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Soldier Dies, Layton Calls For Pullout, Repeat

Good2Golf said:
Hunh?  ???

Unlike using an Honorific such as Dr. for a physician. Using Dr. for a PhD represents a Doctoral graduate and is not an honorific.
(Honorific is defined as a title, phrase, or grammatical form conveying respect, used especially when addressing a social superior.)

Background - The term "Doctor" means "Teacher of Teachers" or "Learned Professional." In addition to university setting research/professor positions, many Ph.D. graduates go on to careers in government departments, NGOs, or in the private sector.   A doctorate is always awarded for independent research at a professional level in either academic disciplines or professional fields. Research doctorates earned at accredited institutions are not awarded merely for completing coursework, professional preparation, or for passing examinations.
That explanation does nothing to clarify what you meant by your previous post (see below).

Frostnipped Elf said:
PhDs are the real doctors who should put Dr. in front of their name, rather than MD who are medical doctors, DD are doctors in dentistry, DVM are doctors in veterinary medicine etc.

You sound as though you are implying that medical doctors or dentists or vets should not use "Dr." when you say "PhDs are the real doctors who should put Dr. in front of their name, rather than...[MD, DD, DVM]"

What do you mean by "PhDs are the real doctors"?  ???

p.s.  Does this include the European degree, DSc?  You don't mention the "Doctor of Sciences"

Frostnipped Elf said:
Unlike using an Honorific such as Dr. for a physician. Using Dr. for a PhD represents a Doctoral graduate and is not an honorific.
(Honorific is defined as a title, phrase, or grammatical form conveying respect, used especially when addressing a social superior.)

Background - The term "Doctor" means "Teacher of Teachers" or "Learned Professional." In addition to university setting research/professor positions, many Ph.D. graduates go on to careers in government departments, NGOs, or in the private sector.  A doctorate is always awarded for independent research at a professional level in either academic disciplines or professional fields. Research doctorates earned at accredited institutions are not awarded merely for completing coursework, professional preparation, or for passing examinations.

Your etymological lesson is quite correct regarding the word "honorific" - perhaps I should have used the word "title".

That aside - are you saying that MDs, et al should NOT be termed "Doctors"?
tomahawk6 said:
Trying to score political points out of the death of a soldier. Shameful !! :(

Quite frankly, its beyond shameful, but he has his army of 'limp wristed - left - bleeding heart - do gooder - snivel libertarians' behind him. Plenty of 'granola eating - tree huging - leg humping - hand holding - corn holing - pot smoking - glue sniffing - anti gun - non meat eating - unemployed - professional shyte distrubing  career John Lennon glasses wearing  'professional' student - commie loving - anti estabishment anarchist -metro- hetro - homo and bi' supporters out there, which keep 'wank wipes' like him in office, and sadly, you, the Canadian tax payer will be footing the bill of his MP pension for the rest of his pathetic life when he leaves. The words treasonous come to mind all too often.

Sadly we have Bob Brown (The Green's Fed MP - where else but Twoheadsville - yes 'my sister and I are married' -Tasmania), and I am sure if he and Taliban Jack were together, along with sharing ideas, bongs and piss warm beer, they would be sharing each other's back doors. Bob actually wanted each child of the Tsunami to get a stuffed Koala over food and emergency supplies. Both these clown could change a 9 dollar bill in 3's as far as I am concerned ;D , but who am I, just another redneck prairie boy.

Both are a waste of rations, skin, air, and water, and national embarassments and worse.

God help us!

Roy Harding said:
Your etymological lesson is quite correct regarding the word "honorific" - perhaps I should have used the word "title".

That aside - are you saying that MDs, et al should NOT be termed "Doctors"?

I thought it was an interesting tidbit to go with the doctor-non doctor comment earlier in the thread. Like the old saw - what is the difference between God and a MD? God doesn't think he is an MD. 

Whether Dr. is an honorific, title, designation or whatever is open for discussion.  Id est, Dr. Layton regardless of his statements or your agreement with them, has earned his PhD and the right to the designation Dr.

