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"So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

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Check with your local CFRC.  When the new year (1 Apr +) targets are opened, the CFRC needs to attach you to the new year merit list.  All of us are trying to manage expectations, and need to look at your personal circumstances and see how they compare to the criteria set out by HQ, and the number of vacancies that are available.
Hi everyone,
I know there are people out there hoping that vision requirement change concerning LASIK and/or PRK laser refractive surgeries (LRS), the same way as US Air Force changed its policy in May of this year.
I directly contacted DND and I had an very interesting answer on that matter from Cdr (ret'd) Gary Gray, MD, PhD, FRCPC.
Here is what he told me :

"The Canadian Forces have been investigating laser refractive surgery for
aircrew for several years. We conducted a study of LRS for non-pilot
aircrew, and as a result have approved LRS for non-pilot aircrew. We are
aware of the USAF decision to allow LRS for pilot aircrew, and of the
extensive research that preceded that decision. Col (ret'd) Doug Ivan,
former Chief of Ophthalmology at USAFSAM headed up this research and is
a regular lecturer here.

The CF is looking carefully at the possibility of extending LRS for CF
pilots. A Workshop is scheduled for this September to develop a new
policy. "

I will contact him again after september to have an update of the situation. I just had lasik last week and I had 20/20 the next morning,  ;D and going to improve according to the surgeon...!

Anyway I still have hopes, and I know other people do, so I wanted to share this slice of hope.

Anyway, in your opinion, is it better to have a pilot complying with V2 standards and needing glasses/contact lenses, or a pilot having at least 20/20 stabilized vision after LRS?...I am pretty sure the policy will change, but when is more the question... :salute:

MG said:
Yes, the required score is high right now (as I found that out during my attempt to do a CT last month). That was before they announced the changes to the vision requirement. :-\ 

I wonder if this will close the CEOTP door in the future because they will have more than enough applications coming through DEO and ROTP along with all of the various transfers...

...MG, I think DEO will definitely increase and may affect CEOTP but ROTP is a static number and I doubt it will change. We have a certain quota for RMC and Civ U. If the DEO applicants come en-mass then yes CEOTP should be reduced because right now I don't believe the Career Managers can monitor who will have their Degree completed before the end of their 9,10,11 years. DEO is much easier to manage.

DaveTee said:
I've applied to be a pilot recently. Just asking something that popped up on this thread in a side note. A few posts mentioned applicants with previous flight experience or even pilots licences prior to applying. My question is does someone with very limited flight experience (I did the glider program with cadets, but broke my finger 10 flights away from finishing and got sent home) have a chance against applicants who already hold full fledged certifications and licences?

