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Sick crimes in Illinois

.22 short is too good for them, Wes. .45 caliber would make sure there'd be no tomorrow for them. You always think there's nothing new under the sun, but then you hear about something like this. How do people like this look at themselves in the mirror? Their lawyers will probably file some lame-ass defense and get them life with parole.

cheers, Mark
I was thinking of economics  ;D

A piece of rope, a tree and a chair is cheaper

Not speaking of the lady in the article,

Flip said:
Consent doesn't come from someone living the way this person was.

but having work with people with intellectual disabilities, I disagree. Some of the women and men I work with wanted to have
sexual relations with their boyfriends/girlfriends. I think the degree of the disability have to be evaluate as the knowledge of
"what is a sexual relationship" and protection for pregnancy and STD ...

(what was scarring their parents the most was, after "being taking advantages" was the pregnancy fear. Will I have to take care of another generation?)
I have a 19 year old autistic son.  People wonder why I'm so protective of him and am in no hurry to turn him loose in the world. Then I see something like this... who's the paranoid now?  Fucking turds, time to cull the herd, with extreme prejudice.
Agreed also, as they are only sorry because they got caught.
My personal opinion is when a person(s) can have that much lack of respect and compassion for another living being there is nothing redeeming and salavageable about that person. take them out now before they do any more wrong.
Wesley  Down Under said:
Agreed also, as they are only sorry because they got caught.
Exactly. May God have mercy on their souls.

Ex-Dragoon said:
My personal opinion is when a person(s) can have that much lack of respect and compassion for another living being there is nothing redeeming and salavageable about that person. take them out now before they do any more wrong.
I agree with that as well, 100% These people are a sickness, one that which we must rid our world of.
PMedMoe said:
Not only taking advantage of someone, but taking advantage of someone with diminished mental capabilities.  This is no different than if they had done this to a child.
Un f***ing believable, as Vern said.

I  am mad at anyone who can not defend themselves. I took my earlier post to include the child, senior or in the case of this news item diminished capabilities, that I did not have to state why I was upset.
In my opinion, the ditch is a far too quick, far too kind way to administer justice.
Come inside the 'system', even stuff like this doesn't suprise anymore......

......just to further show what a pathetic setup we have in both the U.S. and here, I can guarantee that more money will be spent on "rehabilitating" [read coddling] these stooges than ever will be spent on the young child involved in this.
They will have p$ychologi$t$, $ocial worker$, etc at their beck and call and the kid will be lucky to see a dingy children's aid ward.
JesseWZ said:
In my opinion, the ditch is a far too quick, far too kind way to administer justice.

Ibet the CIA has some "specialists" that would do the job

Wes, the rope wears out after a wile, and costs more then a bullet.
Infanteer said:
"Ooooohhh, there might be the chance that they're innocent - we need to allow the system to rehabilitate them."  ::)

Again!!??!! They've already put her (Riley) in the spotlight before as a bright shining example of "rehabilitation". Scary thought that they'd take her back into the Social Work employ and allow her access to the vunerable given her past history of parasitism and substance dependancy without complete and long lasting follow-up on her. I find it horrible that they did follow up on her enough to declare her "fully rehabilitated", yet not enough to garner the fact that a client under her care lived under her very roof, let alone that the client was being tortured to death slowly.

Unfortunately, Social Workers themselves see acts of this nature far too often and sometimes I wonder how they can continue in the face  of constant despair dealing with some very horrendous circumstances; I can only imagine what wrath they'd like to wreak upon this monster who preyed from amongst their ranks upon society's most vunerable.
- Speaking of Social Workers:  Two Social Workers are walking through an inner-city alleyway.  They walk past the naked body of a garroted young woman. One social worker turns to the other and says "Whoever did this needs our help."
Anyways, is this thread going anywhere?
from cnn.com/crime, 


Killer taped boy's torture, prosecutor says
NEW: Joseph Edward Duncan III carefully planned family's killing, prosecutor says

Duncan killed four family members, kidnapped two children

Standby counsel says Duncan may offer no argument for why he should live

Duncan pleaded guilty in December, asked to fire his lawyers in May

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BOISE, Idaho (AP) -- The crime was meticulously planned, the killer choreographing every step from his surveillance of the doomed family to the videotaped torture of one of his youngest victims.

