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Russell Williams charged in 2 x murders, confinement, sexual assault.

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chris the merc said:
Strip the rank, fine, but his medals????????? That is going too far, I believe.

Hmmm, going too far? I believe the acts he has plead guilty to deserve capital punishment. Unfortunately, I've only got 1 vote, same as you and the rest of Canadians that are 18+.
In theory a VC winner could be stripped of the medal; in practice, King George V opined:

The King feels so strongly that, no matter the crime committed by anyone on whom the VC has been conferred, the decoration should not be forfeited. Even were a VC to be sentenced to be hanged for murder, he should be allowed to wear his VC on the scaffold.

No VC has been forfeited since 1908 (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Victoria_Cross_forfeitures)

Some pictures of the fine Col.

dogger1936 said:

Just a thought...

Perhaps the mods and mentors and such could save some time in the recruiting threads...

A lot of people come on with the typical "I have (insert issue) going on in my life. Will I still get in the army?"

They could be redirected to this with a message reading "They let that in. I'm sure you'll be juuuuust fine ;D".

Personally, I find it rather encouraging....
86 .... 86 ..... no mercy... death penalty.
Iam going to f*** up purposefully for the
rest of my life because when i see you in
hell sir(with disrespect) ill be the one with
3 stripes cracking the whip.
Bank on it.
Scoty  B
Is this a little to strongly stated mod's?
Sapplicant said:
They could be redirected to this with a message reading "They let that in. I'm sure you'll be juuuuust fine ;D".

Personally, I find it rather encouraging....

Other people may have different opinions but i find your comment incredibly stupid. I have a pretty good idea where YOU should be redirected.
Sapplicant said:
Just a thought...

Perhaps the mods and mentors and such could save some time in the recruiting threads...

A lot of people come on with the typical "I have (insert issue) going on in my life. Will I still get in the army?"

They could be redirected to this with a message reading "They let that in. I'm sure you'll be juuuuust fine ;D".

Personally, I find it rather encouraging....

?????????????? Not quite getting your point here, somehow.

This guy deserves everything he gets and more. On being stripped of his medals, I have absolutely no problem with that. Whether they were earned serving or not, he more than loses out on any right to wear them whatsoever when he killed another service member and disgraced the uniform he served in. Truly the most disgusting thing I could fathom from another military member.
Sorry that last post was directed to Prisoner william's.
My Apoligie's.
Scoty B
CDN Aviator said:
Quote from: Sapplicant on Today at 17:39:13

    They could be redirected to this with a message reading "They let that in. I'm sure you'll be juuuuust fine ;D".

    Personally, I find it rather encouraging....

Other people may have different opinions but i find your comment incredibly stupid. I have a pretty good idea where YOU should be redirected.

Agreed, Sapplicant if that is your idea of humor I find it rather tasteless. IMO Williams is probably the biggest disgrace ever to the uniform.

What really bugs me though is the fact that the media still refers to him as a Col. I'd thought that the powers that be would have expedited his release in this case. That way we can start properly addressing him as Prisoner.
Those pictures honestly make me sick to my stomach. Im glad they posted them in the media....it really freaks me out. Shows how differnt someone can be outta uniform
Andy Johnson, CTV.ca News
19 October 2010 4:48 PM ET

BELLEVILLE, Ont. — When asked why he has gone into such minute detail about the crimes committed by Col. Russell Williams, Crown Attorney Lee Burgess said it's all about giving context to how horrific the crimes were.

"I think people really need to know the circumstances of what happened here," he told CTV.ca after court ended on Tuesday.

"You can say someone committed two murders, you can say someone committed two sexual assaults, but it doesn't give you the full context."

Many reporters covering the hearings have wondered why the Crown chose to reveal such great detail about how Williams committed his crimes.

It took two full days to read through the agreed statement of facts about the two murders, two sexual assaults and dozens of break-and-enters and thefts.

Burgess said people simply need to know how monstrous the crimes were.

He also said while Williams is getting an automatic 25 years with no parole, there will likely come a time when a parole board is deciding his future.

That's when the details of his sex assaults, murders and obsession with little girls' underwear will be important.

"Parole boards look at the danger someone presents. If in 25 years they're looking at the danger (Williams) presents, they're going to look back at the record from today," he said.
Day 3 (Wed. Oct. 20th) coming up.

The Crown is expected to reveal more details about the investigation into Col. Williams's crimes and show video of his confession to police interrogators.
Maybe we could start a letter campaign to tell him what a jerk and a loser his cat was?  Maybe that might get to him?  He certainly could care less about the humans he affected. 
From today's Toronto Sun, the Director of Military Prosecutions on why there will not be a court-martial:


One trial for Williams

Re “Due to collect $60Gs a year” (Oct. 15): Joe Warmington cites retired colonel Michel Drapeau as suggesting Colonel Russell Williams should be tried by court martial. This suggestion is simply wrong in law. Warmington rightly concludes there will be no court martial arising out of the same facts leading to the civilian charges against Williams. This is because section 66 of the National Defence Act specifically prevents an individual from being tried by court martial where the offense or any other substantially similar offense arising out of the same underlying facts have been previously dealt with by a civilian court. This basic principle is fundamental within our civilian and military justice systems.

Bruce MacGregor
Director of Law/Military Justice Policy
Office of the Judge Advocate General

(Once for this evidence is more than enough)

Lieutenant Colonel MacGregor is clearly in need of a refresher on military law.  There are ample areas under the NDA that could be used to court-martial Colonel Williams without risking double jeopardy, providing a needed military denunciation of him and his conduct.

For example, fighting with another member of the Canadian Forces (NDA 86) is an offence which carries a punishment of two years imprisonment or less punishment; striking or ill-treating a subordinate (NDA 95) carries the same punishment; and scandalous conduct by an officer (NDA 92) carries a sentence of dismissal with disgrace or dismissal.  And of course, the catch-all of conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline (NDA 129)  could be employed as well.

A court-martial for Colonel Williams with those charges would not represent double jeopardy as all are uniquely military offences for which he has not been charged under the Criminal Code.  They would provide an opportunity for the Canadian Forces to clearly denounce his behaviour, and reflect the military community’s revulsion at Colonel Williams’ gross failings as a military leader.
Yes, I'm sure that Lt. Col. MacGregor really needs a refresher in military law.

Given that he's the expert (ie the Director of Law/Military Justice Policy) for JAG he must have gotten what he stated wrong.  I doubt it.

The only thing the military needs to do is dismiss him.  And they are working on that.
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