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Scenes from a helmet

This one's easy....

Lip gloss and eye shadow in anything OTHER deep earth tones  ;D
A blow dryer.  Don't laugh, I know someone who packed one for the field.  ::)
Sombrero (Though technically, it wasn't in the ruck, it was strapped to the outside)
Anything of a *personal enhancement* nature.  Likely purchased from your favourite spam artist....
Old Sweat said:
A live chicken.

A live chicken & a fish.....
Ruck stank of Fish for a week
Hung chicken from webbing for the whole day - chicken still alive at end of the road - scrawney chicken - once I broke it's neck, gutted it & plucked it, there was hardley anything left ... what a waste of time :P
Mess kit, for the Officers Mess dinner after endex. Packed it in the container and jumped it in, then humped the thing for about a million miles. This is apparently called 'Character Building Stuff'.
I was going to mention mess kit, but I spent most of my career in unit with adult supervision.

There was an old army story, and many, many people claim it's true about the airborne regiment going on an exercise in Jamaica. A senior NCO in one of the commandos had been out a bit too long the night before departure and asked another NCO to pack his ruck. Lo and behold, when he arrived in the deep green part of the map, he opened his ruck and hauled out mukluks, wind pants, mesh undervest, mitts, etc, etc.
That's what I'd do if I had to pack someone's ruck, unless they had an extremely important reason for not doing it (or for why it wasn't already packed).  >:D
daftandbarmy said:
Mess kit, for the Officers Mess dinner after endex. Packed it in the container and jumped it in, then humped the thing for about a million miles. This is apparently called 'Character Building Stuff'.

<shock>You're the reincarnation of Colonel John Frost? </awe>  ;)
Just wanted to add this to IMPs: Veggie burger, mmmm.......

As for ruck sack? I'd say, pet puppy.
ghyslyn said:
Just wanted to add this to IMPs: Veggie burger, mmmm.......

As for ruck sack? I'd say, pet puppy.

Well, I do have a seahorse in mine, but he's not real.  ;)  My daughter gave him to me before I went to Bosnia, now he's just part of the furniture kit.
Along the lines of the mess kit/full DEU in ruck, I remember a guy from a certain Montreal unit bringing a scarlet Guards tunic on a winter ex in response to being told to pack warm...