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shooting, crosss and crowns ...finaly

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Just by the way the marksmanship level go as follow
-Marksman(lowest one) crossed rifles with a little one under it
-Firast class Crosed rifles with a little two under
-Expert marksman crossed rifles with a little 3 under it
-Distinguished(the best 1.2 and lower) crossed rifles with a crown on top
I was told by my CO that the numbers below the rifles aren't used anymore.

Any validations on this?
in my old corps we never used the number badges, it was either marksman or distinguished marksman...but my new corps uses them

as far as i know, they are new, and are to be used by every corps, but i might be mistaken
The level number badges are to be worn with the cross rifles badge (however not with the cross rifles and crown).  I believe they used to have different coloured cross rifle badges to signify level, which is why some corps may still be wearing just the cross rifles badge.
Congrats to all of you.
Just be proud of what you have accomplished, some people just arnt good at shooting it just not in there blood. But its not there fault.
The best advice I ever received on Marksmanship principles was that before each shot to recite this:

Make shooting a good HABIT

Instinctive Position
Trigger Control

I found that using this "checklist" prior to each shot improved my accuracy greatly.
Yah, my shooting coach teaches us something liek that, we spent two hours yesterday looking over our video's(we taped a shooting practice) to see what we could do to help raise our scores and beat the GUARDS!! lol...and Walkley too >:D
P.S. The numbers under the badge are used everywhere in Ottawa and so I would think its the same everywhere
my dad is an amazing piper. he has been doing it for almost 35 years. he also  play's at weddings funerals parties, and stuff.  the only problem is i don't know if he can get to Ottawa because we live in toronto :-\
well one of my great uncles was in the Cameron's during the 2nd world war he played in there band.

but hey it was worth a try any way
Hey I got my crossed with crown back when I was in the west Novies  Does anyone have an Idea how long the qual is good for ?.
i havn't seen any official documentation on that, but i assume you need to requalify every year, which is how my corps does it. which isn't a problem for me since i shoot almost every friday night
yes that si true if you want to keep your badge you have to qual. at least once a year but I have already done that so I dont have to worry.
I hate getting excited over shooting and having shaky hands...  :crybaby:

Congrats though!  ;D
Well holy someone likes to brag. I'm just kidding Mcpl. Anyways I'm very proud of you, and I'm glad i could have you as my mcpl this year. i hope you get Sgt. next year. but i hope i get wo. so there *giggle, giggle*
Well since this thread waved off course for a little bit I am happy to say I recently got my cross rifles and crown as well as my basic bag piper as well.