Dave Tee, flying experience will not necessarily help you through Portage, Moose Jaw and even ACS for that matter. It will however make you more competitive on the selection board. It's all about who gets the offer and who doesn't. The Selection guy at CFRG sites in front of hundreds of files and based on the score we (at the CFRC) give the applicant he/she selects the ones with the highest scores and work down until the quota is reached. Flying experience and knowing what the Pilot occupation does in the CF is +++ points. 8)
Rick Ruter said:
...MG, I think DEO will definitely increase and may affect CEOTP but ROTP is a static number and I doubt it will change. We have a certain quota for RMC and Civ U. If the DEO applicants come en-mass then yes CEOTP should be reduced because right now I don't believe the Career Managers can monitor who will have their Degree completed before the end of their 9,10,11 years. DEO is much easier to manage.
Thank you Rick. I anticipated changes to both the DEO and CEOTP numbers in 2008, but I didn't think they would adjust the  ROTP numbers. I figured, if anything, that because of the recent announcement and the anticipated amount of applications, CEOTP would be closed in 2008 for 032. I was actually surprised to hear that it was open in early 2007. Thanks again.
I am responding to this topic because I see a similarity in my position to Roberttt, I have a private pilot's licence, University Degree, some college flying experience, and I did well on the CFAT and interview (well above average according to the interviewer).  MY question is a little different though, unfortunately, after I did a good interview, I decided to schedule the medical as soon as I could: two days later in the morning.  I told the officer that since this wasn't ideal for me. I would phone before hand if this appointment would not work.  Of course, being my luck, my work would not let me go to the appointment, and I ended up not being able to call the recruiting center to let them know until an hour after the appointment.  I was highly embarrassed, and disappointed.  I called and apparently the officer I talked to put in a comment in my file saying that I had called and explained my predicament.  When I talked to the LSM who was my file manager, she made another appointment for me, but when I asked her if this would damage my file, she stated simply that if it happened again, my file would be closed for six months.  Now my question is, have I irreparably damaged my application to this highly competitive profession to the point I shouldn't even bother?  Or is this just a minor aberration that won't be noted unless it is repeated?  I am truly concerned I have wrecked my chances for this because of my current job... any thoughts on this would be appreciated...and hopefully I have found the right topic for this posting!
Each CFRC handles issues like this somewhat differently.  Keep in touch with the CFRC, and see how things work out. While we would prefer that a no-show call in ahead of time, in my opinion that is not a show stopper.  There are a lot of files in process at any CFRC at any time, and the staff try to keep the good applicants going.  If your file does get closed, ask to speak to the Commanding Officer, and explain your case and the circumstances.  Hopefully he will see things your way, and keep your file open.  Please note that just because he supports your case doesn't mean you will get an offer - it just means that your file would be considered in competition with the other files.  And the fact there was a hiccup or two during the process won't alter the final decision.
Thank you for the great reply!  It does make me feel a lot better about it.  I was sweating pretty hard yesterday.  I do realize that getting the actual offer still depends on my quality as a candidate, but I didn't want this to ruin my whole career.  I have always been focused on flying and hopefully I can make it through the process to get where I need to be.  However, I have put MARS on that application as well (as I wouldn't mind doing it if it would be "impossible" for me to be a pilot).  But I'm worried that since it's a 'distressed trade' as they call it, I would be only offered that profession.  I hope that isn't the case, but we will see!
I applied for pilot long time ago (November 2006). There were some delays because I was on some temporary medication and was finishing my schooling studies. I had gotten an appointment for ASC for September but after not having heard anything for a few months, I decided to call them the week before my appointment.

They had told me the pilot trade was full. My ASC appointment was cancelled and they told me to call back in 6 months. I called back today and they told me my medical and interview had expired and that my only choice was to pick infantry. Kinda sucked cause if I had picked the August date, I would have gotten my chance at the ASC.

So my question is, has anyone else got this? Is the pilot trade really close for a while? (guessing until the next budget?)
It's closed for at least the rest of the fiscal year.  You can either wait it out and try again at a later date, or move on to something else.  Depends how badly you want it.
I applied for pilot as my third choice cause I know that anyway i won't get it this year and there were only 2 trades that I wanted beside pilot.
steven18 said:
I applied for pilot as my third choice cause I know that anyway i won't get it this year and there were only 2 trades that I wanted beside pilot.

And you won't be processed for it.
So, if you have been waiting for an ASC date for a while, are they still going to process you or are you put on the shelf until next year? (I have been waiting for an ASC date since mid-September). I want to transfer within the Reserves, but I didn't want to proceed until I had more info on my CT. I guess I'll contact my File Manager.

Thanks for the post and/or any extra info. I really appreciate it.

This thread was very informative! Thanks for the responses from everyone, they basically answered all my questions. I have a couple more that maybe someone could kindly answer.
Is there anyway to predict how many DEO pilot slots might be open in 2010-11? (That's when I'm going to be graduating then from university)
What would be the most beneficial degree, I was going to get my BBA but didn't enjoy it at all. So I'm leaning towards history/pysch BA degree. Is this a bad decision? It just seems like lots of military aviators have either BBA and BS degrees.