An MD is literally a teacher of medicine whereas a PhD, as stated previously, is a teacher of teachers.  Oddly few hold both degrees and they are Dr. Smith, MD or Dr. Smith, PhD or Dr. Dr. Smith. ;)  An MD practices medicine and his area of expertise can be very narrow.  A PhD must study a wide variety of topics and research to earn their designation.  My brother holds a PhD is Fisheries Biology (or as I like to call him - a fish gynecologist) and is known as Dr. 


If you wish you can call them Doctors for their social status (honorific) and to stroke their ego.  In uniform we call them by rank or Dr. Whereas other forces call them LCol Dr. Smith and then we are right back to which type of Doctor are they.

Back to the original topic:

Politics is a messy battlefield during a minority government - but is it really shameful to state an unpopular declaration.  Dr. Layton has led his party since 2003 and his party won 29 seats in 2006. The balance of power during a minority government relies on the topic of the day.  Unless one side or the other calls for a vote of confidence, the mudslinging will continue.  Although the opposition parties have not done so, neither has the ruling party put the question to a vote.
I just googled 'taliban jack' and got 413,000 hits.

Shock - horror!

EDIT: The Urban Dictionary defines the term Taliban Jack as:

Taliban Jack:

A nickname that refers to the Leader of Canada's NDP, Jack Layton, because of his lack of support of the Canadian Armed Forces and his sympathy and concern for the Taliban

How can this shyte pump live with himself.

The last thing the families want to hear his Taliban Jack spouting off his big mouth. At that moment of complete devestation, the families are looking for meaning in their loved one's death. His little tirade attempts to negate everything that these soldiers stood for and believed in. I can't speak for all families but at least for my own, the honorable thing to do would be to let the troops get on and finish the job instead of pulling out and letting their sacrifices be for nothing.
His little speech is an insult to the families, the troops and to the fallen. He needs to shut up!!! Now is NOT the time.
Frostnipped Elf said:
PhDs are the real doctors who should put Dr. in front of their name, rather than MD who are medical doctors, DD are doctors in dentistry, DVM are doctors in veterinary medicine etc.
I like it in German.  "Doktor" is used for PhD types.  "Artz" is used for physicians.

That is all.

Let's not sweat the Dr thing too much, he earned that by his studies. The one that galls me is he's also entitled as an MP to be called  "the Honourable Jack Layton." That's one I have trouble choking out of my gob. His timing and his stance on this issue are truly disgusting. May he lose seats and the next election and his name fade into obscurity with the rest of his fellow travellers. :rage:
It only took 24,412 out of 50,000 voters in Toronto-Danforth for this little boy to retain his Rt-Hon status.
Stompin' Tom Connors got a doctorate from UNB lets ask for his opinion on matters such as these
Stompin' Toms' Doctorates of Law were Honorary - one from STU and another from U of T. He has the Order of Canada as well.  He, too, as a Canadian would be entitled to an opinion.
Frostnipped Elf said:
It only took 24,412 out of 50,000 voters in Toronto-Danforth for this little boy to retain his Rt-Hon status.

I was not one who voted for him...

Doesn't seem to matter in this riding, though.  The riding is very pro NDP.  When campaign time roles around, you just have to look at all the party signs on the lawns.

Frostnipped Elf said:
It only took 24,412 out of 50,000 voters in Toronto-Danforth for this little boy to retain his Rt-Hon status.

I believe there are only two positions entitled to Rt Honourable......the PM and the GG. I think former PMs get to retain it as well.......Jackie boy is only a (choke)...honourable.
(It's like in the church....Bishops are Right Reverend.....I am a lowly Reverend)
Wesley  Down Under said:
I just googled 'taliban jack' and got 413,000 hits.

Shock - horror!


Wes  - shock, disappointment, when I Googled "Wesley Down Under" - I only got 2,440 hits.

IHS - you are correct I should have said - the Left-leaning Honourable.  The GG is Her/His Excellency the Right Honourable.  The Toronto-Danforth riding is shown to have a 36% visible minority in the 110,000 residents with an avg. income of $48,000