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Saddam sentenced to death by hanging

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jacqueline
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We all knew this was comming,  we all knew he would be found guilty and sentenced to death.  We all knew some ethnic groups would rejoice,  others would be indignent.  (Who benifited and who suffered und err his rule)  This who process is perfunctory. (god,  I just realised how jaded I must sound)
I think they will move swiftly to execute him.

I wonder what would happen if they found him not guilty and then had to release him.  (open civil war with Iran's intervention and then Syria's is my guess)
He is fairly "lucky" that he didn't face charges for about a thousand more things- but that would have taken more time and would have probably coincided with the 2008 Presidential elections.  George Bush couldn't have that, now could he?  ;)

Look- you have got a hard-on against George Bush.  I get that.  That doesn't mean:

a) Saddam is innnocent.
b) He got a raw deal, Shiaa judge or no Shiaa judge.
c) everything in the world is orchestrated by George Bush.  He is not omnipresent.

Careful which people you line up to defend in life, kid.
Good2Golf said:
nova_flush, you have your opinion, the rest of us have ours...tell us, pray tell, how he should have been judged?

142 Shiaa, 10,000's of Khurdish Iraqis, etc...  nope, I'll be shedding no tears for him when he's gone.

I am not mocking anyone, I am simply stating my opinion and respect 100% all of your opinions. This is simply a debate.
c) everything in the world is orchestrated by George Bush.  He is not omnipresent.

It's funny how his detractors all portray him as dumb, yet in the same breath, he manages to manipulate all of these world events, singlehandedly.....

Crazy like a fox, that guy  ::)
Frederik G said:
So you whole point is that because it might not (based on what arguments? you have no proof or even ideas) affect the insurgency, we should not punish the guilty?

Why not just do away with the whole justice system while we're at it? Heck, we don't need governments, either!


That is NOT my point at all. Punish him to death! I don't care. I'm just predicting that this won't affect the insurgency.
Frederik G said:
So you whole point is that because it might not (based on what arguments? you have no proof or even ideas) affect the insurgency (? [note 1]), we should not punish the guilty?

Why not just do away with the whole justice system while we're at it? Heck, we don't need governments, either!


Did you even read my post? If you did read my post you would have seen that I agreed to have him punished. In fact I mentioned that he should be punished but not killed. There are groups that praise Saddam as their lord and king of all that is holy. It's THOSE groups that the coalition have to fight on a day to day basis. Do you really think that they are going to say "aw damn, did you hear the news? Saddam guilty, sentenced to hang. Well, I guess it's time to hand in my dusty ak-47 now that he is gone."?

note 1: Ummmmmm .... what? Please read my post again. That's pretty much the EXACT opposite of what I said.
He may be charged with atrocities committed in 1982, but the crime he is really being punished for is invading Kuwait in 1991 against the best interests of the Americans.  Of course the judges do not see it that way, but the powers installing them certainly do.
Lets not loose sight of pragmatism. :-\
but the crime he is really being punished for is invading Kuwait in 1991 against the best interests of the Americans.

Oh, yes- it is the American's fault that Saddam is such a grade A sadist and tyrant.  Everyone a puppet of the US?  You and me, too?  Is no one answerable for his deeds?

I have seen no where that Saddam is being punished for invading Kuwait.  My understanding is that the charges against him were deliberately kept narrowly focussed and within the scope that an Iraqi based court could manage.

The guy is a grade A asshat- good riddance.

I didn't say he wasn't a grade A Asshat; what I did say is that didn't stop the Americans from using Iraq as an ally against Iran during the 80's.
As far as you and me, we are not puppets, we are co-beneficiaries.  The word imperialism has a meaning other than small 'l' liberal code, after all.
Now, if they had puppets to use, things would be easy...
Well Saddam.... how to say this....​
"You shall hang till your feet stop the kicking... have a lovely day"
Yah, that somes it up pretty well........​
I can only hope that wild hyenas tear at his legs while Saddam does the old "air jig"  >:D

Rather than hang him...why don't we just stuff him down the hole we dragged him out of.....
Love thine enemies
Love thine enemies
Love thine enemies

It's ok folks I'll get this down pat soon.  ;D
What’s funny is how Americans support Saadam during the war against Iran and now no need for their ally so they turn the switch off.

They accuse Saadam of the massacre of Dujeil where 150 Shiites died, ironically after the American occupation of Iraq 650,000 people died.

Edit: Just out of curiosity, where did you get that 650,000 figure?

Iraqi Body Count is currently reporting just over 50,000.
nova_flush said:
What’s funny is how Americans support Saadam during the war against Iran and now no need for their ally so they turn the switch off.

They accuse Saadam of the massacre of Dujeil where 150 Shiites died, ironically after the American occupation of Iraq 650,000 people died.

No, what's funny is backward logic, inaccurate statistics and simplistic arguments. The only switch being turned, hopefully, will be the one that opens the trap door on the gallows so he can enjoy his new necktie.

In hell he will be surely be made a member of the fanatical muderous dictators club, were he'll be rubbing elbows with long time members such as Gangis Kahn, Hitler and Stalin just to name a few. Sorry, no virgins allowed. :crybaby:

The only membership fee required is to torture and kill a few thousand people.

I hope he brings plenty of sunscreen, because were he's going he'll need an "SPF" of a few billion  >:D

Good riddence.
No loss to the world

- The guy was a scum bag -- he is getting his dues.

I guess if he was not found guilty the troll contingent here would figure it was his payoff for helping Bush et al.  ::)
        I can't believe that anyone can feel sorry for Saddam Hussein??!

      He used his countries surpluses to build himself palaces and erect statues and  "I love me" posters of himself while many in his country didn't even have clean water to drink. He couldn't have cared less about his countrymen unless they were corruptly wealthy and supported his regime.

      This man ordered the systematic slaughter of literally hundreds of thousands of his own people in particular Kurds and Shia muslims. There are hundreds of mass graves all over Iraq because of his regime. Maybe we should post some of the pictures of the chemical attacks he did on innocent Kurds in the north. Maybe if you saw what chemical warfare does to children and babies you wouldn't feel any sympathy for this scumbag. He doesn't even deserve a trial, they should have killed him already.
      Saddam is a mass murderer,show him no mercy. I say it is time for old west justice. Hang him high now! It will be a far more humane death than he gave his victims.