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Scrapping the Subs - Media Pressure has Begun

This is a cold war killing tool, not a peacekeeping tool. We don't need them, because we are peacekeepers

Thanks for that informed statement you uninformed a$$h@le. now go f#ck off and keep your bullsh*t comments to yourself!

And Mr Staples you CAN quote me on that!

Slim said:
Thanks for that informed statement you uninformed a$$h@le. now go f#ck off and keep your bullsh*t comments to yourself!

And Mr Staples you CAN quote me on that!


I couldn't have said it better myself! I wonder why this guy's outlook on the world is so rosy when it is obvious the guy's head is crammed so far it his a$$ it must smell a little off. ;D

As for that tripe that we don't need warfighting tools because we're peacekeepers . . . Fine, the CF can pull out of Afghanistan and be replaced by a Canadian contingant of Mr. Staples and a few hundred of his pot smoking hippie peacenik friends, who can traipse about unarmed and show the Muslim fanatics so much love they'll drop their medieval dogma and embrace the decadent ways of the West!

Either that or the CBC will be reporting massive Canadian "Operation Treadeau Love" losses while the CF sits at home laughing our collective ass off by the television.

Drinking rye again, mo-lita?  :)  Pretty old post to revive...  ;)

I'm studying so I'm sticking to beer, thank you very much. ;)

And I didn't revive this - it was Slim . . . I was just looking for an excuse to post that picture of George W. ;D
Hey you guys want a larff?  Read Staples' paper "Breaking Rank"  its fun

mo-litia said:
lmao   ;D

Hey Slim, your bitterness is showing! Oh, wait, so is mine!

Everyone's is Bro, just ask around a bit... :salute: :cdn:
Sheerin said:
Hey you guys want a larff?   Read Staples' paper "Breaking Rank"   its fun

Is this staples guy for real..  I think he has spent to much time sitting in a field of green clovers eating lucky charms veiwing the world through his rose colored glasses.

God this man must be ignorant( iwas was going to call him an ASS) but it would have been edited.

I can not beilieve in todays world there are still people that think we can surrive without some form of ARMED FORCES.  (done that way intentionally)

I hope it doesn't hurt him to much when his rainbow comes crashing down around him

I hope it doesn't hurt him to much when his rainbow comes crashing down around him

Or hits him in the head!

Either way his uninformed and damaging opinion is not required.

Infanteer said:
The CF is nothing but a undemocratic sinkhole that supports an aggressive, imperialistic regime.   You guys have too much money as it is.   Vote for me!

That would make a really nice new fig 12 target don't you think.

Accurancy in the forces would be in the 90-100 %

I perused Staple's   opus "breaking ranks", with a view to pointing out his factual and logical errors.   It quickly became apparent to me that that:

a) it would take me a document at least as long as his was in the first place.
b) he has never met anyone who is actually in the in the Armed Forces.   His lack of apparent knowledge about what we do for a living is appalling, even making allowances for his editorial bias.   He gets paid by the Polaris Institute?   My post retirement planning just got easier- apparently, any boob can be an analyst in Canada.   Maybe there is room for me on their payroll?    :)

Unfortunately for you, I think you have to have a pre-frontal lobotomy to be a analyst...

Unfortunately for you, I think you have to have a pre-frontal lobotomy to be a analyst...

Yeah, but how much do they get paid?  It might not be so bad... :)
SeaKingTacco said:
I perused Staple's  opus "breaking ranks", with a view to pointing out his factual and logical errors.  It quickly became apparent to me that that:

a) it would take me a document at least as long as his was in the first place.
b) he has never met anyone who is actually in the in the Armed Forces.  His lack of apparent knowledge about what we do for a living is appalling, even making allowances for his editorial bias.  He gets paid by the Polaris Institute?  My post retirement planning just got easier- apparently, any boob can be an analyst in Canada.  Maybe there is room for me on their payroll?  :)


Oh Tacco, thanks for that.  I'm still LMAO.... :D
Well, the infighting over the Chicoutimi is starting to get nasty and public. Tuesday ADM Maclean rejects the inquiry report as "inadequate" and orders the Captains decisions re-investigated. So much for an independent inquiry. You think maybe Ottawa didn't like the conclusions?

Today, the Union of Retired Sub Skippers fires back with this:

I get the feeling Ottawa is not going the get away with blaming it all on the skipper.
We need subs, just as the surface fleet needs new AOR's.

If it takes longer and costs a bit more to get to the bottom of the HMCS Chicoutimi fire, so be it. In the long run, I'm for anything that will make being on or under the sea safer.

I think the sub's of the Canadian navy are far to important to scrap . They are very usefull in patrolling oceans and also Intel gathering . I hope that this doesn't happen .
karl28 said:
I think the sub's of the Canadian navy are far to important to scrap . They are very usefull in patrolling oceans and also Intel gathering . I hope that this doesn't happen .

Definitely agree.

I would also add that majority of people who live near the ocean regions understand the reason for the Navy and Subs, whereas a lot of land locked individuals don't understand why we need a Naval element in the first place.


Gee, this is a real surprise.