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I heard that some people have their 64 pattern rucksacks. I also heard that only the jump companies are allowed to have them (for obvious reasons).

I personally own both a 64 pattern, and the 80something pattern (the one with a coat hanger for a frame), and I prefer the 64.

I would assume that I‘ll have to deal with whatever I get issued, but is there something I don‘t know about this? It seems like some of the older guys still have their 64‘s. Thanks alot.
Why are you worried about a rucksack? The only time you "recce" guys carry them is to and from your car before and after an ex.I‘m kidding ,my unit doesn‘t inspect your ruck.Some guys use a 64 pattern some use the 84.It depends on you and how anal your unit is.If it was issude it shouldn‘t be a problem.
I‘ve always had the ‘new‘ coat hanger ruck sack packed for inspection. No one has ever questioned me when I carried the 64 pat (of which I have three of various configurations) on real marches or in the field.
Someone who works away from NDHQ should really look at what the troops want, at least once in a while....
You see, i was discussing this with my Sgt earlier today..

It would be logical and productive to ask the troops FIRST what they wanted/needed in the field..
Logical AND productive?
That‘s as a bit much don‘t you think? :)
I‘ve used a 64pattern rucksack since the first year I was in and its a **** of a lot better then using the 84. The way my old regiment worked things out to maintain some uniformity is that the jumpers and recci troops could carry a jumpruck but the rest were confined to the 84 pack but could mount it on the jump frame. I don‘t know if that helps explain anything but if you can use your jump ruck then go for it. I‘ve got a good buddy in the QY Rangers and they wear pretty much what they want for packs. :sniper:
Some people (read ‘officers in Ottawa‘) actually care what we think...hence ‘clothe the soldier‘.

Unfortunately even the best intentions get screwed up when the bean counters and the purse string holders get involved.
Has anyone used the new 80litre cadpat rucksack yet. I‘ve heard good things except that its complicated to assemble. Does anyone know how well it integrates with the new lbv?? :soldier:
I‘ve tried a prototype of it (it‘s not issued yet) and it was pretty impressive to wear, much better than the 82 pattern ruck. I conveniently was trying out a prototype TV at the same time and it worked out very nicely.
Originally posted by Armymedic:
[qb] Some people (read ‘officers in Ottawa‘) actually care what we think...hence ‘clothe the soldier‘.

Unfortunately even the best intentions get screwed up when the bean counters and the purse string holders get involved. [/qb]
But the old Ruck was light and cheap to produce,I still have mine,I even still have the realy old 54 pattern webbing I was issued with in 76!!
Yup even those big old ammo pouch‘s!!

When needed I use the old back pack.
I removed the original strap‘s and adapted the 64 strap‘s to it with padding.
Another question for you gents. With the new cadpat rucksack has a new pels kit been developed for its use for jumpers?
I‘m very interested in getting one but I don‘t see it on their website, Ghost. Is it in their catalogs only?
If you want a jump ruck you can buy the pack, waist belt, back rest, and straps but not the frame from Canadian Peacekeeper. You can get a rucksack frame from just about any surplus store for about twenty bucks. :akimbo: :fifty:
I don‘t remember the cost, it was in a catolouge that i saw it. Looked pretty nice though and it came with a good waist belt instead of the crappy strap.
I know for courses and stuff you need uniformity for rucksacks. I got around this with a chit for it though as it does cause alot less stress for the lower back.. It took me two minutes to get a medic to write it and I have it laminated now!
Hey if you want to get out of PT you can get the medics to write a chit for that too.

In my company theres a female who a month into her work up training got a chit that said no PT for a year. Now i know what your thinking. That was stupid, she just kissed her tour good-bye.
Originally posted by Mogrok:
[qb] I know for courses and stuff you need uniformity for rucksacks. I got around this with a chit for it though as it does cause alot less stress for the lower back.. It took me two minutes to get a medic to write it and I have it laminated now! [/qb]
Ah yes screwing the system!
Mogrok all‘s you have done is screw your self for the future!

I have no prob‘s with the sick and lame,but the lazy!! :mad:
I have no use for those of your ilk because if you do it in peace time what will you do in War to shurk?
Stop the war, I have a chit that states "No running on pavement with combat boots!!" I really hate people that think they are special and feel the rest of us should should bash on while they ride in the truck. No PT? Please tell me she wasn‘t infantry or was she preggers? On an EX she would be living at an OP or permanent stove watch.