Army.ca Myth
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MilEME09 said:As cynical as it is, given the security situation in both possible locations for this "peacekeeping" operation, I wonder how the government will spin it when the first body comes back. Dozens of peacekeepers have been killed in the past few years. It's a fight against Islamic terrorist groups, this isn't peace keeping, its peace making.
Hopefully they don't ban media from the repatriation ceremony.MilEME09 said:As cynical as it is, given the security situation in both possible locations for this "peacekeeping" operation, I wonder how the government will spin it when the first body comes back. Dozens of peacekeepers have been killed in the past few years. It's a fight against Islamic terrorist groups, this isn't peace keeping, its peace making.
Altair said:Hopefully they don't ban media from the repatriation ceremony.
On another note, who thought it would be the peacenik liberals sending the army into combat? I didn't support them for that but it's been a great bonus.
Fair enough. I'm just going off the fact that Canada has been talking to France about how we would fit into one of their deployments in the region, and the french are not doing UN peacekeeping as much as they are peace making.Dimsum said:Who said anything about combat? No one has seen the ROE for this mission, and I'm willing to eat my hat if the ROE becomes the same as OP ATHENA in Afghanistan. Peacekeeping and combat are two totally different things.
None at all.daftandbarmy said:Do you think they got any advice from Romeo Dallaire on that idea?
I disagree. I really hope they do ban media from the repatriation ceremony (or continue to do so). Those ceremonies are for the honoured dead and their families in uniform and out. Not cameras turning it into a social media spectacle or political ammunition for our shitty politicians to fling poo at each other.Altair said:Hopefully they don't ban media from the repatriation ceremony.
Dimsum said:Who said anything about combat?
I agree this isn't a place for politics of ANY kind, overt or implied, and there's ZERO room for harrassing families in mourning.Jarnhamar said:... I really hope they do ban media from the repatriation ceremony (or continue to do so). Those ceremonies are for the honoured dead and their families in uniform and out. Not cameras turning it into a social media spectacle or political ammunition for our shitty politicians to fling poo at each other ...
milnews.ca said:... As for the media's "right" to be there, yer damned if you do (media get to blow it up and hype the story), and yer damned if you don't (the media talk about "censorship", and go all papparazzo on the event).
Personally, as long as it's respectful (that's what ground rules for attendance at events are for), I'm OK with media being there. We complain if the media doesn't cover the military, so when they do, we have to live with the nasty as well as the good ...
milnews.ca said:I agree this isn't a place for politics of ANY kind, overt or implied, and there's ZERO room for harrassing families in mourning.
That said, if the military wants coverage of the good things it does, there's a case to be made for covering what's not good. Also, it's Canada's military, so Canadians has some right (not the journalists) to bear witness to the ultimate sacrifice our troops can make, especially on behalf of Canadians.
Here's where I was on the issue ~10 years ago:
Zackly - and that's why it can be tough to tightrope walk along.Jarnhamar said:It's a really fine line between acknowledging and showing Canada the sacrifice it's soldiers (and their families) are making while remaining respectful and non-political.
+1000Jarnhamar said:I would hate to see ceremonies today become juicy targets for protestors and anyone else who wants media attention knowing that the media with their cameras will be covering the ceremonies in full force.
E.R. Campbell said:What France is doing in Africa has nothing much to do with keeping or making the peace or anything else except French perceptions of French interests. France does exactly what it wants, it asks no permission and it seeks no support ... it protects French interests as it and it alone perceives them.
PuckChaser said:Likely why no one else in NATO has rushed to deploy combat troops to help the French...
Humphrey Bogart said:The French don't need the help. They've got enough forward deployed forces and pre-staged equipment to take on anyone in that region. The help we provided in terms of airlift during SERVAL merely sped up the operation, the outcome would have remained the same.
France has an Airborne BG on 72 hrs NTM at all times. A Reinforcing Bde is on 9 days NTM. The 50 A400Ms the French Air Force has bought which are just starting to come online should reduce their need for strategic airlift.
The French even have some nice graphics illustrating the airlift capabilities of A400
When the French did SERVAL they flew soldiers in to Ivory Coast and TChad where the equipment was already staged, additional equipment was brought in to Abidjan by Mistrals from Toulon. Troops drove a couple of thousand Kim's to Mali from both locations, this is why the French love wheeled vehicles so much.