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So there I was.......

.... this caused my eyes to bleed and more than the usual amount of anal leakage so I had to ....
.... of Brothers of The Broken TV Watchers, Paris chapter but I had to ....
... first stowaway on the USS Pueblo...
.... in a potato sack previously used by 17 dogs with intestinal problems and a plethora of ....
.... while the USS Pueblo was docked in Cornwall, ON, unloading contraband Cuban cigars....
.... rolled by Dominicans using their toes and a lot of ....
.... collected from the earplugs from the range of a leper colony and strained through the dirty socks of a bunch of Nijmegen marchers after a 4 day rain storm and leaky sewers along the way but that makes ....
...made me realize the errors of my ways; so I resolved to...
.... kill everybody with a vowel in their name with a finger through the ....
Coccyx - yes folks I did say coccyx, just another one of those words you can't say on Army.ca, just like....
.... oh no, I just realized, I forgot to let those Zulus off the bus, I hope their assegai are not too sharp, they just might ....
.... the Army.ca DS canteen and commence to stealing all the sugar packets to use in ...
... their dastardly trap - intent on catching...
.... the one rat who escaped the normally sharp eyes of our eagle with one wing and a bad attitude so we ....
... shot the eagle for being "weak" and roasted his one winged corpse on a skewer, with a tasty variety of fresh...