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ROTP: Pilot chances for an 18-year-old making it, and BMOQ tips/expectations


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Hello, hope everyone is doing well!

I applied to be a Pilot, Air Combat Systems Officer (ACSO), and Aerospace Engineering Officer (AERE) this previous fall for the ROTP program at RMC. As of now, I have just completed my CFAST (Aircrew Selections Test) going for my aircrew medical later this month, I was wondering how good or bad my chances are of making it. I scored 99th percentile for the CFAT, and perfect for the CFAST under all occupations, what other factors are considered when selecting people? I was wondering if I dream of becoming a pilot with these scores if I should remove the other occupations from my list to avoid receiving an offer for those?

Onto BMOQ / FYOP / ROTP / RMC, does anyone have advice on how to prepare or what to expect from these adventures if selected? Does cadets prepare you in any way for them or just wipe the slate and start again? I was wondering if anyone had personal experience or knows people who have gone through this and could help with tips or expectations/reality of being an officer in the CAF. What are the standards; short hair, making beds, physical fitness, cleanliness of the room, ironing, facial hair, etc... How should I prepare, or what should I expect from what hopefully will come?

Please be as specific as you can be, speak from personal experience if you have any, and let me know what awaits me if I continue with these plans.

Thank you to everyone who replies, and to everyone who gives me a reality check, it truly does mean a lot for you to take the time to respond, thank you!
Best of luck! My daughter is about to start the process. When did you start your application? Are you hoping to begin at RMC in September?
I started my application on August 15, 2023, which was the first day you could apply for pilots however, this changes from year to year. Due to some complications like being deemed medically unfit for 3 months, it delayed my application too long for me to go for my BMOQ (basic military officer qualification) in July, and for FYOP (first year orientation period for RMC) in August of 2024, as a result, I am taking a gap year and applying again for August of 2025.