Any other suggestions or tips on that could increase my chances would be great.

Hi, this is my first post here. I'm 23 and I'm interested in becoming a fighter pilot via the DEO route (B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering), but my vision isn't 20/20. I don't wear glasses and don't need to for day-to-day life (including national level motorcycle racing), but during the eye exam for my driver's licence my distance vision was rated 20/30 uncorrected, and from comparing distance vision with others I am certain that my vision is indeed worse than 20/20. As I'm sure you're aware, the vision standards for CF pilots have recently been changed to allow up to 20/60 uncorrected. I would only pursue this career if there is a very real chance of becoming a fighter pilot specifically, so am wondering if my visual acuity would disqualify me or at least hinder my chances of getting a CF-18 slot. I understand that specific aircraft assignments are made only in the later stages of flight training, which would probably mean that one is "home-free" after passing the initial vision tests, but I'm wondering whether the vision issue would make it more difficult to obtain a fighter slot somewhere down the line.
Another question: I understand that there is a minimum period for which one must serve the CF even if they fail to become a pilot; how far into the pilot training and selection process is it possible to "bail out" and leave the process with no obligations toward the CF?
Thank you very much!  :)
Hi Teej.
  Welcome to the site. If you use the Search function you will find a lot of your concerns have been asked and answered before. As a new member belows are some help ful tips.

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

MSN and ICQ "short hand" -  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Tone and Content on Army.ca: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/51970.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

Army.ca Wiki Recruiting FAQ - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Frequently_Asked_Questions
· Canadian Forces Aptitude Test - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103977.html#msg103977
· Fitness requirements at enrolment, see page 12 of this brochure:

Infantry Specific FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

Google search of Army.ca - http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=+site%3Aarmy.ca+%22search+term%22&btnG=Search&meta= (follow the link then replace "search term" with what you are looking for)
Army.ca wiki pages
- http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, start reading.

Milnet.Ca Staff

Teej said:
I would only pursue this career if there is a very real chance of becoming a fighter pilot specifically, so am wondering if my visual acuity would disqualify me or at least hinder my chances of getting a CF-18 slot. I understand that specific aircraft assignments are made only in the later stages of flight training, which would probably mean that one is "home-free" after passing the initial vision tests, but I'm wondering whether the vision issue would make it more difficult to obtain a fighter slot somewhere down the line.
Another question: I understand that there is a minimum period for which one must serve the CF even if they fail to become a pilot; how far into the pilot training and selection process is it possible to "bail out" and leave the process with no obligations toward the CF?

Don't apply. The odds are that you will not become a fighter pilot.

2/3rds of applicants fail air crew selection.
BOTC takes its toll.
PFT fails about 25% of applicants
BFT takes its toll. Those who finish are streamed to jet, helo, and multi (25, 50 and 25 percent roughly)
Phase III streams people to Instructor school or Phase IV Fighter lead in Training.
410 OTU ends its share of fighter dreams.

So the stats are against you.

Still interested?

Well good, focus on the immediate goals. Talk to a recruiter. It is a long, hard road ahead- but if it was easy everyone would be one.
They still need V1 for jets, no?  Or did that change as well?  Might wanna look into that before applying.

Teej said:
national level motorcycle racing

I'm assuming road.  If so, what series did you race in?  What's your plate number?  What are you running?  Stats?

If not, what is it - dirt, drag, trials, supermotard?

Forget the pilot stuff, inquiring minds want to know about the motorcycles - the real deal.



Yes indeed, this inquiring mind wants to know.  :)
CSA 105 said:
I'm assuming road.  If so, what series did you race in?  What's your plate number?  What are you running?  Stats?

If not, what is it - dirt, drag, trials, supermotard?

Forget the pilot stuff, inquiring minds want to know about the motorcycles - the real deal.

I don't really want to relinquish my cushy anonimity on this site, but Parts Canada Superbike Championship, SV650 class.
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