Yet something as simple as a locked back door, or fiercer family dogs, might have turned Joseph Edward Duncan III away.

Duncan's federal sentencing hearing opened Wednesday with U.S. Attorney Thomas Moss outlining how the convicted pedophile terrorized the Groene family, all because he wanted to "live out his fantasy" and exact revenge on society for perceived wrongs.

Duncan pleaded guilty last year to 10 federal charges in the kidnapping of two siblings, ages 8 and 9, and the murder of the older child. The jury will determine whether he should serve life in prison or be executed.

Moss told jurors they'd have to watch video footage of the sexual torture of 9-year-old Dylan Groene, filmed shortly before Duncan killed him.

Duncan forced 8-year-old Shasta Groene, the sole survivor, to watch the video. He also made her watch as he killed her brother, jurors were told.

Duncan, who is representing himself, told the jury Wednesday that most of what Moss said was fair and accurate "up to the point of what occurred at the campground."

He said he would testify so he could try to "clarify things."

His standby legal counsel, Judy Clarke, has said Duncan doesn't plan to offer any mitigation, such as evidence of his own traumatic childhood.

Shasta's videotaped statements to police will tell her story in court. It's not known if she will offer a victim impact statement.

Duncan's past is littered with arrests and prison time for crimes ranging from car theft to rape and molestation. He is suspected in the 1996 slayings of two half-sisters from Seattle and is charged with the 1997 killing of a young boy in Riverside County, California.

In 2005, he went to Idaho. Duncan broke into the Groenes' Coeur d'Alene home, bludgeoning 13-year-old Slade Groene, his mother, Brenda Groene, and her fiance, Mark McKenzie, before abducting Shasta and Dylan. Duncan has already pleaded guilty in state court for the three murders; the federal case concerns the crimes against Shasta and Dylan.

Duncan had researched police investigation procedures and took steps to avoid getting caught, Moss told jurors. He bought too-large tennis shoes at a thrift store so no bloody footprints would lead police to him. He wiped down shotgun shells before loading them so there'd be no fingerprints. He loaded the first shot with BB pellets because he thought he'd have to shoot the family dogs and didn't necessarily want to kill them.

He had a video camera, a computer and a GPS device filled with locations he thought would be handy, such as potential campsites, Moss said. He brought with him the framing hammer he used to bludgeon the older victims.

On the night of the murders, Duncan crept across a field to the home, using a low-visibility red-bulb flashlight to guide his way. He peered into a window and saw the children sleeping. One of the family dogs saw him and growled, frightening him enough that he retreated to the fence, Moss said.

"He made a decision: `If that back door is locked, I'm going to abort,"' Moss said Duncan later told police.

When he turned the handle, it opened. Then the terror began.

The dogs scurried away when they saw Duncan's gun, Moss said. Duncan bound the family, took the youngest children outside and beat the others to death.

Then he drove away with Dylan and Shasta, making sure they knew he had killed their relatives as he headed into the Montana wilderness.

The trio camped for several weeks at the end of a remote road. When Duncan left the camp, he tied the children to a tree with a dog chain.

On June 22, 2005, Duncan left Shasta at the camp, taking Dylan to a cabin, where he videotaped himself sexually abusing and torturing the boy.

"Heinous, cruel and depraved are tough words in the English language, but none of these words ... fully express the outrage of what you will see," Moss told jurors.

After they returned to the campsite, the first thing Duncan did was show Shasta the video, Moss said.

Then, at some point during the next four days, Shasta heard a gunshot and turned to see Dylan clutching his stomach where he'd been hit. She watched as Duncan walked over to Dylan, held the gun to his head and pulled the trigger. The gun didn't fire, Moss said, so Duncan reloaded and fired again.

Duncan wrapped the body in a tarp, threw it on the campfire and let it burn until it was reduced to ashes. He then took Shasta back to Coeur d'Alene, stopping for a meal at a Denny's restaurant, where a waitress recognized the girl and called police.

Dylan "deserves the justice that only you can provide," Moss told the jury.