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Should men be allowed to join women-only gyms?

Fry said:

Maddox Comments on Nazi-Feminists


absolute... pure... gold. I've read that before but forgotten how good it is. That should be required reading at every educational institution everywhere, in every course, of every year/grade.

camochick said:
Ape, i was thinking more of a kiddie pool and some baby oil, but wiffle bats and cork screws are cool too hehe.  >:D

No baby oil... bad experience. KY works though, just watch "Old School"... hopefully minus the heart-attack but you never know.
nULL said:
So, it's ok to wear skimpy clothing and get gawked at by guys everywhere else but the gym is hallowed ground? I don't get that. Yeah, I could check out women wearing skimpy clothing in the gym...or I could wait a half hour until class starts and check them out while they are wearing even less...

Yeah but If you're an overweight or obese woman you probably don't go out in skimpy clothes(ok, i know some do and if they have the confidence.....). Women are constantly being bombarded with images of the perfect woman. We can't even go to a store without having some 5'11, 105pd model staring up at us from a magazine. For some women it can be intimidating to have to work out in front of men when they don't  have that (so called) perfect body. I guess for men it's not easy to understand but it happens. Thats why we prefer the womens only gyms.
I for one understand the male need to stare. Being someone who well let's say, has plenty in the chestal area I know why a man would want to watch me run. I don't feel comfortable with it, but I understand.  >:D
Being someone who well let's say, has plenty in the chestal area I know why a man would want to watch me run

That reminds me of Gilmore Girls when a female character (Babette for those that are into GG) was running down the street and halfway to Lukes Diner, she grabs her chest while running.  It was freaking hilarous.
camochick said:
Women are constantly being bombarded with images of the perfect woman. We can't even go to a store without having some 5'11, 105pd model staring up at us from a magazine. For some women it can be intimidating to have to work out in front of men when they don't  have that (so called) perfect body. I guess for men it's not easy to understand but it happens.

Q.) What's the difference?





A.) There is none, apparently, because both society and women have determined that all men have beautiful bodies and are not subject to names like "fat boy."


Yeah it hurts sometimes. You have to get a really good sports bra, sometimes two. There are perks to them though! Ok enough highjacking the thread with stories of the twins. Down with men at women's gyms. hehe >:D
nULL said:
Since when is gawking in a gym specific to an individual's gender? Guys size each other up while working out all the time. (Yes, occassionally that does entail checking out other guys' pipes!)

So, it's ok to wear skimpy clothing and get gawked at by guys everywhere else but the gym is hallowed ground? I don't get that. Yeah, I could check out women wearing skimpy clothing in the gym...or I could wait a half hour until class starts and check them out while they are wearing even less...

I am not sure if your replying to my comments.. I never mentioned anything about wearing skimpy clothing though. I dress to be comfortable, not to impress. I never meant that its ok to be gawked at everywhere else but at the gym. I was just commenting that guys like to look at girls (and girls like to look at guys too) and I would rather not be stared at when I am trying to concentrate on something like working on my body, which I find can be uncomfortable at times. Don't get me wrong, I do understand why guys look at girls. (like camochick...I too have my fair share of chest)  I do check guys out too. But... I admit it, I am self conscious. I don't have that "perfect" body that is constantly being portrayed in the media, so sometimes I feel as if men look down on me for it. So a female only gym where I can go, and not have to wonder about what guys think of me is a good idea to me. Not that I care much what they think, but every once in a while it crosses my mind.

But that's just my personal opinion, and I don't live my life worrying about what others think of me. So, if the mixed gender gym is closer to home, or better, then I will go there. I like guys, and enjoy being in their presence. But, for some activities I feel a little more comfortable doing them with females.
camochick said:
Yeah but If you're an overweight or obese woman you probably don't go out in skimpy clothes(ok, i know some do and if they have the confidence.....). Women are constantly being bombarded with images of the perfect woman. We can't even go to a store without having some 5'11, 105pd model staring up at us from a magazine. For some women it can be intimidating to have to work out in front of men when they don't  have that (so called) perfect body. I guess for men it's not easy to understand but it happens. Thats why we prefer the womens only gyms.
I for one understand the male need to stare. Being someone who well let's say, has plenty in the chestal area I know why a man would want to watch me run. I don't feel comfortable with it, but I understand.  >:D

The only thing I think when I see a girl running with bouncing boobs is "That must hurt." Stationary or in mild motion, they can be attractive, flying around, bouncing this way and that they're just funny/painful to see.

nULL said:
Q.) What's the difference?





A.) There is none, apparently, because both society and women have determined that all men have beautiful bodies and are not subject to names like "fat boy."

