010newbie said:
Rephrased questions for Dou You: Did you hear a response back from the SEM since Recruit Camp that it is not an acceptable degree or are you still going by what the recruiting centre told you during your enrolment?

When we had our SEM brief he confirmed that Kinesiology was NOT acceptable, and even said that he was shocked to hear it was. There are only a handful of degrees that are not acceptable across ALL trades and Kin falls into that group.

Before this, I had already finished the process of transferring into Geography so I was out of luck anyways if he had said Kin was acceptable. Plus, Geography is definitely more applicable to ACSO anyways (meteorology, spatial awareness, cartography courses, etc.) so I'm not complaining!  ;)
I am not sure when the first hearing is, but I have heard that it is in December usually. I think it depends on how many applications they get in. Once they feel there a sufficient number of applications they have the first hearing, and this falls in December. I am not certain on any of this, they may have the first one tomorrow. I would assume that the notification of acceptance/job offers would go out shortly after that hearing, maybe within two weeks. Based on this, I am hoping to know before the new year, but would be pleasantly surprised if I could find out a lot sooner than that.
All remaining the same, you should not hear about acceptances until March or April.
Hey everyone,

Hope everyone is doing well. Just received a call telling me they had to reschedule my CFAT for October 21st as CFRC Toronto is no longer doing CFATs twice a week. I guess this is due to the lack of hiring as of late. Anyway, good to see so many people posting. Looks like we might pass last years ROTP forum soon! Lol
March or April seems so far away! I want to know now! Oh well, I guess it will at least give me something to think about for the next couple months, and build up some intense anticipation. Good luck on the CFAT nairna, I am just waiting on CFRC Vancouver to call me back within the next few days so I can schedule my own. Any idea when your interview is yet?
nairna said:
Looks like we might pass last years ROTP forum soon! Lol

Yeah almost there, only 44 more pages of posts to go. :)

Anyway good luck on your CFAT nairna.
Well right now is the time to get some ground on them, from what I know most of them will still be recovering from the obstacle course as well as the end of FYOP celebrations right about now.
Thanks guys. No word yet on the interview as I'm supposeded to pass my CFAT before we book it the recruiter said but I imagine it will be shortly after. Anticipation is building!
pudd13 said:
Well right now is the time to get some ground on them, from what I know most of them will still be recovering from the obstacle course as well as the end of FYOP celebrations right about now.

Yup, Obstacle course was last friday for us, it was a friggin blast. Definitely something to look forward to. Ensuing celebrations were... Well I'll leave it to you to find out if you get taken.

Good luck to all you guys on your applications and hopefully, see you next year.

(BTW, PM if you have questions about FYOP concerning what to expect)
I've already heard some stories from a buddy of mine who was not even fully part of it, he is an OCdt in the ALOY program. He sounded like he had a pretty good night on Saturday. Hope to see you there next year indeed.