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SAR Tech

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No doubt.  SARs do earn their pay check. Its too bad they are hurting in numbers just like the rest of the trades in the forces.
Cutter2001ca said:
Actually they are doing a trial for direct entry SAR techs.. no joke they recruits have to be Paramedic qualified. I believe a few are going through recruit school now and are to be on the next cereal SAR course. It will be interesting to see if this actually works.  I have a couple friends on the course now and I have heard SAR techs are not getting spec pay until they are MCPL's

There are Direct Entry SARTechs on this years Selection Course, which is the "prelim' that selects candidates for SARTech training. Actually, the course standing goes to a merit board, and the combination of placing on selection, and pers file merit, ranks the applicants, and offers for employment go from there. There were initially 6 direct entries. all have gone to Basic military qual school in ST Jean (recruit school), though not all completed it. for the ones who are still in, they are right now Privates, awaiting training. Once selection is over, if found suitable for employment, they will be offered 1 of 2 positions on the next course reserved for civilian applicants. Presumably, if any other direct entry ranks high enough, they would be offered a "regular" slot on the same course. Any "civvie" (really, private) who is not selected will be offered an occupational transfer to another CF trade, or release. I know thre are folks out there who have the stuff to be SARTechs, hopefully this process will find some of them.

So a person is picked up for, and attends selection (pre-lim).  What can a canidate expect from that point on? I speak in reference to both actions and timeline?  Kj aready mentione the merit board.....is this the same group that decided the invite to selection?


OK, here it is. you finish selection,in mid February and go back to your unit. The staff compiles the data from selection, and ranks the candidates, firstly as suitable, or unsuitable. I believe the candidates are informed of whether or not they are considered suitable for employment as a SARTech at the end of selection.Then the suitable candidates are ranked by the staff first to last, using a number score. This info is then sent to the personnel selection office, who reviews each applicants accomplishments, aptitudes and whatever other witch doctor stuff, and a final ranking is established. Occupational Transfer offers are made, and a course loading message is cut. all accepted candidates for the course are OT'd into their new MOC and are posted to Comox in the summer of the year they were selected, and commence training in August. They graduate the following June, unless they are injured or have other mitigating circumstance, in which case they may be retained and continue training with the subsequent course to achieve the end goal of graduation.

I don't know what will happen to the direct entries, I assume they will sit in PAT (personell awaiting training) platoons, like all the other untrained privates awaiting their ql training.

I guess if the prelim happens in Feb then I'm a little late.  I have just recently become interested in the SAR Tech trade and was looking for info when I came accross this forum.  Very informative.  Here's my story.  I'm a Firefighter/EMT working at CFB Wainwright (civ).  I'm also a MCpl Med Tech with 15 Fd Amb out of Edmonton (11yrs with Reserves).  I recently (within last two years) VOT'd from Infantry.  I love the mountains, all things outdoors, and have been looking for a new challenge within my skill set.  I haven't been diving, para, or actual rock-climbing (only indoor stuff).  Would it be necessary for me to go and get my dive course and do some civ para stuff on my own before applying in order to be competitive?

Thanks.  This forum is a great resource.

You don't have to go out and get all the courses, because you will be taught everything you will need to know while on your 5A's .  However remember, you are applying for a job and they are looking for applicants with the most skills suited for the job.  If you have a good resume and are fit to complete the PT test then apply.  The cut off time for applicants is around July so you have some time to boost you resume if you need to or want to.  The number of applicants are down the last few years, so apply.  Here check this links out!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMXshPPZl8s

That Others May Live!
Thanks for the Video link. It was great.  Seemed like a good glimpse into the SAR Tech trade.
FireMed said:
I guess if the prelim happens in Feb then I'm a little late.  I have just recently become interested in the SAR Tech trade and was looking for info when I came accross this forum.  Very informative.  Here's my story.  I'm a Firefighter/EMT working at CFB Wainwright (civ).  I'm also a MCpl Med Tech with 15 Fd Amb out of Edmonton (11yrs with Reserves).  I recently (within last two years) VOT'd from Infantry.  I love the mountains, all things outdoors, and have been looking for a new challenge within my skill set.  I haven't been diving, para, or actual rock-climbing (only indoor stuff).  Would it be necessary for me to go and get my dive course and do some civ para stuff on my own before applying in order to be competitive?

Thanks.  This forum is a great resource.


To add my $.02, seems to me you have perfect timing. You will find that for many, by far the most challenging part of SAR selection is fighting thru the administration. For whatever reason, PSOs et al make getting an application processed difficult, and if a person isn't completely focussed, frustration causes them to throw in the towel. A good thing I guess, because if they can't even fight past a clerk, they won't make much of a SARTech. I have squat to do with selection, but I suspect that considering where the majority of candidates experience the most trouble, I believe your EMT qual will trump a civvy dive course and 100 freefalls. Good luck, if you have any questions/concerns, or anything welse, feel free to PM me.

For those interested, combat camera was there with us during the selection. Stay tuned for the video once its out.
Sorry for not reading all the posts on this thread, but do SAR personnel need people. I'm starting to think that 031 is overflowing with people givin the limitations of available personnel to train young recruits??

As far as I know SAR Tech is a not a trade you can walk into off the street (unless the program I have heard wisperings about has started and even then you need a lot of pre civi criteria completed) You need to have a certain amount of time in another trade before you can apply to be a SAR Tech Choi.
ronnychoi said:
Sorry for not reading all the posts on this thread, but do SAR personnel need people. I'm starting to think that 031 is overflowing with people givin the limitations of available personnel to train young recruits??

Fortunately, for many others who have taken the patience to read the whole topic these questions have fairly well been answered.  Why else would we post the answers, if not for you to read them?

SAR Techs can't be lazy.  If they were and in the water they would drown.  If trying to stop bleeding from an artery, someone would die.  If parachuting, they would miss the target.  Too many things could go deadly wrong if a SAR Tech was lazy, and people would die.  Surely one could show some more initiative, if that were to be the Trade they would like to try out for.   
Lay it all on the line........

Seen them in action on the hurc... many times.. I do some spotting with 413, Highly trainned and fearless they are.....

Do anything to save someone.

So besides me... is anyone else throwing their name in for SAR Tech???  Internally or civi applicant???

I'm meeting with the BPSO this week to discuss it.  I would really like to try this year but I'm not sure my PT is up to the level it should be.
I'll see what the BPSO has to say.

I'm deeply interested in becoming a SAR Tech. In the next year I'll be getting my civi jump, mil jump crs, mt ops crs, a civi paramedic crs,civi air ambulance crs, and in the fall hopefully Combat diver. Are these the right type of courses to be going after to help with selection. Also, what standard of swimming are they looking for apon entry.thanks
CER.SPR said:
.......... In the next year I'll be getting my civi jump, mil jump crs, mt ops crs, a civi paramedic crs,civi air ambulance crs, and in the fall hopefully Combat diver.

How long is one of your years?

I can understand if you were paying your way through school on a Civilian paramedic crse and taking skydiving on a weekend, but to be also taking an Air Ambulance crse seems like you are biting off an awful lot; not to mention that you seem to have managed to be Course Loaded on a military Jump Crse and also a Mountain Ops Crse.  Both those courses are rather hard to get loaded onto, and you have managed it.

Something doesn't ring right with all of the above.

I am sure all your questions have already been answered in the preceding posts about SAR Tech recruiting.   Best of luck in a very busy year ahead.