Exactly. I don't exactly feel bolstered when I'm in a co-ed gym and some absolutely RIPPED dude is making me look like a twig but I wouldn't say it upset me/makes me feel uncomfortable. Nor do I look at magazine covers with Brad Pitt or whoever on them and get all woozy with grief.

The media advances uncommon body images of both sexes, but I don't seek seclusion from the opposite sex for fear that I may not measure up.
Glorified Ape said:
The only thing I think when I see a girl running with bouncing boobs is "That must hurt." Stationary or in mild motion, they can be attractive, flying around, bouncing this way and that they're just funny/painful to see.

Exactly. I don't exactly feel bolstered when I'm in a co-ed gym and some absolutely RIPPED dude is making me look like a twig but I wouldn't say it upset me/makes me feel uncomfortable. Nor do I look at magazine covers with Brad Pitt or whoever on them and get all woozy with grief.

The media advances uncommon body images of both sexes, but I don't seek seclusion from the opposite sex for fear that I may not measure up.

You know what...it does hurt!! One downside to being a female. And your point about the seclusion from the opposite sex is a very good point.
I think it's a stupid thing.
Girls taking the boyscouts to court to let girls joint he boyscouts. How long was it before a girl actually joined?

I don't think it's a point of discrimination.
Theres clubs for boys and theres clubs for girls

Surprise surprise theres a difference between boys and girls.

Like whats next?  Should I get a lawyer to argue that i should be allowed to use a girls washroom?

Enough is enough

Girls want to work out without guys around. For fuck sakes let them.
Some girls feel uncomfortable working out near guys. So? Some guys feel uncomfortable working out with other guys. Thats why some gyms are the hard core weight lifter gyms and others are where us slugs go.

Guys can be pigs. Asshole guys making ignorant comments loud enough for the girls to hear them. Girl ignores them or whatever.  My wife used to go to a womans only gym. I really appriciated the fact she didnt have to deal with assholes.
I read in the National Post that the membership rules of the club in question do not explicitly exclude men, its just implied because it is called a "womens only" gym. Also, when the complainant asked to see the manager, he was apparently brought into another room where he was verbally assaulted by several women who threatened him and he claims to have been genuinely fearfull of an attack. When he lodged his complaint with the human rights commission, 2 individuals posing as police officers came to his residence and either beat him or attempted to beat him. The next day, he received threatening phone calls of more beatings. The police investigated, they found the complaint either founded or well founded, but have not yet laid charges.

On to the BC human rights commission. Generally, in Canada it is illegal to threaten someone after you have complained about their conduct to the human rights commission. Going from memory of the article in the post, when this guy filed the complaint about the threats and the beating, the human rights commission rejected the second complaint because he didn't attach a copy of the police report to the human rights complaint. Do you think the human rights commission would have done so if he was anything but a white male? Imagine a person of colour having their complaint about physical violence rejected because the paperwork was not in order? Don't think so, at least not in Canada and especially BC.

Apparently what will be treated as evidence though, is this guys alleged membership in an organization which calls for equal treatment of fathers in family law/custody/support/divorce issues. Go figure, by the time the HRC is done with this case the gym will come out as the victim. Great country, eh?

Last, what I have said is based on my recollection of an article I read 2 days ago, so I stand to be corrected. That being said, even if I have everything right, it is based on what was in the print media, and we all know that smart people should treat everything they read in the media with a fair degree of critical analysis and keep an eye open for bias in the writing.   [just like my post here ;)]

Actually, one final note for all consider: Despite the gravity of the situation the parties in this case find themselves in, it is truly spectacular that this very important issue is open to much more honest debate in this thread than the artificial, theoretical, tightly controlled grounds of a tribunal hearing, where truth can often legitimately be suppressed or excluded by operation of procedural law. We can consider ourselves lucky, unless the BCHRC objects to freedom of speech and freedom of expression of political and social belief. [which, they just might!!!].

Cheers all. Have a good work out!! :pushup:
Armymedic said:
A CTV news story out of Vancouver (I am looking for a link and story to put here).

CTV poll on the right:

Basically, this man wants to join a women's only fitness facility, because in his words, it is the best facility in the area he lives in. He was obviously denied membership, but also treated rudely and is now taking his case to the Human Rights tribunal in BC.

My personal feelings:

1. I agree with woman only fitness facilities, like Curves (my wife is a member, going 3 x a week) where they can go and work out. She hated accompanying me to the base gym because men would look at her (can't say I blame them), or that there was too few weights and machine small and light enough to use. This was the 8-9 years ago when we first moved here. Base gym here in Pet has gotten much better in the last few years since PSP took over.

2. As an equality issue...the fitness center does not have a chance. It is pure and simple. They are discriminating against this man for wanting to become a member. Now before you get all up in arms, lets imagine this is role reversed...a woman wanting to join a men only gym....

Oh wait we don't have to pretend, it has happened....

So what if the tribunal decides against him in favour of the Gym?

The reason there are women only gyms is because men usually tend to google at the ladies while they're running, or stretching or working out which raises the harassment level which women do not want to encounter. My girlfriend for one. She's been to the gym a few times and told me some guys were staring at her while she was stretching...women usually don't want this kind of attention when they're in a relationship or at all.

The man, in my opinion, is a moron for even stepping foot into the womens gym and asking for a membership.
ThatsLife said:
The reason there are women only gyms is because men usually tend to google at the ladies while they're running, or stretching or working out which raises the harassment level which women do not want to encounter. My girlfriend for one. She's been to the gym a few times and told me some guys were staring at her while she was stretching...women usually don't want this kind of attention when they're in a relationship or at all.

The man, in my opinion, is a moron for even stepping foot into the womens gym and asking for a membership.

I stand by my early statement. The one with the world going to heck. ::)
Some people have brought up that scouts, hockey, etc, have allowed girls to join, and that a women only gym seems to go agains this trend.  You're right.  It does.  Of course, when we (the gym goers) were kids, there was NO girls hockey, and girls weren't allowed in Scouts.  We had to go to Brownies and Guides which, at the time, was tailored around events like making crafts and baking, not camping and hiking.

With the addition of girls into events that have been traditionally male, hopefully they will grow up into women that are more comfortable around men and won't have an issue about working out with them.  Until that happens, there certainly IS a place for a women only gym.  Personally, I avoid the Pet gym specifically for all those issues already mentioned.  When I work out the last thing I want to deal with is some guy ogling me.  If this were to happen only occasionally, it would be flatering.  But when it happens EVERY TIME, it gets tiresome.  I don't go to the gym to pick up.
Why don't we all admit it....North Americans are 'prudes'.  You would never see this controversy in Europe or South America.
I understand 100% where everyone's comming from and I agree totally. The men argue discrimination because it's women's only.

However, I think that if this was a black only or heterosexual only, there would be more controversy... but when you think about it, Different gender, different race, if it's an "X" only club, where X can be anything, then it's an X only club! Stop whining! If you're not X, then they don't want you there anyway!
Also, when the complainant asked to see the manager, he was apparently brought into another room where he was verbally assaulted by several women who threatened him and he claims to have been genuinely fearfull of an attack. When he lodged his complaint with the human rights commission, 2 individuals posing as police officers came to his residence and either beat him or attempted to beat him. The next day, he received threatening phone calls of more beatings. The police investigated, they found the complaint either founded or well founded, but have not yet laid charges.

This is a specific case though.  question was about men joining a womans gym. In the quote above it's a matter of criminal action and in said case my support goes to the guy.

You don't need to bring race into this.
I think theres a big difference between Female's only gym and whites only gyms.

When you bring race into the issue your blowing it out of perportion.
The conversation gets stupid and you argue semantics. Well what about if we had a gym for tall people only? What about a gym for (insert stupid comment here)

The point of a womans only gym is to give them privacy and make them feel comfortable. It's not saying whites only or no arabs. It's all women. Don't drag this thread into the mud.
Guys, a lot of guys, use gyms as yet another place to pick girls up.

We have seperate messes in the military.  NCMs and NCOs, SNCOs, Officers.  Why do we have seperate messes? were all soldiers after all? Why not one big mess?

Same reason as womans gyms. It's nice to have a little privacy
While I can understand the desire, if not the need, for women's only gyms, I think you're treading a dangerous line when it comes to justifying descimination with personal comfort. i.e. "we don't allow blacks here, it makes the clientel nervous"

I can see the need to seperate the sexes at an early age for the sake of encouraging personal development. But for God's sake, we are adults.
:dontpanic: When are we going to wake up?   Feminazis don't want equality, they want Global Domination!   Men of planet Earth, unite!   Take up the torches and pitchforks now, before it's too late.   If not for you, then for your sons and grandsons... :dontpanic:
To each his/her own.

Kat Stevens said:
:dontpanic: When are we going to wake up?   Feminazis don't want equality, they want Global Domination!   Men of planet Earth, unite!   Take up the torches and pitchforks now, before it's too late.   If not for you, then for your sons and grandsons... :dontpanic:

BWHAWHHAWHAW yeah, I know... that article was quite hilarious though!